2022.11: A heck of a release!

That’s exactly it. And you could even add to this: Joe doesn’t care. Because from personal experience with family and friends, they just don’t care. My Dad’s wifi password used to be 12345678. He was annoyed ‘it had to be this long’. It drove me insane. I tried to explain why it’s a bad idea, etc etc. He just didn’t care, as long as it worked easily.

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please don’t let him use smart locks… (which are a bad idea anyhow).

All the HomeKit stuff is encrypted on top of the existing protocols, and they seem to have done a pretty good job of making it secure.

Almost all of those cheap bluetooth lights have no encryption and are are wide open.

Most of this stuff relies on humans not being evil… but so does most of the world


at least that is some relief, and a hint for what typ of devices to use. Glad you can confirm my earlier conclusion (hope) on the matter.

Good afternoon. is there a way to disable the option to show the average, maximum and minimum when we load an entity?

analyzing when the entity is not consuming anything for a period of time is very useful. for example: a dehumidifier is on but is full and has stopped, a pc has restarted… now looking at the graph we can’t see that.

The example shows this. When I click on the entity, the average appears, which indicates that in the place where the arrow is, the dehumidifier went to 51 W. But actually when we entered the history, we saw that it stopped


A post was split to a new topic: Looking 4 Camera Recommendations

The history graph change is absolutely ridiculous, and even more ridiculous is the way the devs completely ignore the community. WHO wanted a change like this other than a completely out of touch dev?
The “We don’t like giving users options” bull crap is going too far. The old history graph code is still there, still maintained, and still in use. Give us the option to use it!

My history graph goes backwards time! Tell me this is what the community wants.



Hi there, I have added two water meters to energy dashboard. Now they sum up the consumption but I’d like it to be just like in the electricity one: my second meter is a sub meter, measuring how much I use in the garden. Is that something you could change or add option to configure this way?

Isn’t it good that there is such a good solution then. 2022.11: A heck of a release! - #416 by nickrout

Wow…I do agree…so weird default behaviour…didn’t update yet due to those strange “paints” not a graph really…

True, but relying on a third-party solution that likely will break in a future update is far from ideal. That shouldn’t be necessary to display graphs with accurate data.


The history card more info option is exactly the core should be: swiping, period selector, displaying total_increasing as delta bars, etc. It’s awesome, please reconsider the ha core decision. Openhab for example does it for example similar to the history card. Saving data traffic and ms of loading time should not be the key drivers. Thank you

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Is that different from this: Home Connect - Home Assistant

My new Bosch dishwasher works with it.

Unlikely. Unless they completely change the HASS frontend interface (also unlikely).

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Thanks was looking for this fix.

I only just saw this question: you should not have to re-add any LIFX device for the new entities to be created. It should just happen automagically when Home Assistant starts up. If this is not happening, please open a GitHub issue and include the new diagnostics output from the LIFX device page (which is also new but not mentioned!)

First, I’d like to say that I’m a fan of the new dashboard style, and prefer it over the old one. (Although with anything in design, any change tends to seem better just because it’s “newer” than what came before :upside_down_face:).

However, this release comes with another change that is a lot less about looks and a lot more about functionality. After using HA with the new statistics graph in the entity popup for a while now, I’m convinced that it was a bad idea to change the way that history is displayed.

Let me explain: I almost never have Min, Max and Avarage values selected on a Statistics line graph card because it looks messy and provides little-to-no extra information. But this is what you’re stuck with in the new entity popup.

I recently added a new Bluetooth temperature sensor, which was painless thanks to all the great work that’s been done on that front recently. Next, I open up the entity popup, only to be greeted by a message that says that no statistics are available (there’s a 5-minute delay). Then, when I want to check how the sensor is warming up to room temperature, I have to open up the History page just to get any form of useful data.

Later on, I want to test the range of the sensor, to see if the sensor value continues to update as I move it around. The new sensor popup is once again useless for this purpose, as clear, discreet lines have been replaced with uncertain curves. Last month, I’d have easily been able to see the gaps caused by signal dropouts; this month, they’re hidden.

I trust that the HA developers will understand the issue and make amends next release.


I have posted a solution for the graphs twice, read the thread :slight_smile:

The existence of an imperfect workaround using third party code doesn’t mitigate the inanity of the decision requiring the workaound.


Very true.