Zooz USB 800 LR ZST39, unresponsive controller, troubleshooting

I’m starting this topic to troubleshoot and log my journey.

Recently my Zooz USB 800 LR ZST39 stick keeps going unresponsive. The only solution is unplugging it and re-inserting it. Rebooting doesn’t even work.

Sample error logs that repeat:

2024-06-24 09:07:15.720 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 0.487 ms - 191
2024-06-24T13:07:18.307Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-24T13:07:19.408Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-24T13:07:21.510Z CNTRLR   The controller is unresponsive
2024-06-24 09:07:21.510 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Controller is unresponsive
2024-06-24T13:07:21.511Z DRIVER   Attempting to recover unresponsive controller by restarting it...
2024-06-24T13:07:21.511Z CNTRLR   Performing soft reset...
2024-06-24T13:07:22.514Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2024-06-24T13:07:23.615Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2024-06-24T13:07:25.718Z CNTRLR   Soft reset failed: Timeout while waiting for an ACK from the controller (ZW020
2024-06-24T13:07:25.719Z DRIVER   Attempting to recover unresponsive controller by reopening the serial port...
2024-06-24T13:07:26.723Z DRIVER   Serial port reopened. Returning to normal operation and hoping for the best...
2024-06-24T13:07:26.723Z CNTRLR   The controller is no longer unresponsive
2024-06-24 09:07:26.723 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Controller is Ready

My setup:
HA VM in Proxmox with USB pass-through.

Troubleshooting steps done:

  • I use the USB stick on an extension cable. I tried removing it, no difference.
  • I moved the VM to another box I have, and moved the USB sticks. Still happens.

Everything worked fine for a while, until 3 things happened:

  1. I switched to Z-Wave JS UI (not convinced this is the problem, just coincidental)
  2. I upgraded the firmware on the Zooz USB stick from 1.20 to 1.30 (actually bricked it the first time, had to manually push the firmware out directly on my PC)
  3. I added two Minoston 800 Series Z-Wave Plug Dimmer Smart Plugs ( MP21ZD ) ( :bangbang: )

That 3rd one is when the problems started, in fact it was immediately after adding them when I started adjusting the dimming rate.

It happened a 2nd time after moving the VM and USB stick while also trying to adjust the brightness on the Minoston plugs.

I brought up the first 2 items because they were suggested as culprits - someone said downgrading back to V1.20 fixed it for them. Someone else blamed USB pass-through suggesting problems don’t happen on bare-metal.

To support my blame of the Minoston devices, I looked at some logs and see this when I turn on/off/adjust dimming of the Minoston devices (they are nodes 011 and 012).


2024-06-24 09:25:22.408 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-06-24 09:25:22.409 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 0 => 0
2024-06-24 09:25:28.643 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 99 => 0
2024-06-24T13:25:30.580Z CNTRLR « [Node 011] Received update for a Supervision session
2024-06-24 09:25:30.581 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 99 => 0
2024-06-24 09:25:30.629 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 0 => 0
2024-06-24 09:25:30.631 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-06-24 09:25:30.632 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 0 => 0
2024-06-24 09:25:38.046 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 0 => 255
2024-06-24 09:25:39.409 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 003] Metadata updated: 50-0-value-66049
2024-06-24 09:25:39.410 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 003] Value updated: 50-0-value-66049 0 => 0
2024-06-24T13:25:39.983Z CNTRLR « [Node 011] Received update for a Supervision session
2024-06-24 09:25:40.289 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 255 => 99
2024-06-24 09:25:40.290 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-06-24 09:25:40.291 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 0 => 99
2024-06-24T13:25:40.443Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:41.124Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:41.607Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:42.190Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24 09:25:42.373 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 0.365 ms - 191
2024-06-24T13:25:45.298Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.533Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.686Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.709Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.863Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.925Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.964Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:45.977Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.109Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.131Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.157Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.197Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.280Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.575Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.681Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:48.399Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:48.448Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:52.251Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:54.714Z CNTRLR   [Node 011] failed to decode the message, retrying with SPAN extension...
2024-06-24T13:25:55.023Z CNTRLR   [Node 011] failed to decode the message after re-transmission with SPAN extens
                                  ion, dropping the message.
2024-06-24 09:26:09.463 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 003] Metadata updated: 50-0-value-66049
2024-06-24 09:26:09.464 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 003] Value updated: 50-0-value-66049 0 => 0
2024-06-24 09:26:12.404 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 0.670 ms - 191


2024-06-24 09:28:52.499 INFO Z-WAVE-SERVER: Stopping logging event forwarder
2024-06-24 09:29:06.728 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 0 => 255
2024-06-24T13:29:08.664Z CNTRLR « [Node 012] Received update for a Supervision session
2024-06-24 09:29:09.094 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 255 => 99
2024-06-24 09:29:09.095 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-06-24 09:29:09.095 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 0 => 99
2024-06-24T13:29:09.228Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:09.737Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:09.921Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:09.943Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:10.366Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:10.472Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:10.615Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:10.763Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24 09:29:12.575 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 0.392 ms - 191
2024-06-24T13:29:15.050Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:15.262Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:15.470Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:15.960Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:16.207Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:17.922Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:18.169Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:18.343Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:18.851Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:29:22.026Z CNTRLR   [Node 012] failed to decode the message, retrying with SPAN extension...
2024-06-24 09:29:22.184 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 99 => 99
2024-06-24 09:29:22.185 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-06-24 09:29:22.186 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 012] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 99 => 99

Fortunately, the controller didn’t crash but I never see these dropped messages with any other devices in my network.

To troubleshoot, I’ll change the USB pass-through mechanism, do some tests, and perhaps also try v1.20 of the Zooz stick.

I did just find firmware updates for the Minoston MP21ZD http://files.nielink.com:3002/index.php?mod=shares&sid=SGZLT1V1UlA4SF9BcWpDU1hRWDBFRE5fZWZOUDRuLXQ4b0xseVpn (from https://minoston.com/pages/minoston-firmware-drive ) so I’ll try those real quick. Looks like I’m on 8.00 and the Z-Wave firmware database thinks it is up-to-date.

Oh when I go to the Minoston firmware page it only shows MP31Z not the MP21ZD. I may need to ask them.

I am having the same issue. I found it was related to the latest updates to the zwave js ui addon.

I tried 3.8.1, 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 and eventually downgraded to 3.8.0 and everything is working again.

I did similar things like you like upgrading the zst39 controller firmware (eventually reloaded 1.20 back on) and even power cycled the house and devices were just not reporting in.

I’ll try again when 3.8.4 is released as I have 100 zwave devices and its a pain when things aren’t working properly.

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I tried the USB extension, I tried without it.

I ordered a USB powered hub by Anker, tried the normal slots and powered slots, it still crashes.

It’s now becoming unresponsive immediately after plugging it back in. I’m essentially bricked. Zooz stick is on 1.30 still, and I’m on this:

zwave-js-ui: 9.14.3
zwave-js: 12.12.0

I think the latest zwave-js updates made it worse.

Do you have the zwave long range setting enabled? For example in the rf region is it “USA (Long Range)”.

I was stable again last night and added a long range device and it just stopped responding again. I have since removed it and removed anything related to long range. Even the rf region setting.

I also downgraded to addon-zwave-js-ui 3.8.0 which is zwave-js-ui 9.14.0 and node-zwave-js 12.11.0. These were the last versions I had when it was working fine.

I have a smart plug as LR, and my default region is set to USA (Long Range).

How do you downgrade the addons? I tried searching this briefly between work calls but no luck.

The way I did it was to do a partial restore from one of my backups from last Wednesday. It was really easy assuming you have backups. I kept it safe just in case so I could test the new versions and roll back.

You don’t have to restore the entire environment. You have the ability to just restore the single addon.

Before you do that maybe try the LR thing and see if that helps. I was planning to give that a shot with the newer versions to see if it helps. LR is nice but if it breaks things I’ll hold off on it.

Many thanks for chiming in. Your advice for restoring the Zwave JS UI to the previous version was the only thing that worked to get my controller working again.

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Glad it worked. I was just looking at the beta notes and looks like the next release will require us to upgrade so I hope they get this sorted out. I’m sure they will eventually.

I solved this by downgrading the firmware on the zst39 to 1.10 using simplicity studio. Backed up the configuration so I’m wouldn’t have to reprogram everything.

I’d forgotten that in the land of embedded hardware, newer is not always better. This is a lesson I evidently need to relearn every decade or so.

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I’m in the same boat.
Thus what’s final conclusion - firmware or zwavejs ui downgrade?

I only have 28 devices: blinds; switches; relays; and remotes. For me the real weirdness started with the new zooz controller that I immediately updated to newest firmware.

It’s possible that it’s some combination of both, I wouldn’t really know since I’m very new to HA. I have control over the firmware on the ZST39, and none over development of zwaveJS. So I chose the route that restored functionality.

There’s no test lab at home, all charges go directly to prod. When things go down, my wife jokes about whether my change requests have been approved.

Exactly, same situation is on my side. I’ve just migrated from Fibaro HC2 to HA. And now I don’t know whether it was a good move…
I’m afraid of situation when Zooz says it’s not their fault and zwavejs ui devs says the same. I really don’t want to re-include over 60 devices again…

I downgraded my zooz stick to 1.1 - let’s see how it goes…
BTW, is there any way to install wanted version/revison of add-on (zwave js ui) in HA? If you don’t have backup with wanted version.

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For what its worth… my Zooz ZST39 has been on firmware 1.20 for a long time with no issues.

The issues started with the latest zwave-js updates.

Judging by this github issue I don’t think they are a fan of the 1.30 firmware.

My controller had been in a perpetual not-responding loop on

zwave-js-ui: 9.14.3
zwave-js: 12.12.0

even when I pulled out the stick and re-inserted it, it would immediately get spammed with events in the logs.

I finally plugged it into my PC and used Simplicity Studio to downgrade my ZST39 from 1.30 to 1.20, put it back in my HA box without downgrading zwave-js/ui and everything is stable now.

going on day 2 just fine

I did also remove the Minoston devices. I’ll wait another day or two and then plug them in. I’m still suspicious of them.

You are 1 version behind. :slight_smile:

zwave-js-ui: 9.14.4
zwave-js: 12.12.1

Were just released as well. Doing some testing on it now with my setup.

I’m not clear what the update is for. I see the one big fix for the UI, but i can’t tell what’s in the zwave-js changelog.

Edit: Nevermind, found it by searching google separately: node-zwave-js/CHANGELOG.md at 774ff77f5aaa829f723369ead8c78ad117446d6f · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub

Supposedly may fix my issue, but I’m staying with 1.20 until I do more tests on these Minoston devices.

for what it is worth, ZOOZ support tech recommended that I downgrade from 1.2 to 1.1 just last week.

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Just an update…

I have disabled the long range setting in the zwave-js ui.
Upgraded to the latest versions of the addon-zwave-js (3.8.4) which has the latest zwave-js-ui and node-zwave-js versions.

Everything has been smooth since I updated this morning. No drop offs and everything just works.

The true test is to see if it survives the night. But looking much better than before.

BTW I also have the 1.20 firmware on the stick. Sticking with this as I’ve had it since last year.

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