0.117: Quick Bar, compact header, a YAML editor, XBox and Template types

No, this doesn’t do anything (see Update to 0.117 just bricked my system ), cannot rollback the core version, cannot restore from snapshot, tried ‘ha supervisor repair’ but this just hangs etc…, totally shafted…

The resource_template line in my config causes Lovelace to not load:

  - platform: rest
    name: Daily Text
    resource_template: https://wol.jw.org/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/{{ now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d') }}
    scan_interval: 18000
    json_attributes_path: "$.items[0]"
    json_attributes: "content"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.items[0].url }}'
    timeout: 30

Removing the jinja datetime string in the resource_template line ‘fixes’ it. Seems like a bug to me.

0.117 breaks the synology integration. All entyties go to state not available.

Also a friend of me reported the same issue. I will be doiing a rollback to 0.116.4 until it’s resolved.

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Okay. Everybody’s reporting bugs. Look: The forum topics are a place for support, the forum comments are a place for reactions, and the GitHub issues are a place for bugs.


Has anyone else’s header completely disappeared? I don’t have a header anymore unless I click the 3 dots in the top right to edit my dashboard. I have the Soft-UI theme installed, but even if I switch to different themes, it doesn’t seem to change. I used to have Compact Header installed but removed it before upgrade

my fault.

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Thanks for replying! Great theme btw and I appreciate the hard work.

Hm… for me partially… Physical NAS works fine, but DSM run in VM does not load any sensors, all unavailable.

Somethink broken with history graph? Mine shows unnecessary vertical scrollbars when mouse hover on and it does not dissapear:
Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 6.55.53
Looks like card is expanding to make space for popup, that instead of staing on top is forced to stay within the card that does not resize (sorry not programmer, cannot find better explanation).

If it’s a frontend issue, then raise an issue over at

Dashbords with only single view miss view name or icon:
Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 6.58.13

Did you set a name in the edit UI header?

Yes, here is how it looks in editor:
Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 7.11.24

No, this part:
Hit the edit button.

Hm… OK, got it, but then it is possible to have only name, not icon… for other dashboard, where I have several view in this place icon is displayed if defined (and even if dasboard name is not defined in Edit UI):
Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 7.34.48
Evidently minor issue, but sort of unexpected behaviour…

The same thing:

resource_template:{{ states.sensor.sid_token.state }}&Id=1202

After I remove:

 {{ states.sensor.sid_token.state }} Lovelace load

Is there any fix?

0.117.0 broke synology integration for me too. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the integration…but not luck. Hopefully this gets fixed fast.

My synology is working fine…

Do you use 2fa?

In HA yes but not synology