Not seeing that Sensibo error here.
Really strange because before last update the setpoint change was by 1oC now it is by 6oC is there a parameter that have changed or that I can set to 1oC ?
My other climate component are working as supposed with an increase / decrease step of 0.5oC
I’ll correct myself. It depends which lovelace control I use. The standard lovelace one changes 6 deg at a time, like you are seeing. However custom:thermostat-card does not display the error.
There is an attribute target_temp_step
which is showing as 6 deg. It was previously set to 1 deg.
where can I find that attribute?
In the states panel in dev tools.
Thank you I’ve found it and change it. but will that changes survive an HA restart?
You are filtering medialite. Running pihole, cloudflare or nextdns?
OK, how do I cast a lovelace? I have chromecast (classic and GTV) and a roku TV?
I don’t know. I do know that there have been a lot of changes to sensibo and the underlying library lately. I will post an issue.
Thank you because if I change it to 1oC that as soon as I change setpoint it revert to 6oC.
There shoud be a parameter in sensibo which default to 6
What sort of installation do you have so I can add it to the issue? (core, supervised, os, whatever)
My Ip Cameras, using android IP cam are no longer appearing as entities any longer after update, rolling back to .9
By the way the climate.set_temperature
service works correctly.
Where did you find this list? I have some custom styles referencing some other ones of the old paper elements and will need to update them.
A post in the frontend dev discord channel.
Thanks for the continued work, it is much appreciated. Echoing what @wklink said, The Developer Tools State, Entity and Attribute search fields are now in black text making it hard to read. Is there something can be done to revert to the white text it was?
Please open an issue with logs
Change it to the default theme. Then fix your backend selected theme(s).
How does playing a radio station from the radio browser work? Does the HA stream the station to the speaker all the time or just send the url of the radio station to the speaker, and all streaming takes place on it?