0.115: B-Day release! Media browser, tags, automations & WTH

Thanks nickrout;

Can you explain me how to configure my automations with the new feature?
How can I do to click the button and trigger an action?

Thank you again!

An event is also available as a trigger when using the UI automation editor.

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is this new to HA 115, or didnt we get all sun.sun attributes in the more-info card before?

Improve performance of accessing template state by bdraco · Pull Request #40323 · home-assistant/core · GitHub should make these much faster in 0.116.

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I have read the documentation you post.
I think I am already configuring my automation as an event.
I don’t find anything that I could be doing wrong.
My trigger has the following form:

  - platform: event
    event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click
      event_id: binary_sensor.switch_xxxxxxxxxxxx
      click_type: single

See my post here:


I have the sonos integration, but when I click on the browser I just get " Local library not found."

Is there something that I need to do in order to get the media into HA?

That trigger code works for me. Are you sure the issue isn’t elsewhere in that automation?

I use zigbee2mqtt, so slightly different, but this is how I use the button in an automation.

- alias: Xiaomi Button
  initial_state: True
    platform: mqtt
    topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d000155d403'
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ 'single' == trigger.payload_json.click }}"
    service: light.toggle
    entity_id: light.steps
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Perfect, that did the trick thanks!

HA restart now takes over 6 minutes on 115 looks like z wave network takes ages to start compared to 114 which only took 115 seconds to do a restart.

How is your load average/cpu usage compared to before? It could be a dodgy template.

running on i3 nuc cpu barely goes above 50% on a restart and only running on 1 core on all cores even lower normally idle around 1-2% cpu usage.

I did config check against latest release no errors found.

just need a restart and by 75 seconds only entities not back are z wave ones at 3 minutes so far still waiting for z wave network cpu sat at 2%.

also have issues where states are not saved on restart so core.restore states is not updating so states are not correct.

I have no idea about Z-Wave, and the template thing was an idea because it had caused high CPU usage on 0.115. Hope you find the answer.

Is there an alternate to {{ states.sensor | count }}?

I post the solution to my problem in order to help anyone else.
It seems that recent versions of Home Assistant have changed the following:

Before—> event_id:

And now is—> entity_id:

Thanks everyone for your help.

It appears that the light group platform is no longer registering entity ids in the backend.

See edit #3 at the end.

- platform: group
  name: All Hallway Lights
  - light.lifx_bottom_of_stairs
  - light.lifx_hallway
  - light.lifx_linen_cupboard
  - light.lifx_top_of_stairs

- platform: group
  name: All Lounge Lights
  - light.lifx_lounge_entrance_lamp
  - light.lifx_lounge_front_left
  - light.lifx_lounge_front_right
  - light.lifx_lounge_middle_left
  - light.lifx_lounge_middle_right
  - light.lifx_lounge_rear_left
  - light.lifx_lounge_rear_right

- platform: group
  name: All Rumpus Room Lights
  - light.led_strip_bar
  - light.lifx_bar_1
  - light.lifx_bar_2
  - light.lifx_bar_3
  - light.lifx_bar_lamp
  - light.lifx_cinema_1
  - light.lifx_cinema_2
  - light.lifx_cinema_3
  - light.lifx_cinema_left
  - light.lifx_cinema_right
  - light.led_table

Developer Tools / States:
Screenshot_2020-09-22 Developer Tools - Home Assistant

I noticed this because of the error:

However the strangest part is that the entities are available in the frontend:

EDIT: This is really screwy. After displaying them in the front end they now appear in Developer Tools / States.

Going to restart and see if they disappear again.

EDIT2: Nope. Can’t reproduce it.

I am still getting the error, despite the fact that the entity exists. (I did ctrl+F5, entity light.all_lounge_lights was still visible in the developer tools).

EDIT3: Found the culprit.

Calling the service lifx.effect_stop on a light group (even if it only contains lifx lights). Calling the service on a plain old vanilla group of lifx lights does work. Apologies for the false alarm.

I’m going to ask a really stupid question, but if you don’t ask…

What are you using to produce the Log Details Warning? When looking at HA logs I open the home-assistant.log file, is there a more elegant way to do this on the front end I don’t know about :slight_smile:

Configuration > Logs > Load full homeassistant log

Thx mf_social, however that’s a different visual from this one.