0.107: Multiple Lovelace Dashboards, adds helpers, new media player card

I have exactly this. I have not messed with entry.sh
That said I first installed a long time ago

People who use home assistant on yachts and RV’s.


I fixed this and was able to start Homeassistant by removing the reference to the entrypoint in portainer.

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Can anyone explain this to me please (and what I have to do to fix it)

I have a ‘guage card’ (not custom) at the top of a stack to display temperature.

When I go to the page I’m getting this error…

But, if I then click edit ui, it’s there in the editor…

… And then I close the editor it stays…

But if I come off that page and go back (or refresh) it disappears again and goes back to the error.

Any help appreciated!

@anon43302295 Take a look at this post - it solved similar issues for me. (Has issues with a few core cards, also not custom).

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Will do, thanks :+1:

Taking a closer look at your code, I think the difference is that I’m using the special case where I use the head: group.upstairs_lights to populate the entities, rather than specifying them directly as you have. Here’s the blurb from the repo:

  • Setting head: to a group will populate the entities list with the entities of that group.
type: custom:fold-entity-row
head: group.all_lights

I was relaunching with Portainer as well. Ended up manually relaunching the container from the command line and it worked.

Portainer has the (imho bad) habit of reading out a container/image and use those values as default for the rest of the lifetime… which is a bit weird, since in this case, the image changes something and the config becomes incompatible/invalid.

This is not Docker behavior, but behavior created by Portainer itself :man_shrugging:


it is an error in documentaton, also id does not work for me. My credentials are good and IP as well.

Logs says: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused and many other lines of thext

Have the same issue.

Rough ride as home assistant core refused to come up with my lovelace working under 106.6. Commenting it out got me a blank web ui and slowly bringing it back in.

Something with the resources being moved is not quite right yet.

Some great changes here, my Thanks goes to all the team there and volunteers alike! Keep up the great work as reward, I continue to promote the Home Assistant brand here in the UK!!

I also have the same issue with zones. in 106.x, it was not necessary to have zones in the configuration. Now when i add ‘zone:’ in configuration, the config check fails with same error. Are we supposed to add the zones manually in configuration now?

Lots of cool additions here.
I’ve split my ui into dashboards. One for all users, one for more of an admin view etc…
I also added one for a potential googleHomeHub view, but I can’t seem to call it with:

  - entity_id: media_player.living_room_display
  - view_path: lovelace-screen/scenes

I’m making up the format there as I’m using the developer tools services stuff.
I get an error on the Home Hub:

Error: Unable to find a view with path lovelace-screen/scenes

Are the new dashboards supported by the cast.show_lovelace_view?
If I just do default_view for the view_path, I get all entities, like a fresh new dashboard.

If you have default_config, you should have zone.

Is anyone else having issues with 0.107 not offering to save login credentials, login credentials remain and work when upgrading from 0.106.6 but I’ve just done a new install for a friend this morning and don’t get the offer to save login for the UI, so every time you refresh the page it prompts you to login again.

Issue has been identified and a patch release is inbound to address this.

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Will be fixed in 0.107.1

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Great! Thanks @dshokouhi

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If your zones are defined in the UI only, adding an empty zone: won’t work in 0.107, but it should be included in 0.107.1; see Fix zone config by balloob · Pull Request #32963 · home-assistant/core · GitHub .

Adding default_config: does resolve the problem in 0.107.

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