0.115: B-Day release! Media browser, tags, automations & WTH

No browsers can play .mkv natively. You can change the container to mp4 quickly and easily using this FFMPEG command:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy output.mp4

This is lossless as it doesnā€™t re-encode, itā€™s only changing the container so it takes two seconds.


so I am stuck with an updated Ha 115 not finishing the setup. No more significant errors. I cant use ha core restart and can only use ha host rebootā€¦

How do I downgrade to 114.4, cant use the ha core update --version 0.114.4 , which does exactly nothing but return

Schermafbeelding 2020-09-19 om 02.12.42

while doing nothingā€¦

cant reach my snapshots either, since that wont loadā€¦

maybe thereā€™s a loop, but how to find that? no other clue left from the logs, while at level debug for config

To be fair, many of the popular open source projects like MariaDB have rather large corporate backing and can employ full time technical writers to write documentation. SQL and C# are relatively standardized widely deployed and have enough market share to get resources such as an Oā€™Reilly book. The home automation business is much smaller market dominated by hobbyists. HA is competing against proprietary corporate giants who are learning the limitations of the home automation business model themselves.

I am grateful for what home assistant has accomplished for such limited resources.

We will know that Homeassistant truely made it if we get an Oā€™Reilly book.

Happy BDay and thanks for this great release!!

After installed it, some of my automation doesnĀ“t work. Hope you guys can help me.

I have a Telegram bot that read {{trigger.event.data.data}} value to determine the action to take based on the value returned. Since this release, it stop working as {{trigger.event.data.data}} doesnā€™t work (I also try {{trigger.event.data}} but have the same issue).

I check {{trigger.event}} and it has the information about data attribute. Below example of automation (first and second event service return information, third one doesnā€™t work):

- id: Telegram test
  alias: Telegram - test
  - platform: event
    event_type: telegram_callback
      data: /test_1
  - service: notify.telegram_id_{{ trigger.event.data.user_id }}
      message: 'Test'
  - service: notify.telegram_id_{{ trigger.event.data.user_id }}
      message: 'Trigger event info: {{ trigger.event }}'   
  - service: notify.telegram_id_{{ trigger.event.data.user_id }}
      message: 'Data: {{ trigger.event.data.data }}' 

Great job on this release!
I am getting confused with how the Media Browser changes have affected Google Home devicesā€¦

I am simply playing Music from Google Play Music on Google Home Devices and I can no longer see the art/thumbnail in the media control card (see below)

I aslo cannot see the Media Browser button as advertised in the release notes (is this normal?)


I can also no longer see an image of a fanart on a Picture Element based floor plan when displaying the status_icon.

Is there anything special I need to do to make this work?


Same here. Some value_template will work in Developper Toolā€™s Template tab, but not as a sensor.

Trying to use developer tools to issue commands to a broadlink device. Commands changes from broadlink.send to remote.send_command. Trying to get the syntax right and having an issue.


But keep getting this


Finally got it:

entity_id: remote.lr_broadlink_rm4_pro_remote

I thought I had fixed all the breaking changes this evening (history stats and broadlink). Tried 0.115.1 again but now all the sonoff entities broken.
But worse now the Check configuration function does nothing. Waited for 30 mins, rebooted, tried check config again and still nothing - just loads but never stops.

Rolled back again.

Ticket opened, looks like several others are encountering the same issue.

Had this really weird issue with some devices not popping up after upgrade. Not sure exactly what is different but seems to do with multicasting groups.

I was seeing errors like this:

OSError 105 : No buffer Space - Zeroconf

My Debian 10 server was net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships was set to 20 and that was causing esphome devices from popping up. I had to change it to 1024 and all was good again.

sysctl net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships
net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships = 1024

Some Ting Wong deep inside. I have exactly the same behavior and just rolled back to 114. Automations failed to load again as well.

Well as it happens ā€¦ Iā€™m not playing the media file via the browser - I selected Kodi as the player. This works great for MP4 files, but Kodi plays regular MKV files fine just fine normally.

Sure I could go through and convert all my media, but even if takes a few seconds per file, it would take a pretty decent length of time to do, plus all the creation dates would be out.

So no dramas, but worth documenting perhaps or considering allowing the user to choose which files are presented when the media browser in HA is used.

Thanks for the very prompt feedback.

And your kodi database would be trash.

Ah, I thought you were trying to play them in the web browser. I donā€™t use Kodi but @cgtobi created the media browser for that one and might be able to answer why .mkv files arenā€™t showing up for you.

Kodi transcodes, we are not Kodi. Currently, for the first version, it is limited to what a browser can handle. Browsers cannot handle Matroska (MKV) natively.

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But surely this is designed to play media from a list to a media player? So why does it not support media that the media_player supports.

Seems an odd design choice. Maybe there is more to comeā€¦

OK. I understand.

You should be able to specify in the browser what application to use to open the file though. VLC for example.

I donā€™t know the exact firmwareā€¦ But there was a new firmware to update. After upgradingā€¦ ALL works!!!

Thanks @Bieniu for your help!

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