Zooz ZST39 LR 800 Firmware 7.21.3 Fail

Just to update. I have had the issue hit a couple of times since adding the usb extension cable, but it is at least days between hitting instead of a few hours.

I have some 60 Zwave and some 15 Zigbee devices. My firmware of ZST39 is 7.19.
My Zwave network is more stable than my Zigbee network and my thought is rather to replace my Zigbee with more Zwave.


Fellow victim here as well and I wish I saw this post prior to doing an update. After downgrading to the previous version all is well and was frustrating to say the least… woke up this morning and nothing was working.

Curious what version? As I mentioned a few posts up - I moved all the way back to 7.18.3. Curious if the 7.19 is the better place to be? So far - all is OK for me. I will get about 20-30 dropped RX on the controller in a given day, but for now I only have about 5 devices moved over. Don’t really want to migrate everything else and then have the network start to deteriorate.

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Has anyone tried plugging their Zooz stick into a powered USB hub? I saw somewhere it solved this problem for them, but haven’t pulled the trigger on buying a powered USB hub yet.

Also I started a similar thread, but I noticed mine related to these specific log lines, anyone see them in their logs too before their controller stops responding?

2024-06-24T13:25:46.157Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.197Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.280Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.575Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:46.681Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:48.399Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:48.448Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:52.251Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload
2024-06-24T13:25:54.714Z CNTRLR   [Node 011] failed to decode the message, retrying with SPAN extension...
2024-06-24T13:25:55.023Z CNTRLR   [Node 011] failed to decode the message after re-transmission with SPAN extens
                                  ion, dropping the message.

Are you saying that a powered USB hub fixes the issue on the 7.21.3 firmware? If so I can upgrade my device and test it out since I have a USB 2.0 powered hub.

I just ordered one, it’ll be here later today. I’ll test this theory out - I’m not personally sure I just saw it mentioned in my research. I ordered an Anker, didn’t want to try anything off-brand or less reliable.

Not exactly the same thing, but I’m using a 35 ft USB extension cable that’s powered at the end. I haven’t really noticed any difference since I put the extension in service.
If anything, upgrades to Z-Wave JS have only made things worse for me lately.

I haven’t upgraded the firmware on my ZST39 yet. I just got another ZST39 delivered today for backup in the event of bricking. At this point I’m just chicken. I have like 60 Z-Wave nodes. No matter if nvm restore works or even restoring my SmartStart file, I’m not in a position to spend a couple of days getting everything back to normal.

In terms of you ordering an extra ZST39, doesn’t Z-Wave support a secondary controller? I haven’t tried it but I thought it may do a primary/secondary backup option?

No luck, mine still crashed on the Anker USB hub.

I turned off log to file so I could watch in the UI but didn’t have debugging log enabled, so not much helpful:

2024-06-25 11:54:58.074 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Ready: Zooz - ZEN72 800LR (Dimmer Switch)
2024-06-25 11:54:58.133 INFO Z-WAVE: Next update scheduled for: Wed Jun 26 2024 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
2024-06-25 11:55:19.677 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 3.003 ms - 191
2024-06-25T15:55:28.094Z CNTRLR   The controller is unresponsive
2024-06-25 11:55:28.095 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Controller is unresponsive
2024-06-25T15:55:28.095Z DRIVER   Controller missed Send Data callback. Attempting to recover...
2024-06-25T15:55:28.377Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload:
2024-06-25T15:55:28.419Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload:
2024-06-25T15:55:31.287Z DRIVER   Dropping message with invalid payload:
  1. So I have an update about the 7.21.3 firmware. I put Z-Wave JS UI in bootloader mode and flashed the ZST39 with the 7.21.3 firmware that way.
  2. I’ve been running 12 hrs and haven’t had any issues. Since then I’ve also upgraded Z-Wave JS UI to the zwave-js-ui: 9.14.4. I did notice that the devs made some updates to address the controller locking issue.
  3. Not sure if the issue was resolved by me upgrading to a newer version of Z-Wave JS UI or by me using bootloader mode.
  4. I wanted to post this information so others could verify.

Yes they have enabled the hardware watchdog in the controller. Which means if the controller locks up, it’ll automatically restart itself. Since this is new, there’s may be some edge cases that’ll need to get worked out. However, on the surface it seems like a step in the right direction.

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I have my USB dongle centrally located in my attic on the end of a 50ft run of cat5e cable with cat5 to USB adapters on each end and it works great.

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Until it locked up within 24 hours. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Back to square one.

Sorry about the late update.

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I just noticed that zooz released the 1.40 SDK 7.22 firmware. Like mentioned above, it doesn’t seem to fix the problem though. I didn’t see 1.40 last week when I was looking to upgrade my ZST39’s firmware.


I upgraded to the 1.40 SDK 7.22 firmware for the ZST39 and after a few days I am having much better results than the other 3 firmwares. It seems to work okay and no dead nodes yet.

Edit: Still having problems with nodes occasionally going dead. Found an automation around here that pings them back to life. I don’t know when they will have a solid fix for this. I’ve let go of expecting anything.

At this point is it worth upgrading? I’m on 1.20 SDK 7.19.3 and don’t seem to be having issues.

That is my view as well. My HA ZWave works well and, having seen so many comments on upgrade issues, for the time being I don’t upgrade the firmware.

If your network is working fine, do not upgrade the firmware. You only upgrade firmware if you are having an issue and the firmware update fixes it. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”