0.117: Quick Bar, compact header, a YAML editor, XBox and Template types

Did you try the arrow on the left hand side?


On firefox the arrow on the left doesn’t appear for me, but the heading is clickable and the text appears

I get a little chainlink icon if I hover over the header, but clicking does not reveal anything.

I know I may be old fashioned, but is linking the actual text prohibitive?

Oh, now I see. It pops up “All Changes” at the bottom of the scroll down before comments. Clear as mud.

Having an issue after the update where my camera streams from Synology are not functioning. When I click on the entities in the UI I see the following:

This entity is currently unavailable and is an orphan to a removed, changed or dysfunctional integration or device.

There are no messages in the logs indicating an issue with the synology component at startup or run time.

After clicking on the word MQTT

I don’t know what was wrong initially, but this wasn’t working.

All this bloody modern web design. What happened to grey background, and blue highlighted links? like this

How do i remove custom-header before upgrading?

Here are tge instructions from Mayker:

I’m interested to hear how you go with this. For my particular TV (ST50 series) I actually got power on control but was not expecting to as I thought the TV powered off its network card. I still can’t ping it when off but Home assistant can turn it on. Very odd, but in a good way.

I just upgraded to 0.117 and eureka!! my TV (49FX600 Series) Works like a charm. I can power it on and off and I can toggle the volume. The only thing for me is that the state does not change, it’s always ‘ON’ regardless of I restart HA and the TV is OFF.

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Can you ping it when on and when off? You might be able to monitor the state that way.

I can ping the TV even when it’s off… Who manages the integration now? joogs is not on the project anymore I think? Should I just create a new issue?

Not his full name. See: https://github.com/joogps

But you should open an issue in the core repository. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues He’s usually pretty quick to respond.

Oh, bugger! I’m going to miss that! :frowning:

Reading the whole blog post helps alot.

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And the hamburger menu. Useless when swipe from left works as well…

Have I missed a breaking change in Lovelace were custom types does not work anymore? All my custom cards does not work after the update. Mini-graph, vacuum…

Or even checking a few threads searching for BOM… that works like mad.

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Hello, I have stupidly updated without removing the custom header. Currently, I can’t get the Lovelace screen. Anyway to solve this? I have access to IDE at least…