ZwaveJS UI - can it run along ZwaveJS

A new addon v1.0.0 is in the addon store. It says:
The Z-Wave JS UI add-on provides an additional control panel, allowing you to configure every aspect of your Z-Wave network. It provides a decouled gateway which can communicate using Z-Wave JS WebSockets (used by the Home Assistant Z-Wave JS integration) and MQTT (even simultaneously).

Does this mean I can run this to have an UI - User Interface next to my ZwaveJS addon (0.1.72)?

If so how?

I tried to run it along but I am not able to get it startup since it cannot connect to the serial port.


Its one or the other, not both
ZwavejsUI was previously zwavejsmqtt. It includes zwavejs.

Ah, thats a pity. I hoped it was just a UI…

Ironically, zwavejsmqtt was renamed to prevent confusion. Seems that it failed at the task.

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I have a related question. If I already have ZwaveJS configured and lots of UI and automations set up around my current devices, is there an easy way to switch to ZwaveJS UI?


There is a way to switch:

The doc mentioned this:

Anybody tried it yet? I am also just looking for the extra UI.

That is referring to using Z-Wave JS UI without MQTT. It still replaces the Z-Wave JS official add-on. Follow the instructions posted above you for switching.