2022.11: A heck of a release!

Good to see the Water consumption added to ‘Energy’ dashboard. Now I just need someone to develop an integration for the Grohe Sense Smart Guard water controller for HA!

Thank you for this – I didn’t think to look there! I guess I’ve become accustomed to having each of the minor releases summarized on the main “new release page” as well. It seems odd to me that the summary isn’t up there.

Was similar for me. At some point I just put a link to this website in my frontend.

Info about 2022.11.1 (already installed) still absent in the blog…


19 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022.11: Card borders

Is this just too much smart stuff? What on Earth can an online toothbrush provide?

1 Like

Apparently people use it to shut off all the lights and lock the doors when the brush is activated around bedtime.


We already had the smart toothbrushes (we didn’t seek out the BT part, it was just included in a Costco bundle), and I am not sure I would have gone out of my way to get them. However, It is a sure fire way to know if I am heading to bed and start running routines that sometimes fail and I don’t want to get out of bed to fix. For instance locking the doors, sometimes the kids didn’t shut them completely so the lock fails to engage. I would not know that during my previous bedtime script until I was in bed and would have to get out of bed and adjust the door. Now that can happen while I am still up, but reliably about to go to bed.

I wish my kids brushes were Bluetooth, because if they have brushed is actually hard to figure out sometimes and I could make it into a game with smart lights to get to 2 minutes of brush time with the correct brushing zones!


You could also say who needs the weather on a screen, when you can look out the window.


I wonder how many “votes” or likes of a message or dislikes of a single change or complains during beta etc is needed, that the core team who has decided and implemented because of own decisions reacts or responds or takes the user feedback into account (give the users the choice) instead of ignoring the feedback completely?

As in beta, this topic came up from a lot of people and as in beta, there is only one who argued, that the chance is great.

I’m very thankful for all the work of the team, but I really not like such inner circle changes without giving the user the choice to switch it off (again).


I just installed 11 and have to agree the style and history graph changes are both a negative.

Material Design has always been a cancer, but I’ve learned to live with too many devs blindly and poorly following “standards” that amount to nothing more than the UI equivalent of hem length or tie width. Overall HA does pretty well with it but this wasn’t a good change.

The graphs are a true loss of functionality. If I drill down I almost always want to know when and how much. Now that info is no longer readily available.


Unfortunately, I have no information yet… I had no time yet for a (safe) upgrade.

Can someone remind me of the expected behaviour of an Automation’s Information/Related tab?

I can see that it is empty now, but I thought it should list the devices/entities used in the Automation which room it is added to etc.

I am not sure is it a bug or a feature.

Copy of discussion from deconz official rhread

…when setting up triggers for My_automation and my comment later

Today I noticed this method does not work anymore. Reloading automations even manually by button press in Developer Tools/ YAML configuration reloading does not seem to work. It looks like it flashes the button to green so smoothly, it makes me to think is it actually doing anything anymore?

This error does not happen during every restart, so I cannot tell exactly, when there was a change, but I updated to latest core 2022.11 just few days ago

Now, this probably related to Smarter reloading of automation & scripts introduced in this version.

The problem is, that they are not going to do anything to this issue on deconz side, as in my understanding it is more general loading time issue, and the result of this error is, that ALL DECONZ BUTTONS ARE UNRESPONSIVE, e.g. many of my lights, and leaving house to that condition when I’m away is not an option.

I need something to reload these deconz related automations to replace the functionality lost in the update, is there any?

EDIT: There are other reasons to reload automations than jus a change in it, as you can see from above.

Basically, we need a Developer Tools/ YAML configuration reloading/ Reload Automations, which actually does what it’s name says.

And especially wee need a service Automation: Reload , which actually reloads automations.


same “Timeout fetching zamg data” problem here.

2022-11-05 17:55:31.003 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zamg] Timeout fetching zamg data

I started using the ZAMG integration a few days ago and notice connection loss every now and than.

Here one can see the missing datapoints for two stations:
Timeout fetching zamg data - diagram

As I wanted to add another station for testing purposes, I now ended up with a

2022-11-06 07:42:50.096 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zamg] Unexpected error fetching zamg data: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’.

Will try to remove and re-install my stations if I have time.


Since the update in my pictures elements, state_image no longer displays the image.
That’s true for all elements. Deleting the style does not solve this.

          - type: picture-elements
              - type: image
                entity: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor
                  top: 2%
                  left: 29%
                  transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(.6, .6)
                  'on': /local/images/xopen.png
                  'off': /local/images/xclose.png

When using a view in panelmode on a dashboard there is no margin/padding. Was this always the case and I just never noticed it or did it change/break?


There is a margin/padding on the energy dashboard which is also “fullscreen” and it looks nicer

Well, I found that adding a width value it works again but this a lot of work to change all elements.
Hope that a fix will come soon.
Here is the link to the workaround solution:

My Netatmo Automation is broken on 2022.11, now if I have two windows open and close one of them both are canceled, I have reverted back to 2022.10.3 where it is working