🌐 Zone Notification Extended

Thank you for replying! I genuinely didnt even notice the duration slider when configuring, that is perfect!

Yes we are both on iOS my father is on Android and I will be configuring his phone into this automation tomorrow but I’m not sure how his notifications will respond yet. You are awesome for doing all this!

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I will have a look into this after holidays. But here is a quick fix so your wife is not so annoyed:

  1. Navigate to config/blueprints/panhans/zone_notification_extended.yaml
  2. delete or comment following lines




  1. Navigate in home assistant to developer tools and reload the automations
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Thank you so much! I will be testing this soon and will report back when I can confirm it works!

so that worked to remove the critical alerts. Some of the alerts seem to come in immediately regardless of the duration slider but I think that may be because of my zones and the inaccuracies of my iPhone GPS.

thanks for the BluePrint. I have an issue with custom action.
I would create a calendar entry but variable zone is always empty.

service: google.create_event
  entity_id: calendar.zone
  summary: |
    {{ person }} betritt {{ zone }}.
  start_date_time: "{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', true)}}"
  end_date_time: "{{ (now().timestamp() +5) | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', true)}}"
enabled: true

It only shows “Name betritt .

Notification over app is fine.

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Oh, I need some time for fixing some issues.

As workaround you can try zone_to or zone_from. It depends on arriving or leaving action.

Thanks for quick answer. That worked for me.

Next issue:
Only detecting home_zone for arriving and leaving :frowning:

  1. Did you check the logs if an error occurs?
  2. Are your zones overlapping each other?
  3. Can you check the state of the persons in history if it switched correctly to the specific zone name?
  4. Did you try to set the state of the person to a zone name manually in dev tools to trigger the automation?

I got these errors in log:

Template variable warning: 'person' is undefined when rendering '{{ person }} betritt {{ zone_to }}.'
Template variable warning: 'zone_to' is undefined when rendering '{{ person }} betritt {{ zone_to }}.'
Template variable warning: 'person' is undefined when rendering '{{ person }} verlässt {{ zone_from }}.'
Template variable warning: 'zone_from' is undefined when rendering '{{ person }} verlässt {{ zone_from }}.'

State of person is only ‘home’ and ‘not_home’. GPS coordinates are correct and my standard automatisation for zone notify works correctly.

Looks like you triggered the automation in the automation overview by clicking on run in the three-dots-menu!? Then no person or zone is given because the context of the trigger is empty.

The trigger must be the person. For testing purpose you have to set the state of the person to a zone name you defined in developer tools:

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OK, all my zones were set to passive. I’ve edited all my zones to “passive: false” and now it works fine.

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Hi, i love that blueprint thanks for that ! I have a problem. is it possible to remove Critical alert mention when i received the notification on my cell?

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Just checkout the latest version:

Notifications are still critical on my iOS devices. even after reloading the blueprint.
something I’m doing wrong?

Did you import the blueprint via the import button in the initial post? It points to the correct blueprint.
If you did a manual update (copy & paste) you also have to reload automations in dev menu.

can you add an option to send normal notifications for iOS Users? My wife and i get only critical notifications which are ignoring the focus states on our iPhones. The critical notifications type always trigger a beep sound and vibration on our iPhones and Apple Watches.

This is not ideal when we are in meetings or one of us is sleeping.

Is there an option to configure the delay for firing the actions/notifactions after zone change detection a bit more granular like 0,5m? I have the problem that 0s is too fast for some zones because she or i drive typically only through the zones. And 1m delay is too long for the main zones. When i get the notification at 1m delay she is already staying next to me in my office room after coming home.

But otherways great Blueprint. I can now delete tons of single notify automations!

As I mentioned 3 posts above I removed critical notifications with version 3.4. Could you check if you are up to date?

I will switch from slider to a duration selector. Then you are able to set the delay more granular.

Thanks! Hope it will help. :smiley:

Hi is this leveraging the Proximity Integration that got renewed in HA 2024.2?

Nope, it’s based on device trackers and zones. :wink: