ZWave HS-WD200+ LED control questions/confusion

I’m trying to get working a HomeSeer WD200+ dimmer switch. I’ve got HA talking to the Aeotec Gen5 and that to the dimmer. HA shows the dimmer switch as a dimmer. I can control it and automate it as a dimmer. But nothing else.

I’ve read the handful of threads about this device and I’ve tried any steps I can glean from them. I’ve downloaded the latest openzwave configs from github and pointed the zwave component at them. Then I excluded and re-included the switch. Indeed the zwcfg_0xxxxxxxxx.xml (is that the home network id in the filename?) shows updated config “stuff” in there that seems, for the most part at least, to match the github configs. And it no longer showed up as an unknown device. There does seem to be loads of extra command classes that aren’t in the github config.

But yet, I see nothing at all that indicates HA can do anything with the LED status lights, or scene events. What am I missing?

And… NEVERMIND! I finally found the “config” options in the z-wave config panel.

New question: could someone explain how I can create some automations with that, and is there a simpler scenario (perhaps without “automation”) where I can tie an LED setting message with the state of another sensor in the system?

An example automation that sets an LED color would be sufficient I think.

I have it working with LEDs.
Here is the example automation that turns my LEDs (one switch for now) RED when security is armed, YELLOW when pending (exit time) and WHITE when disarmed.

 - id: '123456789'
  alias: Security State ON
  - entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
    platform: state
    to: armed_home
  - entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
    platform: state
    to: armed_away
  condition: []
  - data:
      node_id: 13
      parameter: 14
      value: Red
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
- id: '123456789'
  alias: Security State OFF
  - entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
    platform: state
    to: disarmed
  condition: []
  - data:
      node_id: 13
      parameter: 14
      value: White
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
- id: '123456789'
  alias: Security State PENDING
  - entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
    platform: state
    to: pending
  condition: []
  - data:
      node_id: 13
      parameter: 14
      value: Yellow
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter


Here’s what I got, I’m also setting the blink and the blink rate for some states. :slight_smile:

- alias: "movie room indicator (closed)"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_closed
      to: 'on'
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 27
        value: Green
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 31
        value: 0
- alias: "movie room indicator (open)"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_closed
      to: 'off'
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 27
        value: Red
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        paramete": 31
        value: 64
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 30
        value: 4
- alias: "movie room indicator (unavailable)"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_closed
      to: unavailable
    - platform: time
      minutes: '/5'
      seconds: 0
    condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_open
        state: unavailable
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_closed
        state: unavailable
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 27
        value: Magenta
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 31
        value: 64
    - service: zwave.set_config_parameter
        node_id: 5
        parameter: 30
        value: 1
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what else did you have to setup to get the Homeseer w200 dimmer to get leds to light.

Sorry, not sure what you mean by “what else”. Are they not working for you? What have you tried?

led lights on my Homeseer wd200+ don’t seam to work. I undated the zwave section CommandClass id: 91 for the zwave node ( Z-Wave Device Specific Settings - Home Assistant ( still nothing. This is my automation and the led does nothing. I am running Supervisor on a Docker container on Dubian and have the latest updates in stalled for Core which is at 2021.7.4. What process did you do to get the leds to light. Thanks for any help

- alias: Security Alarm State ON
  id: SecurityAlarmStateON
  initial_state: true
    - platform: state  
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home
      to: 'armed_home'
    - platform: state    
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.home
      to: 'armed_away'
#  condition:
    - data:
        node_id: 63
        parameter: 26
        value: Red
      service: zwave.set_config_parameter

I don’t know, that looks like it should work, supposing your dimmer switch is zwave device 63.

Try this to verify that it supports (and your zwave sees) the options.

Go to integrations and find your zwave integration. Select the device from the list of devices for that integration (mine says “Scene capable wall dimmer” or some such). Then click on “Configure Device”. From there you should see all the options to change leds and blinks and such along with the parameter numbers for them.

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Thanks, I also figured it out last night:

action: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
metadata: {}
  parameter: "21"
  value: 2
    - light.balcony_north_all