0.117: Quick Bar, compact header, a YAML editor, XBox and Template types

This is a great release! Love it :slight_smile:

@thomasloven, would you consider enabling the use of comments in the YAML editor for automations? If I add a comment now it just gets deleted. Could that be enbled somehow? I really like to comment my automations so that I know what I “thought” when I created it, just to make it more readable for others, and myself.


In my (limited) understanding, the YAML is converted to JSON for storage in the .storage files, and unfortunately JSON does not support comments.

So you would need to define a “comment” element to store comments in JSON, for, each, and, every, element. Quite an onerous task.

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That’s correct. You can use alias, though.

There’s a description field available.

However, I don’t find it to be as flexible as comments which can be inserted on any line and even be used to ‘comment out’ lines of code.

That’s one of several reasons why I don’t use the Automation Editor. Nevertheless the recent enhancement is a welcome addition for users with less demanding needs.


I think I have the same problem after updating to 0.117 from 0.116.4 OZW beta no longer works and all my Esphome devices that have temp sensors no longer report temp. I can also not restart from the restart menu. Restoring 0.116.4 worked.

“ha” command is not found in IDE console.
I have used:

➜  /workspace hassio homeassistant update --version 0.116.4          
Processing... Done.

Command completed successfully.

But I still see 0.117.0 with “homeassistant info” command

You need to reboot the whole system.

Thx, I already upgraded but uninstall CC solved the issue.

I have switched off/on Rpi4 but no luck.
In supervisor logs I have:
ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call

and when I do the downgrade to 0.116.4 I get:
ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils] Can’t execute update while a task is in progress

I think that means it’s currently updating or something. Wait an hour or so, and try again.

Did the update via the command line ‘ha core update’ and its been running at 85% CPU for the last three hours…, reset time ??

That is what I thought but it has been many hours since the update to 117…


And the bugs just keeps on rolling… Home Assistant Core 0.117! :roll_eyes:

wtf… ?! and the fix for me:

ha core update --version=0.116.4

No, this doesn’t do anything (see Update to 0.117 just bricked my system ), cannot rollback the core version, cannot restore from snapshot, tried ‘ha supervisor repair’ but this just hangs etc…, totally shafted…

The resource_template line in my config causes Lovelace to not load:

  - platform: rest
    name: Daily Text
    resource_template: https://wol.jw.org/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/{{ now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d') }}
    scan_interval: 18000
    json_attributes_path: "$.items[0]"
    json_attributes: "content"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.items[0].url }}'
    timeout: 30

Removing the jinja datetime string in the resource_template line ‘fixes’ it. Seems like a bug to me.

0.117 breaks the synology integration. All entyties go to state not available.

Also a friend of me reported the same issue. I will be doiing a rollback to 0.116.4 until it’s resolved.

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Okay. Everybody’s reporting bugs. Look: The forum topics are a place for support, the forum comments are a place for reactions, and the GitHub issues are a place for bugs.


Has anyone else’s header completely disappeared? I don’t have a header anymore unless I click the 3 dots in the top right to edit my dashboard. I have the Soft-UI theme installed, but even if I switch to different themes, it doesn’t seem to change. I used to have Compact Header installed but removed it before upgrade

my fault.

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