ZigStar - ZigBee Coordinators and Routers

@mercenaruss I had forgotten to port some changes that allow the router to work with up to 20dBm (it was only up to 10dBm with the one I sent you, I have tested on my UZG-01 with the 20dBm and my router positioned with PoE and I am getting +50LQI with 20dBm compared to 10dBm, now have more devices map starting to look like this - 2nd router is off right now):

I created a fork and uploaded the zip with both hex and bin files:

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Got the ZigStar device - UGZ POE 0.3
Running 20230507 firmware (latest)
Using LAN option

Since I was coming from a Sonoff-E dongle I cold not do an in place update so i had to re-pair my devices.

@mercenaruss - So after I re-paired my devices the whole thing was (and it still is) a TOTAL DISASTER!
I only have 94 devices so far - some wall power switches (that act as repeaters), 3 Sonoff-E in repeater mode, and a few others.
As end devices I have only Moes light switches.

The Sonoff-E dongle coordinator (that I used before this) worked 100% fine with these devices. Not the UGZ device:

  • 6000 to 10000 ms timeouts on the zigbee network so devices cant always get their current state.
  • because of the above timeouts I cant make changes to the devices
  • Home Assistant automation do not run as they should - sometimes run OK, other times do nothing yet other times only run half the automation
  • the log is full with errors that end with “nwk_table_full”
  • OTA is NOT happening on this coordinator at all - devices drop off the network way before the OTA download happens.
  • Sonoff repeaters/routers seem not to work vey well as all other routres/end devices want to connect to the coordinator! I tried lowering the power of the UGZ coordinator (in the hope that will reduce the number of devices connecting directly to the coordinator) but that left many devices with very low LQI, including the Sonoff repeaters themselves.
  • if totally remove transmit_power: 20 from the config file devices LQI seems better but still I experience all the issues described above.
  • LQI is pretty much al over the place - form 0 to 196 (not sure why so low for some devices since I have a LOT of routers on the network). I used to have much much better LQI with the Sonoff-E coordinator - nothing on my network was below 70 LQI. Not anymore with UZG :frowning: (for example I have a light switch that is about 4m away from a Sonoff repeater and about 2m away from a power point device that is a repeater, yet the LQI on that device is 0! Eventuaslly (after 15m or so 20m after a reboot) the device will increase the LQI to around 45 or so.

Please keep in mind that these issues are NOT zigbee/wifi 2.4GHz kind of issues. My Sonoff-E coordinator runs perfectly fine with 94 devices and no issues as the ones described above are experienced.

This device is advertised to support about 300 direct connection to the coordinator and I think I have maybe around 60 to 70 directly connected but experiencing all the issues described above. Pretty disappointing, considering that I had a totally stable (but maxed out) zigbee network with the Sonoff-E coordinator.

I will log a call with ZigStar and see where it will go.
Will keep you guys informed.

For now I would say if you have a large network or plan to expand your network wait and see if my issues can or will be resolved before buying UZG device. If the issues cant be resolved you will be better off with 2 networks using cheaper coordinators (like Sonoff).

Common error codes

A list of common error codes and what to do in case of them:

  • MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE: this happens when the wireless spectrum is too occupied. Mostly happens when a microwave is on or when there are WiFi networks on the same channel. See Reduce Wifi interference by changing the Zigbee channel how to fix this.
  • NWK_TABLE_FULL: to have same root cause as the above MAC_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE

Thanks but did you see the below in my message?

I don’t think my wifi network suddenly became occupied just by switching coordinators.

With my old coordinator (Sonoff-E) and more devices (around 130 not 94) it was working just fine (only issue was I could not add more devices but whatever it had it handled without any issues).

What channel are you using?

You might want to try out one of the firmwares from Z-Stack_3.x.0 coordinator 20231111/20231112 feedback ¡ Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware ¡ Discussion #483 ¡ GitHub - 20230507 is known to have issues for some people.

@mundschenk-at Thanks for this thread on github
@MnM i will update addon to use this firmware now, in 1-2 hours will be this firmware used in Addon.
Thanks for very detailed report.

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@fleskefjes - I am using channel 20 - everything is the same as when I was running the Sonoff-E - just different coordinator and ids.

@mundschenk-at - thanks will look and try

@mercenaruss - thanks Radule!! I am happy to work and progress this as long as it will be fixed. Wife is already upset as when she turns on lights they go off after a few seconds.

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Some people in that thread report that 20230922 is very stable and very fast.

@mercenaruss - which firmware are you going to update to? Can I upload (using ZigStarGW-MT-x64.exe) any firmware from that thread? Or you need to make it specifically for UGZ?

@MnM I checked the arhive provided by Koenkk,there is no firmware for CC1352P7, i ask him to generate also for this chip,once is generated i will add it to addon,for auto flashing procedure. Will keep everybody here updated.


@mercenaruss - thanks.

Thank you,i do now another addon only for P7 chip to be flashed,i will use your router firmware. Please dont delete repository because is using it.

:warning: New addon for CC2652P7 used in UZG-01 version v0.2 and up. :warning:

Because of many cases where people flash incorrect firmware to CC2652P7, I decided to have a separate addon especially for CC2652P7.

Currently 2 firmwares are available:

  1. Official Coordinator firmware from Koenkk
  2. Router firmware generated by @kolkoo (Official firmware still not available)

Like in other version of addon, you can flash over Network or USB.
But addon will be tailored to work with UZG-01 version v0.2 and up.

P.S. Hopefully will be able to integrate all devices and firmware’s in one addon, but my knowledge is limited so this why 2nd addon come up.

UZG-01 CC2652P7 Addon

Finished uploading the firmware.

[08:29:03] INFO: cc2652p7-flasher-up script exited with code 0

@mercenaruss - was this the firmware I supposed to use or you are still waiting for Koenkk to compile it?

Still waiting.Will update once received.

Greetings, I just received the older LAN GW, and am trying to set the IEEE of my previous coordinator & flash the firmware to make migrating my network a little easier. However I seem to be unable to flash the firmware over USB. If I connect the device and run cc2538-bsl, it will connect to the device for a short while and start the flashing process, but will fail within a few seconds. With Zigstar MT, I don’t even get that far, failing with a timeout error.

I can flash the firmware over the LAN GW, but for whatever reason, the IEEE doesn’t seem to update in this case.

Any ideas?

Edit: All right, it seems like the IEEE has stuck, so the network works, but only over LAN GW. If I connect the device over USB to Home Assistant, it doesn’t work. Z2M just gives a “SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms” error, even when using the correct by-id -device (in my case /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0).

Still out of ideas how to make this work when connected over USB.

I also have a coordinator with a CC2652PP1FRGZR chip and I am wondering if this is really identical to the CC2652P7? It shows me a flash size of 352 kB, for a CC2652P7 I would expect this to be 704 kB?

I have the device with the same CC2652 version display from the web UI:

As suggested here ERROR: cannot access local variable 'chip' where it is not associated with a value · Issue #8 · mercenaruss/uzg-firmware · GitHub “Don’t look at ZigStar web UI CC2652 version and flash size - these field are just constant text. There is not any chip identifying function in current version of firmware.”

Just opened it and it looks like it is RF-Star RF-BM-2652P41 - CC2652P7.

I was able to flash my device using cc2538-bsl script from this pull request add cc2652p7 chip by deaxx ¡ Pull Request #149 ¡ JelmerT/cc2538-bsl ¡ GitHub.


Hi,devices was designed for LAN work.
You dont need to write IEEE address to migrate: Just stop Z2M,replace port settings and start Z2M all will be restored to new device.

To work over usb you need to remove the shield board and use without LAN part.

There the text is hand writen,system is not yet reading chip identification.
Will make it work in future firmware releases.
Rest assured if you have hardware version v0.2 and up,you have CC2652P7

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