šŸŒ Zone Notification Extended

Iā€™ve just found out about this blueprint as Iā€™m looking to send notifications when people leave/arrive any declared zone without having to list them all in an automation.
My issue is, I donā€™t want to send notifications to devices but rather call the Telegram service to send notifications there. I read in this page that there is supposed to be a ā€œcustom actionā€ section but I cannot find it after importing the blueprint. The only actions there seem to be are ā€œDevice to notifyā€ and ā€œNotification Groupā€ or did I miss something ?

Thank you,

Than you for all the work you have done in this excellent Blueprint.
I would like to know how to verify the version I have installed in my HA, and Iā€™m case to be necessary, how to update?

How would I use the blueprint to add two buttons to the notificationsā€¦ One to open /todo?entity_id=todo.shopping_list and the other to just close the notification.

Basically I want to set up the local shopping centers as zones, then when my GF or I enter that zone, there will be a ā€œShopping List Reminderā€ notification with a button to open the list and one to ignore the notification.

Did you import version 3.4? At the buttom you find custom conditions and actions.

Just have a look into the description. For updateing simply reimport the blueprtint.

Looking foward to implement custom buttons. :wink:

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Iā€™ve re-imported the blueprint and now I see them. Iā€™m not quite sure how I got the wrong version in the first place (I did import multiple times). Maybe Iā€™m just blind ^^ Thanks for the quick reply!

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The blueprint works great. I know you are likely busy with work/life, but I appreciate your work and hope to see custom buttons added soon. :slight_smile:

The automation works great thank you !
Question: is there a way to have some kind of selector for all zones instead of having to enter them one by one ? I would like to send enter/leave notifications for all registered zones in such a way that if I create a new zone it is automatically taken into account by the automation. Is this possible ?
Thanks a lot,

Feature Request:
Your Blueprint works quite well for my use case with 1 small exception. (Church)
I use it to vibrate my phone when in a quite zone and return the ringer to normal on exit.
I have a couple of additional tasks Iā€™d like to automate re. Church and a trigger_id equating to the zone entered or left would be quite helpful. Iā€™m aware I could capture the zone count for the entering portion & employ a helper to save the entered zone for the departing bit. The trigger_id just seems much cleaner & may well prove quite useful to others.
Iā€™m too much of a noob to be clear about the level of effort this might require, so no problem if it is out of scope.
Thanks for creating & maintaining this.

my automation is not working as when i checked traces it shows me this as nothing is happening.

This is the automation:

alias: Grocery List
description: When arriving at stores, send list
  path: panhans/zone_notification_extended.yaml
      - person.animeking
      - person.precious
      - zone.krogers
      - zone.neighborhood_walmart
      - zone.winco_foods
      - zone.super_walmart_cooper
      - zone.sams_club_mansfield
      - zone.super_target
      - zone.walmart_supercenter_mansfield
      - zone.super_target
      - zone.winco_foods
      - zone.sams_club_mansfield
      - zone.super_walmart_cooper
      - zone.walmart_supercenter_mansfield
      - zone.krogers
      - zone.neighborhood_walmart
    notify_group: media_player.alexa_groceries
    message_arriving: >-
      {{ person }} is at {{ zone }}.if you want or we need anything. Add it to
      the shopping list
    is_leaving_notification_enabled: false
      - 154
      - 9
      - 9
      - condition: and
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.school_days
            state: "on"
          - condition: time
            after: "09:00:00"
            before: "21:00:00"
        alias: School Day
      - condition: and
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.school_days
            state: "off"
          - condition: time
            after: "09:00:00"
            before: "23:00:00"
        alias: No School
      - alias: Shopping list
          - conditions:
              - condition: and
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: person.animeking
                    state: home
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: >-
                      {{ state_attr('todo.alexa_shopping_list', 'item_count') |
                      int > 2 }}
              - service: notify.mobile_app_peaches
                metadata: {}
                    url: /mobile-app/lists
                    clickAction: /mobile-app/lists
                  title: Shopping List
                  message: >-
                    {{ (state_attr('calendar.alexa_shopping_list', 'all_tasks') 
                    |join('<br>')  )| capitalize }}
                alias: Precious notify
              - service: notify.alexa_media
                    method: all
                    type: announce
                  message: at the Grocery store
                    - media_player.echo_show
                    - media_player.animeking_echo_dot
                    - media_player.den_echo_dot
            alias: Precious
          - conditions:
              - condition: and
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: device_tracker.precioussakura
                    state: home
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: >-
                      {{ state_attr('todo.alexa_shopping_list', 'item_count') |
                      int > 2 }}
              - service: notify.mobile_app_brightlord1987
                metadata: {}
                    url: /mobile-app/lists
                    clickAction: /mobile-app/lists
                  title: Shopping List
                  message: >-
                    {{ (state_attr('calendar.alexa_shopping_list', 'all_tasks') 
                    |join('<br>')  )| capitalize }}
                alias: Robert Notify
            alias: Robert
          - conditions:
              - condition: not
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: device_tracker.precioussakura
                    state: home
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: person.animeking
                    state: home
              - service: notify.mobile_app_brightlord1987
                metadata: {}
                    url: /mobile-app/lists
                    clickAction: /mobile-app/lists
                  title: Shopping List
                  message: >-
                    {{ (state_attr('calendar.alexa_shopping_list', 'all_tasks') 
                    |join('<br>')  )| capitalize }}
                alias: Robert Notify
              - service: notify.mobile_app_peaches
                metadata: {}
                    url: /mobile-app/lists
                    clickAction: /mobile-app/lists
                  title: Shopping List
                  message: >-
                    {{ (state_attr('calendar.alexa_shopping_list', 'all_tasks') 
                    |join('<br>')  )| capitalize }}
                alias: Precious notify
            alias: Both
      - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
            - input_boolean.shopping_list
            - input_boolean.precious_shopping_list
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I have this problemā€¦only with this blueprintsā€¦

Is there a way I can toggle this to send a critical alert again? (only for a certain automation not the entire blueprint?)

I have two automations one is just entering/exiting all my zones which is for normal notifications and my goal is to have a separate automation that send a critical alert to my wife when I arrive to pick her up at one singular zone

I tried manually configuring the automation but was not able to figure it out has anybody successfully done this?

Hey guys. Will have a look into your issues and feature requests next week. Thanks for your feedback!

Would it be possible to make the device that entered the zone the target? That would make this absolutely perfect for me.

Track the entire family and all the shops, and only send the shopping list to the person that enters the shop.

Any update to my issue?

@Migs @RickSisco @jeshmont

ADD: Custom button with URL
ADD: critical notification on iOS
ADD: ability to select all zones (just leave zones blank)

Did you check your person entity in logbook if the state changed correctly corresponding to the defined zones? That means is your tracking working properly?

Also try a minimal version first without any conditions. So just define persons and zones and if it works for you add your conditions and actions successively.

Did I understand correctly that the ā€œDurationā€ parameter also affects leaving the zone? If Iā€™m right, it might be convenient to make separate settings for ā€œArrivingā€ and ā€œLeavingā€.
Thanks for creating & maintaining this :slight_smile:

Hello to everyone,
I like the features of the blueprint and tried to set it up:

alias: Zone Notification Extended Barbara & Stef
description: ""
  path: panhans/zone_notification_extended.yaml
      - person.stefan_fxxxxxxxx
      - person.barbara_wxxxxxxx
      - zone.eltern_babels
      - zone.eltern_stef
      - zone.walid
      - zone.arbeit_ut
      - zone.home
      - zone.eltern_babels
      - zone.walid
      - zone.eltern_stef
      - zone.arbeit_ut
      - zone.home
    duration: 2
    notify_device: 9fe660b____________a085efa0dd4ee
      - device_id: 9fe660b____________a085efa0dd4ee
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Jemand betritt eine Zone
      - device_id: 9fe660b____________a085efa0dd4ee
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Jemand verlƤsst eine Zone

I have this Automation running for 2 days, me and my wife left the home zone serveral times, but the result is: Nothing :slight_smile:

Does anyone have a clue?

You donā€™t need a custom action for the notification. Could you check if the automation got teiggered? If yes can you share the trace log? You can simulate a leaving by setting the state of a person in dev tools from home to something else.

I dont know why, but now it works.
Custom commands didnt work, but I think I dont need them.

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