2021.7: A new entity, trigger IDs and script debugging

or just accept local reverse proxy by default…

Nobody is chaining you here to HA. you are free to go elsewhere if you find somewhere better. I just came back here after 2 years of trying to do that.

no feedback allowed? sorry…

You’re not going to get much sympathy if you don’t read the release notes particularly when something breaks. There have also been warnings in the log files since a few releases before the break occurred.

The change you think is obvious would cause some reverse proxies to break… witness the myriad NGNIX threads about this.

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Not if you do not RTFM. This forum is not a substitute for that. At least you do not need to wait for months for a fix to undocumented breakage. I just endured that elsewhere.

Fortunately, I know how to fix a bug when it occurs: by reading the changelogs. Still, I think home assistant should simplify my life, not lead to more effort. If I have to read the logs every day or the changelogs before every update, I might as well run to the light switch every time or adjust the heating manually. This is not a relief and should be made more user-friendly in my opinion.
I install photovoltaic plants. Many of my customers would like to use something like home assistant to charge their car or manage their electricity. However, since such things happen from time to time and behause I cannot expect a normal user to know what a changelog or log is, I cannot recommend home assistant to such customers. I think this is a pity, because it is a fantastic software.
In my opinion the update policy should be more end-user friendly.



Your comments are valid, but HA is not a system like that. Try SmartThings and you will swear every day when they change something in the cloud backend, without mentioning anything or documenting it at all.
But in HA, you are not forced to update to the latest version. If it is not broken don’t fix it, that’s how the old saying. If you need the new features then read first the breaking changes part of the release notes and consider what you need to update to run your system smoothly.
Regarding the reverse proxy issue, many of us uses Nabu Casa’s service to support the development of Home Assistant and we haven’t experienced any downtime.
I did update my system this morning from more than a 1000 km from home and everything went smoothly. But I read along the breaking changes and all the comments in this topic during the last few days before doing that.


If you try openHAB you may either need to wait months for a fix or run daily snapshot code. It is written in Java to make debugging more challenging ;).

Haha, I can see emoticon, but cannot believe anybody could have such imagination about Java. could you elaborate more please?

I was a certified Sun Solaris Administrator when Java was first released. I have found it too slow & complex for most tasks. openHAB uses the OSGi framework and I have not even worked with that. At least I know some Python so have a chance debugging here if needed.

On startup openHAB does not have a set sequence for processes, It is random. It appears to me that threads sometimes get orphaned too.

I left here 2 years ago when both projects were in transition due to the horrible OZW 1.4 device I stayed as long as I did over there due to their excellent Z-Wave device and user support. support. The zwavejs based integration here is a much smoother user experience than the OH binding. There has been an attempt to fork openHAB and improve on it but that has been stalled due to lack of volunteer time. They never released any useable code.

Originally I pulled your leg for “more challenging debugging”. Anyway thank you for extended answer.
Regarding Java I can agree with you to some extent, because Java world encourage to use specific design patterns thus frameworks. If being applied blindly it may turn into not performant mess. Otherwise it may be as performant as other languages (there are comparisons with C++).

I feel it’s OT here. In short IMO it’s about system architecture and programmers skills more than about chosen language.

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Also programmers attention to users. When you are told to wait 3 months for support on your device because their dev chain broke the update mechanism, that tells you to look elsewhere regardless of the infrastructure language.

hdmi_cec stopped working for me. I know that it’s listed in breaking changes, it says:

Our Docker container has limited support for CEC drivers to those provided by the Linux kernel.

This will cover most CEC drivers out there.

I’m running Home Assistant OS on Raspberry Pi 3, which I think is a pretty common setup. But now I get a “No adapters found” error. So apparently it no longer works here. Now I’ll have to find another way to reliably tell if my TV is on (the Panasonic TV integration was not very reliable last time I tried it)…

I confirm that the SMS platform has stopped working since version 7.1. of course there is a snapshot with the core-2021.6.6 version and thanks to this I was able to restore the SMS work

Well, I updated to 2021.7.2, as there was a reference to insteon in the release notes, but I still get the same error:

2021-07-14 16:56:39 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.insteon] Could not connect to Insteon modem
2021-07-14 16:56:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry '' for insteon integration not ready yet: Modem did not respond to ID request; Retrying in 80 seconds

or sometimes

2021-07-14 17:17:54 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/protocol.py", line 187, in _write_messages
    await self._transport.async_write(msg)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_transport.py", line 110, in async_write
    await self._async_write_url(url=url, msg=bytes(data))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinsteon/protocol/http_transport.py", line 119, in _async_write_url
    await self._read_write_lock

I have no idea which config item it’s referring to, as I configured it in the integration.

Any ideas?

New fix coming in 2021.7.3 The fix is detailed here:

The new Xiaomi update, requires me to add one device at a time, which mean for each device I need to first enter the username/password and then select the device from the drop down list. I have close to 80 xiaomi devices in my home and I think I’ll loose my sanity if I have to add all of them to home assistant. I wish there was a way to select multiple devices at once. It would make things a lot simpler.

What also worries me more is that if I add all of the devices and later decide to change the Xiaomi account password then the I may probably have to do the whole thing again.

I think I’ll be sticking to the June 2021 release for now.


Same problem here. Another thread on RainBird integration to be broken suggests it might have something to do with the Python version 2021.7 broke Rainbird integration
Any news on that?

I’m experiencing the same MODBUS problems with the new configuration when using multiple hosts. Where can i follow the fix? Any news on this?

Most of the issues are listed here: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

If you click on Milestones you can see what the current version being worked on. So right now that is 2021.7.3 and all the items closed for that release are listed here: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

That link above is what you will find under Milestones. It shows the current version being worked on, and what is Open and what is Closed.

There are some Modbus fixes in there that you can read up on.