0.117: Quick Bar, compact header, a YAML editor, XBox and Template types

Yeah but I don’t have 2+ hrs to listen to people just dribbling on… (and I am a Digiblur fan). I don’t understand WHY I would add an extra integration on top of an MQTT broker and MQTT integration to do exactly the same thing. Is there ANY actual real world reason why I would do this? Particularly given I tried it and I lost the great status sensor I wa getting for zero gain. So if there is a good reason I’m all ears.


@mayker is the user_agent condition implemented in the “new” Custom Header?

Or, better, could you please tell us which features of your now archived custom header addon are included in the “new” custom header introduced in 0.117?

I have the same issue, no climate devices from Fibaro integration.

Fredrico was in the chat, and apparently this is just the beginning, not being a dev I’m not going to speculate what that will bring. Given it hasn’t even hit stable branch of tasmota yet it’s more like a proof of concept at this stage.

Interested to see where it goes but I see no reason to use it right now.

@nassost Compact Header was introduced, not Custom Header.

Native types support for templates

Would be great when you have a section in HA for all your variables

      - light.living_room_window
      - light.living_room_table

      - light.dining_room_window
      - light.dining_room_table

So you can use those everywhere in all your automations/scripts etc…

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I have a couple of 10" tablets hanging around in my house, which show the Home Assisstant frontened.
I used to use Wallpanel for this, and it worked perfectly for over quite a while!
Specially arranged everything to fit these 10" tablets what cost quite some effort.

But unfortunatelly this compact header broke something in the arranging and everything is out of place, even falling out of the screen view to the right (so horizontally). Never had before that screens fall out the horizontal viewing area, only vertical…

I’ve had tried the custom header before from the HACS-store, and also tried the compact header mode here, just to see how it looked. But did not had this specific problem with this addon back then.

Wish there was an option to switch to the compact header ourselves. Just like there is a button in the profile section, which allows us to hide the side bar.

So I have returned to 0.1164 again :frowning:

One can only hope! I stand corrected, this proved to be just wishful thinking!

Sure thing:

  • I made the header smaller

This post will help explain a couple of other features of Custom Header that were added in HA some time ago.


Same here, my Popp Thermostat Radiator Valves are unavailable since the update. The temperature sensor in the device is still working.

Anyone else noticed strange behaviour of HA UI after reload while being in Developer Tools?
To recreate the problem:

  • As baseline try to reload the interface being in any other page that Developer Tools - works fine
  • Go to Developer Tools and refresh the page; several of interface elements gets corrupted/npot present:
  • Navigate to any other dashbord page and try to edit it:
    Screenshot 2020-10-31 at 6.45.45
  • Selecting card for editing:
    Screenshot 2020-10-31 at 6.47.11
  • Depending on type of card lots of elements missing, but always buttons and description:
  • Reload the page and everything goes back to normal. Tried in few browsers, very consistent issue.

Now, I’m wondering if this is sort of corruption in my system, causing this to be so consistent or this is a bug in 0.117.1 (did not noticed such problems in 0.117 and earlier).
Noticed this only because I started to have some issues with filtering entities in States view of Developer Tools (filtering ocassionally is not working properly, causing list to not update as I type the name). Refreshing was helping to get back to normal, but causing these issues that I just described…

For the example you showed, why not use a group?

Is anyone getting this with a banner card since 0.117.0 ?


background: '#66CDAA'
color: lime
  - entity: group.neil
    image: true
      home: /local/neil.jpg
      not_home: /local/away.jpg
    name: Neil
  - entity: group.julie
    image: true
      home: /local/julie.jpg
      not_home: /local/away.jpg
    name: Julie
  - entity: group.alex
    image: true
      home: /local/alex.jpg
      not_home: /local/away.jpg
    name: Alex
  - entity: group.cerys
    image: true
      home: /local/cerys.jpeg
      not_home: /local/away.jpg
    name: Cerys
heading: "\U0001F3E1 Family"
link: /lovelace/living_room
row_size: 4
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace/0
type: 'custom:banner-card'

Re: UI corruption, I have the same issues on an iPad. Texts go missing after a while. A page refresh doesn’t help for me, I have to close the tab and reopen the page. For me this started with 0.117, still occurs on 0.117.1 as well (UI version 20201021.4).

Agree, would be very useful to have an onboard editor available for all of the yaml files.

I figured out a serious problem with 0.117.1. After several hours RAM and CPU of my virtual container go max and HA reacts only sporadically and the website cannot be reached anymore. Current solution is going back to 0.116.4

The VSCode addon works well for me.

I’m having translation problems with Safari Version 12.1.2 (12607.3.10), while it works with Chrome.Schermata 2020-11-01 alle 09.57.32

In addition to no longer seeing the list of unused entities.

unavailable in most installations since it requires 64bit hass os while this build is not recommended in HA docs (tbh still don’t understand why)

Sometimes in HA I miss some text. Cache already cleared… (HA 0.117.1)

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-01 om 11.32.22 Schermafbeelding 2020-11-01 om 11.32.27

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