2022.10: All over the place

Yes release notes https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2022/10/05/release-202210/#release-2022101---october-6

Thanks for that. Indeed it was just a cache issue.

it reminds me shelly integration, where it’s not possible to disable either shelly integration or recognizing new devices (I’m using mqtt for shelies so I don’t care about the core integration).

very user friendly to dismiss about 100 devices one by one

I didn’t know there was a v2 :smiley: looks the same as v1 though…
Have you tried to flash it with custom firmware? like ATC?

yeah but we needed this ESPHome 2022.9.0 - 21st September 2022 — ESPHome

just released , and now updated, so fingers crossed this will work

agreed, see: WTH Why can't we delete devices in UI with the tick box and delete, like entities

If my memory serves correctly, you couldn’t flash the v2’s. Regardless of that, the battery life is not good on the v2s. That alone makes them much worse.

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The design of thread(and by extention matter) is that the “hubs” act as border routers to the Thread mesh network, Petro’s comments where speculation based on a different radio tech used in Alexa and google Homes(zigbee).

A much better example of existing thread support to draw from is the Apple Home Pods, i dont have one for full details, but given how the thread spec specifies how the hubs should work and apples implementation, you should only need one hub as any hubs on the network will bridge the Thread Network onto your Ethernet/WiFi based networks.

also with matter they have to bridge to allow the Bluetooth and WiFi devices to work with the thread devices which support matter, so google and amazon shouldnt pull BS

More Detail on thread

Thread hubs provide 3 features, they translate the 6LoWPAN address to a normal IPv6 address on your network1 so that they can be controlled by client devices, in Apples implementation that was through homekit. They also provide some translation services to allow the thread devices to connect to the internet for updates if your home network does not have IPv6(NAT64/DNS64). and in some cases they provide always on control.

1A few extra details If you dont have a router that provides IPv6(Either from you ISP or a Local ULA(Unique Local Address)) they will advertise their own ULA and route for that so that other devices like you homeassistant instance can communicate to, if IPv6 support is turned on(it should be but some distros blacklist the kernel module for bad reasons)


it’s very similar (in a way how devs does not think about ways their software is going to be used) but it’s not the same.

You cannot delete device until are added. not added devices may be only ignored. Of course there is no option to selectively ignore devices (you can ignore all afaik. Edit: you can’t, you can show/hide all ignored, but ignore must be done per device)
my point is that you are notified about every recognized device even if you don’t wish to add them. moreover battery powered devices appear in the network randomly. so you need to attempt ignoring devices several times.

It seemed to me similar to what you have reported above.

I’m tired reporting it again and again. Devs (and some mods) see mo problem in such approach

I happen to have one online here…
How could I try what you are suggesting? Need the Matter add-on for that I suppose? I have had that in the alpha/beta phase, but no HomePod was ‘discovered’ at that moment in time.

not sure about the active BT proxy effectiveness when I see:

before, it switched between my Usb extender and regular Usb hardware in the miniPc, showing changes between -43 and -80 and a bit.

Now, after having reflashed the Olimex BT Proxy and updated the EspHome add-on, its constantly on this extreme low number… well, got to be honest, it also shows -90 dBm.

see: Adopted POE proxy remains in Dashboard as 'Discovered', and doesnt do 'Active' · Issue #329 · esphome/dashboard · GitHub

Thank you, I have a much better understanding now. So the only real reason for a SkyConnect when you already have at least one border router on the network, would be for Thread’s ability to reorganise the network in the event that a border router goes down.

Hi everybody, I report a big problem with ZHA integration following the upgrade to version 2022.10.1.
Unfortunately, ZHA no longer loads and this error is recorded in the logs:

[0xA084:1:0x0006]: async_initialize: all attempts have failed: [DeliveryError('Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_NO_ACK: 233>'), DeliveryError('Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_NO_ACK: 233>'), DeliveryError('Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_NO_ACK: 233>'), DeliveryError('Request failed after 5 attempts: <Status.MAC_NO_ACK: 233>')]


The Sky Connect itself can be used to turn a linux machine(Including home assistant OS) into a border gateway/hub itself(I think it may also only be used for control, i will check), so its also useful if you dont have a hub at all. But It will also be helpful in providing annother gateway off the thread network incase the other one fails


For me I finally am able to get my curtains working native (without the ESP solution). I did notice I can indeed control them as single curtains. I actually looked at it as a good thing you can control them separate once I thought about it more. If I want to close both I can do that in automations and all, but also now worked in some automations that work more individual. Like keeping one curtain open if a door or window is still open or somebody opens a door that only one curtain opens.

May be very specific. I hope that if its fixed that they act as duo curtains you also keep individual control. To keep above mentioned use-cases working :slight_smile:

Nah its ok,
Only homekit uses thread on Homepods at the moment as matter isnt fully out.

im still in the process of reading(and understanding) the matter spec, but from a base level, what i understand matter is used much in the same way as homekit is used over thread, as a application protcol, which allows a phone or home assistant to directly address the device and use

I like the sub cards. However, its really annoying that they don’t scroll to the top.

If the calling card is halfway down a scroll, the navigation to the sub card will also be half way then you need to scroll up. :expressionless:

I was previously doing similar to these sub-cards with card-mod popups instead (fullscreen) but this is better minus the scrolling issue.

Is there a way (card-mod? javascript?) to tell it to scoll to the top when nav to a sub card?

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And today it also started at my end (look closely at the difference in notation between imported electricity vs solar production). I do not see this producing any other issue except a cosmetic one.

Upgraded to 2022.10.1 today and immediately reconfigured my start page to something more thumb friendly using sub-panels.
I already love it! Keep up the good work!


That’s a good point. I added the other curtain and changed all my automations/scripts to target both curtains and everything is back to working. A little more painful, but at least it works.

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