0.116: Entities card row editor, restore snapshots and performance metrics

Bookmark this post and just follow the steps when you need to do it.


Thanks @dshokouhi! I didn’t know this post, but actually that’s the exact procedure I followed. The reason it did not work was the pip install -r requirements.txt, since some of my integrations required packages (for instance lxml) that do not have Python 3.8 wheels on PiWheels, only 3.7. This is becasue PiWheels mostly focuses (see e.g. here) on delivering wheels for the latest Python versio supported by Debian stable, which is 3.7. This is why moving to 3.8 will cause many people trouble, in my opinion.

Updated to 116.2 from 115.3: Under Configuration:Integrations, two of fourteen squares for the integrations are missing the bottom line “RENAME :” They are the Denon and Mobile App integrations.

Did restart and flush cache on browser (Chrome on PC). Same problem with Android Mobile App with the same two integrations.

Applied 0.116.2 update this morning, lost my AlarmDecoder alarm control panel entity. Tried many things, finally reverted to 0.115.6. Alarm control panel entity returned, as did display on home page. Any one else seeing similar behavior? Repored as Issue # 41664 at GitHub.

Closed the issue as an RTFM problem with the operator. PEBKAC. ID10T. :woozy_face:

Same issue here. Any solutions so far?

I’m seeing this type of error pretty regularly:

Logger: homeassistant.components.stream.worker
Source: components/stream/worker.py:240
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 23:33:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:33:46

Timestamp overflow detected: dts = 190446, resetting stream

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Are broadlink switches broken?
after upgrade to 0.115 did everything in breaking chages, but switches never worked. 0.116 the same.

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 34:EA:34:XX:XX:XX
      - name: Philips TV
        command_on: JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
        command_off: JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=

Switches just dont show up. Integration is set up.

I think you’re missing the b64: bit (to indicate it’s base64 encoded data) in your commands, e.g.:

command_on: b64:JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=

nop :frowning: , it is 1:1 as in documentation, and with b64: config does not validate

Invalid config for [switch.broadlink]: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['switches'][0]['command_off']. Got 'b64:JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA='

problem is that there is nothing in logs, but switch.philips_tv is not created.

I think that it would be wise to wait with depreciating a python version until there is a package (.dep) version available of the new python version on Raspberry Pi OS (the former Raspbian). Today there is no default package available for python 3.8 but already python 3.7 is getting depreciated. Having to compile the core part of the system is, in my eyes, too much too soon.

Broadlink switches are deprecated. You should now be implementing them as scripts. here’s an example from my config that works.

EDIT - this was incorrect - please see the post below

  alias: Soundbar Toggle
  - service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.broadlink_rm4_mini_remote
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:speaker

I believe there are also issues with some broadlink devices that aren’t currently working. - i’ll try and find the thread and add.

Thanks, did not saw anywhere info that Broadlink switches are deprecated. Got the same functionality with template switch. :+1:t2:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Philips TV
        value_template: "{{ is_state('device_tracker.philips_tv_wifi', 'home') }}"
            service: remote.send_command
              command: b64:JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
            entity_id: remote.broadlinkpro_remote
            service: remote.send_command
              command: b64:JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
            entity_id: remote.broadlinkpro_remote

Can it be, that netatmo is broken again?
Already restartet, no integration. 116.2
GitHub issue is open: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/41718

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Hi All,

Im experiencing trouble with linking my Netatmo account with home assistant.
When I go to the integrations page and add Netatmo, im redirected to the site of Netatmo where I need to give permission to share device information.

When I click accept, Im taken back to a Nuba casa page where the system is waiting for a token, however it always times out and fails the linking procedure.
I have tried the same with Google assistant and it linked just fine.

Schermafbeelding 2020-10-12 om 16.45.01

But if I look in my Netatmo account page for third-party applications its shows the Home Assistant Cloud and Google Assistant.

Has anybody have an idea why it is not working, and how to get it to work.

I have already tried with version 116.0 but I got the same result as 116.2

@Pirol62 @Jordy_Kleian It seems to be a back end issue at Netatmo. Nothing we can do about.

Edit: I’d recommend reverting back to individual dev accounts until this is solved.

I don’t think that’s the case at all. The documents page mentions nothing of the sort. Also I’m using them in my system and am not getting any deprecation notices. The old method of defining them is deprecated, but not the concept of them. Defining them in the new way (per the docs) is still supported and working.

Their working OK in my system still. I don’t see any big differences between out configs though, sadly.
You’ve added the broadlink device via the config flow correctly?
Maybe try names that don’t have spaces or upper case?
This is my config, which is working.

#Broadlink RM Mini 3
- platform: broadlink
  mac: '78:0f:77:XX:XX:XX'
    - name: humidifier_power
    - name: humidifier_mist_level
    - name: livingroom_tv_power_ir

@Silicon_Avatar you are correct, my mistake. I got confused with the IP address requirement change in 115 as per this thread 0.115 New Broadlink integration, no switches how to show in Lovelace

I’m getting this too! Did you get any further with this?

I ended up cutting power to the RPi, re-connecting, and tried it again. It worked then! Probably still needs work on it to be bug-free though.

I finally decided to go from 0.115.x to 0.116.2 fearing the consequences.
And just off the bat.
After a reboot, the deconz-firesensors (which wasn’t activate there were no smoke), the sensors in HA made the node-red alert activate.
The up/down arrows for all the curtains didn’t show up until a reload of the GUI, a lot of icons didn’t show up until a reload (and this was after the message that a new desktop was available, and if I wanted to reload).
lazy-loading gone crazy if not even the built-in cards get’s their icons properly, yet alone the custom cards.