2022.11: A heck of a release!

That is not panel mode.

Yes it is…

Like I said a collection of stacks to get a full width layout. If there is an other way I am all ears. Full yaml for the card below in case someone is curious.

yaml config
type: vertical-stack
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.io_9361605_rssi_level
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_2
      - sensor.io_112058_rssi_level
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_3
      - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level
    days_to_show: 7
      - mean
      - max
      - min
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - sensor.io_9361605_discrete_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_2
          - sensor.io_112058_discrete_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_3
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level
      - type: entities
          - sensor.io_9361605_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_2
          - sensor.io_112058_rssi_level
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level_3
          - sensor.oximo_40_solar_rssi_level
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.io_9361605_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown_2
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_2
      - entity: cover.unknown_3
      - entity: sensor.io_112058_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown_5
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level_3
      - entity: cover.unknown_4
      - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_discrete_rssi_level
      - entity: cover.unknown
    hours_to_show: 168
    refresh_interval: 0
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.io_9361605_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_2
          - entity: sensor.io_112058_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_3
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery
      - type: history-graph
          - entity: sensor.io_9361605_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_2
          - entity: sensor.io_112058_battery
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery_3
          - entity: sensor.oximo_40_solar_battery
        hours_to_show: 168
        refresh_interval: 0
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I didn’t realise you could put cards inside the main panel card. Thank you for the education.


There is some problem with animated gifs and fields in custom:button-card. When fields have transparency the border appears

Yes, obviously ZAMG renewed the certificats - that cured this problem.
For the other observation - “Timeout fetching zamg data”, I raised a new issue:

sure you can use 1 top level stacked card as single card in the panel mode. custom or core.

and you’re right this looks off.
Just like it is in all of the frontend (imho).

Did you try the ‘fix’ yet? its very simple, and I am interested to see if it also fixes this?

Tbh, I think if you want a complex stack in you Frontend, why not use a regular view and be done with it? What’s the advantage of Panel mode, if you use it for a stacked view like this in the first place.

… Wait, its the full width… sorry.

nevermind that… use the fix first and let us know if it helps.

try to set a card-mod to this individual stack using mod-card if the ‘fix’ doesnt help

on occasion, there’s a card without ha-card element, you need to mod anyways, and mod-card then is the rescue. Using that to glue images and take out the gaps:

type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
    :host {
      --stack-card-margin: 0px;
##    ha-card {
##      margin: 0px 0px -14px 0px;
##    }
  type: horizontal-stack

as you can see in the commented bit, you can also set the other card options, I would hope the rounded corners would respond to the regular variable border-radius for that

I’ve just given it a try, and the ‘fix’ actually fixes this too:

not a single rounded corner or border in sight, using my generic mod in themes:

  <<: &generic
    card-mod-theme: theme-mods
    ha-card-border-radius: 0px
    ha-card-border-width: 0px
    ha-dialog-border-radius: var(--ha-card-border-radius)

on a rather extensive stack card, that has no further mods in the yaml at all for that purpose:

- title: Panel
  path: test_panel
  icon: mdi:overscan
  type: panel

    - type: vertical-stack

should have known that, because even a more exotic custom card like history-explorer shows perfectly in panel mode:

thats why I didnt realize it was an issue in the first place…

long and winded answer: use the fix and it will be fixed :wink:

see the fix I the post above. No more unwanted border in those compound button-cards either.

I’ve been using HA happily for a while now but had to sign up to this forum just to express my disappointment with the change in 2022.11 to show LTS by default for entities.

Several times a day I click on entites and hover over the graph to quickly get the exact values and times of those readings. Now with 2022.11 when I do the same I get a randomly chosen min, mean or max value from a 5 minute aggregated time period which is totally irrelevant to me.

I will go back to 2022.10 for now and wait for this change to be reverted or made optional in future releases.

PS. I really like the first-day-of-the-week option though! :+1:


I just want to add my voice to those who think the new front end changes (borders/shadows etc.) are an absolute mess.

My dashboards look like a dogs dinner now. I do use custom cards extensively but that is no excuse for those who make ‘drastic’ changes like this to hide behind.

And yes, there are ways to workaround it but I for one have never quite got my head around themes except in their most basic usage. Not least because there doesn’t seem to be anywhere that they are documented in such a way as to map each ‘effect’ to a theme variable.


There is not even a single reaction from the devs and/or architects who have decided and implemented ths in this release thread (only some in beta timeframe). Whyever.

I had a professor during my studies, who reacted on massive complains about ideas, which he had somoehow exclusicly alsways stubborn and without arguments and went straigt through the wall. This is most probably not the case here, but I still don’t get, why this has been implemented, why the user gets no choice and no feedback.


I must admit I’m sure there are user case that it works for, but so far I’ve found it less than helpful. Take my battery stats, in the main history you can see I reached 100% between 0100 & 0600 this morning

Yet on the view from a dashboard that uses statistics, it doesn’t even reach 100% at 0600 by any data line…


Devs never answer user questions on forum especially those related to design decisions. Sometimes you might get impression that some users answer on behalf of them - but that’s all.
There is a discord channel with possibly devs onboard. But I doubt you will get expected reasoning over there.

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This is wrong of course. Have a look in this and all other release threads and you will find lots of participation form the core developer. t seems that they only avoid to answer, where apparently nearly all user feedback do not like what they have implemented.

I have currently only one case in mind, where they reverted one implementation after such a feedback as in this case - the buggy search function changes. But here I’m not sure anymore, if it came from the core members or from anyone else.

But for me, exactly this was, is or would be a sign of greatness, to listen to such feedback and revert such things or give at least the user an HA option to choose, what they want.

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I’ve just rolled back my test installation to check how the panel has been shown…

I don’t think, that this has changed with the update…
This the default theme, panel configuration and 2022.10.05

yes, with having the rounder cornors, it becomes more visible

but if you use “sidecard”
I think, that’s pretty much what the energy dashboard is using:


Problem solved with release 2022.11.2.

Every works fine again!

I didn’t like that backwards compatibility was broken for the statistics module for no good reason, but at least there was a warning message.

Otherwise, I had actually been waiting for this release, because it fixes the EnergyFlip integration.

On top of that it seems there have been some UI improvements. The most important feature is that it still works.

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Home Assistant OS Not Supported By Home Assistant 2022.11

Upgrade to 2022.11 caused Home Assistant to identify my Home Assistant OS (VM) install in as an unsupported OS. - under three different categories:

  • Unsupported system - Operating System

  • Unsupported system - Systemd issues

  • Unsupported system - CGroup version

Does anyone know what might cause HA to not feel at home in Home Assistant OS? I have been unable to find any related posts specific to HASSOS and can’t think of anything about my configuration that might be different from others.

Chances are, your issues were there before 2022.11, but it just wasn’t notifying you like it does now.

Since it looks like you’ve rolled back to 2022.10.4, if you go into Settings → Repairs → 3 dots at the top right, then ‘System Information’, do you see Unsupported system? If so, then it wasn’t 2022.11 that caused it.

Go to the thread that is dedicated to this subject.

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A Cure for Graphs

If you don’t like the way HA now displays your graphs in the Info tab when clicking on an entity (and plenty don’t), help is at hand. The Interactive History Explorer card can now replace the normal (and now massively disliked) HA default. Here is the announcement post New interactive history explorer custom card - #378 by HeyImAlex and here is the repo. GitHub - alexarch21/history-explorer-card: A card for Home Assistant Lovelace for exploring the history of your entities interactively and in real time. and a screenie