🌐 Zone Notification Extended

My wife made it to the store and this is the error when it tried to run the automation

Could you download and share the trace log of this run? You can paste it here: https://controlc.com/

Thanks for reporting. Will check this soon.

Your welcome! Yep, will add this the next days.

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Hello to everybody,
Im a big fan of this automation and I want to use it but Im still struggeling.
I setup my automation like this:

alias: Zone Notification Extended Barbara & Stef
description: ""
  path: panhans/zone_notification_extended.yaml
      - person.stefan_fXXXXXXXXr
      - person.barbara_wXXXXXXXXr
      - zone.eltern_barbara
      - zone.eltern_stefan
      - zone.lidl_zizis
      - zone.p1_zn
      - zone.walid
    zones_leaving: []
    duration: 2
    notify_device: 9____ID_of_the_telephone______ee
    custom_action_arriving: []
    custom_action_leaving: []
    message_leaving: "{{ person }} verlaesst {{ zone }}."
    title_arriving: "{{ person }} kommt an!"
    message_arriving: "{{ person }} kommt in {{ zone }} an."
    title_leaving: "{{ person }} geht"

and the zones are configured in the configuration.yaml

- name: P1_ZN
  latitude: xx.yyyyyy
  longitude: xx.yyyyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:map-marker
  passive: false
- name: Walid
  latitude: xx.yyyyyy
  longitude: xx.yyyyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:map-marker
  passive: false
- name: Eltern_B.
  latitude: xx.yyyyyy
  longitude: xx.yyyyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:map-marker
  passive: false
- name: Eltern_S.
  latitude: xx.yyyyyy
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:map-marker
  passive: false
- name: Lidl Zizis
  latitude: 48.640753
  longitude: 9.347707
  radius: 50
  icon: mdi:map-marker
  passive: false

None of the location is triggering. Does anybody have a clou?
Thank you.

I used deloper options to simulate and:

I changed the parameter: Duration from “2” to “0” - Can this be the issue.

I will try the next days and give a feedback.

@Robert_Shed Sadly the link you’ve posted is dead.

@Schwabi I will change the selector to duration with the next version. I will also test this in my testing environment.

This is an AMAZING Blueprint!!! Just WOW!

I hope you make a ton more thoughtful and useful ones like this.

Can you give me any advice on how to implement a custom action to go along with it though? I have Alexa devices throughout my house and I like to have the one in my home office announce to me while I’m working when my wife and kid(s) arrive or depart certain zones, including home (such as to know when to meet my wife at the garage to help her unload groceries, make sure my kids arrive and depart school as expected, etc).

So I have the HACS Alexa Media Player installed. And for the action I’m used to calling the service “Notifications: Send a notification via alexa_media_office_echo_dot_4” and then I just type the message I want it to give for each automation. I currently do a different automation for each message type. It would be a lot cleaner and cooler if I could set it up to work dynamically exactly like your Notifications field where you have it do
{{ person }} left {{ zone }}.

Could I set the Alexa speaker announcement to work dynamically this way too? So it will announce the same thing the Notifications do? Then I could have all zones, all persons, all notifications and all Alexa announcements in this one single automation instead of having dozens of separate ones. That would be so sleek!

Any advice on how to go about making it possible to have the same dynamic information used in the notification to be passed on to the Alexa notification announcement service?

That would truly be incredible.

At some point I’d like to be able to do the same with Google Assistant Broadcasts, &/or other local speakers (just got my first Atom Echo, though I’ll need a stronger speaker).

It would be incredible if we could enable Zone notification announcements on some smart speakers (Google, Alexa, Atom Echo, etc) with dynamic info to announce too just like the notifications.

Sorry if my questions are really n00by…just got Home Assistant end of 2023 and am just starting to get used to doing everything. LOVE your blueprint though! Even if I’m not able to do dynamic announcements like you made possible for the notifications, I still love it. Thanks for sharing. It’s really exciting, and brilliant. If the forum would let me follow your future submissions of other Blueprints, I’d do it for sure.

Should work like you said. Simply copy the notification text to the message text box of the alexa service call inside the custom action section.

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Thanks! I’m going to test it out later today.

You win for making my favorite Blueprint so far! (I have roughly a dozen right now)

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here is another one


Your custom condition returns an error. You can simply paste this in template editor in developer tools.

{{ state_attr('todo.alexa_shopping_list', 'item_count') | int > 2 }}

Just define a default like

{{ state_attr('todo.alexa_shopping_list', 'item_count') | int(0) > 2 }}

// But wait. I checked my todo and there is no attribute item_count. The item count is stored in its state. So the correct condition would be this:

{{ states('todo.alexa_shopping_list') | int(0) > 2 }}

thank you may i ask how would i do this here, never done this before?

For testing purpose here:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your template developer tools.

So i got the template working as a helper now.
for my Alexa announcement, I want it to play this message when one of us goes to the store and we can add something to the shopping list. would this be the right way to do that?

service: notify.alexa_media
    method: all
    type: announce
  message: >-
    {{ person }} is at {{ zone }}, if you want or we need anything. Add it to
    the shopping list
    - media_player.echo_show
    - media_player.animeking_echo_dot
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Update: You were right! It works perfectly! I can’t tell you how happy this blueprint makes me! It works exactly like I want! This is an awesome blueprint! You truly did an incredible job. Thank you.

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I have tried setting this up for the first time and i am seeing some weird results.
I am notified if a person leaves or arrives at my home zone but it doesn’t work for any other zone. When I set the state of the person in the developer menu I am notified but not if it is triggered naturally. When looking at the state history i can see that the person has a state in a zone but it never triggers the notification.
I have tried removing spaces from the zone names, tried manually declaring all zones instead of no zones but no luck.
Any ideas?

Be sure your zones aren’t set to passive:

Could you share your configuration in yaml code?
Also post a screenshot of the history or logbook of the person entity when notification should get triggered.
If you’re in a zone and notification doesn’t get triggered, have a look into the automation trace if a condition blocks the action. Maybe you simply download the tract log on your phone and share it here.

I had a look at the YAML and for some reason zones and zones_leaving were not present. I tried many things in this period but i think adding those in might have been key.
EIther way I have it working now, thanks all!

Hey zerek,
I had the same issue and the solution/error was the selection of the wrong device tracker.
I am using my Samsung mobile as the device tracker which is entered under persons. But in my Home Assistant there are two Samsung device trackers, one is GPS based and one is network based. The network based triggers when you enter/leave home.
So be sure that you use the GPS based entity.

Good luck.

Hi Stef,

Thanks for the tip!
I only see one device come up under the persons “Track Device”
Where was the option to choose GPS or network based?