🌐 Zone Notification Extended

Hi Robert,

there are several ways to solve that problem:

  1. toggling the automation itself (not quite elegant)
  2. add a binary entity to the condition
  3. two fields for defining a time window
  4. scheduler (helper) → more flexible

But I would wait until the next release (tomorrow). Blueprints will get a condition selector. So you will be able to set conditions by your self. :wink:

I will have a look into when its released!

Cool, looking forward to your next release!!!

While you are “in there”, would it be a lot of work, to notify multiple devices?


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There seems to be a bug in the blueprint. Sylvia is no where close to IdAW 104, so she could not actually be entering it. Sorry for the terrible picture, can’t take a screen shot of the message screen on my S23.

Or is OwnTracks fooling with me?

Hey, I think I don’t understand the problem.

The blueprint is just based on the state of person entities. If the state changes a notification will be fired. I just use that blueprint for geo locations.

Your history shows Sylvia entered ldAW 104. So a notification will be fired if you configured your automation for that location. But if she never entered that location your integration that sets the state for her is fooling you. :wink:

That is what I am thinking, OwnTracks is fooling with me / us!

“Blueprints will get a condition selector”, is that implemented already?

Right now! Just update the blueprint and you can add your custom conditions in order to block the notification for your purpose.

Cool, now if I could only figure out, how the “group” thingy would work here. I want to notify my wife’s and my device. New to this stuff and just can not figure it out.

Lieben Gruß

Just a tip for those that have GPS troubles. My wife’s GPS was all over the place and nothing I tried, fixed that. So last night I remembered a similar problem on my phone. The fix? Clear the phone cache!! Worked great for my phone and my wife’s. This is not app cache, etc. it is the actual ANDROID cache on the phone. Search for it on google, it is relatively simple. IMPORTANT: The phone has to be attached to a PC!! Charger does not count!!!

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Looks like I figured out the “group” thing. Thank you google!!

By chance I saw these messages, is that a problem?

Don’t think so. Home Assistant log shows no deprecated warning and I checked the documentation. Everything is fine. Seems vscode produce a false positive warning.

I’ve setup an automation using this blueprint–thanks so much for your work! This is my first time using a blueprint, so maybe I’m doing something wrong! I believe I setup everything right, putting in people, zones, a notification group, etc … but the automation isn’t triggering. It shows “never” as last run.

Any ideas how I can debug this? Thanks!

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Strange. For some reason, my automations would not load anymore. So I deleted all entries in the yaml file. Set this up again and it is not working (anymore). Worked before I cleaned out the automations.yaml.

Still looking for the “why”…

“Executed: 12. August 2023 um 20:39:38
Error: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘entity_id’”

Is the error I get when I trigger it manually, not sure if that is normal. Has not been activated bei HA since I configured it. :frowning:

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Looks like the tracker under “PERSONS” was automatically changed by something. Reset that to the actual tracking device and all was good.

I have noticed, that under “PERSONS”, tracker are sometimes added automatically. I keep finding trackers there, that I did not include. So check there, that might also be your problem…

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@RobertoCravallo what was your solution for the “group” thing? I think that has been my problem. When I change my automation to notify a single device, it works great – when I put a group in, no luck at all (it fails).

Here is what I have for the automation:

- alias: Zone Notification Extended
  id: "1691234"
  description: Notifies when people arrive and leave zones
    path: panhans/zone_notification_extended.yaml
        - person.me
        - person.wife
        - person.etc
        - zone.my_first_zone
        - zone.my_second_zone
      notify_group: family_notification_group

And that family_notification_group is defined in my configuration.yaml file as:

  - name: parent_notification_group
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_person_1
      - service: mobile_app_person_2
  - name: family_notification_group
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_person_1
      - service: mobile_app_person_2
      - service: mobile_app_person_3

Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Thanks…

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This is what is working for me… I put this in my configuration.yaml and it was working. Just rechecked, I was not using the group feature, reapplied it now. Not sure if it is actually working, as I only had “device to notify” set. Would be nice, if I could just put multiple devices into that input field.

#                                                                                                    #
#             Group for automation messages                                   #
#                                                                                                   #
  - name: "My notification group"
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_sylvia_note
      - service: mobile_app_roberts_s23  

Now if I could only figure out, how to put an /local/images/mage.png in the arriving and leaving titles. I would like a very small red or green dot there.

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After I reload “Groups, etc” I can find “My notification group”. Did you restart HA, I think that might be needed for this to work.

I can now send notifications to a group in the HA back-end. See attached picture. I have not been able to test the blueprint, will walk the dog later and see what happens. Manual execution of the blueprint does not work!

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Hey, guys! I am in holiday atm. Will have a look into it next week.

Enjoy your holiday!!!

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Thanks! You can test if group is working by simply set the group to notify. Then every device should get a notification.

Does not work for me. :frowning:

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