I have a test installation and a ‘production’ installation.
I’ve upgraded test to 2022.7.0 without issues (well, there was one integration which broke. But that one has been fixed mean while).
When I run the Config checker on test I still get the error in this topic.
Also when I run Config checker on 2022.7.0 (against version 2022.7.1) I get this error.
I’m upgrading test to 2022.7.1 at the moment.
So it feels save to upgrade to 2022.7.x even with this error… As Config checker is depreciated that kind of makes sense. Still would like to be able to test configs against future versions prior to updating.
Config checker depreciation comments:
WARNING: This add-on is deprecated because it is no longer needed. Home Assistant now always starts after an update even if your config is invalid. You should do the following after an update to check for issues:
-Check persistent notifications. If an integration could not be loaded because its config is invalid a notification will tell you.
-Check logs. If an integration could be loaded but the config you are using is deprecated a message will tell you what needs to change and by when.
-Follow the red banner. In rare cases HA will start in safe mode. In those cases you should follow the instructions in the red banner at the top of the UI.
The Places custom component appears broken by this release - at least, it’s certainly not behaving correctly for me. Have rolled back to 2022.6.7 for now and back up and running.
Unless something has changed, I don’t think the core “place” functionality does the reverse geocoding that this custom component does, which is extremely useful and critical to certain things that I do.
the core mobile_app has geocoded_location if thats what you’re looking for. And then some. Distance and time to any other lat/long can easily be checked based on the current position, or relative to any other. Heck, even a travel route is easily templated. All using core integrations, all under scrutiny of HA checks.
Used the Places integrations some years ago myself, and migrated to core when all of that became an integral part of HA
What happend with the history when you include entities etc?
This is not shown anymore in the history. You now need always select entities, areas or devices?
will try to disable automations, eventhough I do not have any fancy ones running to see if this impacts this. On HACS /3rd party integrations I use quite a few, so it is difficult to tell which one may be causing the problem. but as mentionned I have an almost empty system running for tests and I can see that there is a small leak there as well (several days scale though), hence my idea of the core system, but you may be right that this is 3rd party related.
I would like multiple datasets with entity’s for the history and had the idea to use groups to create such urls dynamically.
http://<ip_or_hostname>:8123/history?entity_id={% for entity in expand('group.windows')|map(attribute='entity_id')|unique|list|sort -%}
{{ entity + '%2C' if not loop.last }}{{ entity if loop.last }}
{%- endfor %}
Unfortunately I can’t find a way to create a weblink or button action that supports templating.