2022.8: You can fix it!

Thanks, chaps!
Can’t wait for my Airthings sensors to finally get a stable, local bluetooth integration. I’m also hoping for a magician to find a way to integrate Mill sensors through the new bluetooth integration. I love everything local!

I’d love to see battery life alerts in the Repairs section / it be expanded to more than just “this integration will break in the next version”

I’ve got a hallway motion sensor, which has 5% battery left. Definitely need to replace the battery, but it doesn’t show up in the Repairs section. device_class is battery, so I’d imagine it’d be easy enough to iterate through all the batteries in HA, check if they’re under a certain percentage, then report it as an issue that needs to be repaired.

Yeah I could create a dashboard tab that shows all the batteries, or a sensor to list the batteries that need to be replaced, but at the same time, there’s a section for repairing stuff, and “your device doesn’t work because it’s flat” is something that can easily be repaired.


A very easy upgrade for me, thanks team!

Only issue I had was 5 Lifx lights not being migrated (out of ~30), I removed them along with the conifig in configuration.yaml and then re-added them in the front end, all working and only a couple of mins work.

So, hci0 is the BT chip on my host processor? Cool.
Even if I did have any compatible BT devices I doubt that my NUC would be in range. It is in the basement, though Zigbee and Z-wave do find all my devices.

What would be an inexpensive BT device I could buy to test if the integration I have would even work?

Maybe the BT2MQTT mentioned in post 85 by @ mrdj863 might be worth look at…

Good job, devs.
118 posts and only one saying he had to revert to 2022.7

You should take a well deserved bow.


Is 1st gen Eve Room supposed to be supported?
I’m having an error when trying to pair it.

Synology DSM 6 runs bluetoothd version 4.101. So seems incompatible :frowning: Anyone Synology users out there have a way to get it working?

Anyone else with LIFX out there ? My bulbs are being discovered under HomeKit Controller integration, not something I have.

Any ideas? Is it safe to click IGNORE?

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Yes it’s safe but you may not want to. The Home Assistant Homekit connection to your Lifx bulbs will be local push. The Lifx integration is local polling. Push is better than polling.

One reason to keep the Lifx integration connection is that it supports the lifx.set_state service which works even when the light is off. If you don’t use this, go with Homekit.

Edit: also Homekit does not support the lifx effects services though these can be replaced with scripts that have variables passed to them (entity_id, cycles, colour, etc). However there is no way to set the infra-red intensity of security lights using Homekit.

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See the section HomeKit Accessory Protocol

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Thanks - makes sense now.

I assume if you do this:

It is possible to set up control of the device in Home Assistant using both protocols simultaneously by configuring both the LIFX integration and the HomeKit Controller integration for the same device.

Then you don’t get the “significantly less network traffic.”

Thanks Tom - I’ll ignore until another day. I have 12 foot ceilings and the last thing I want to do is start unscrewing all my LIFX bulbs to read the HK number on them. I just did a floor lamp and the advantages make it seem worthwhile - but not right now :slight_smile:

Yeah likewise. I also have made extensive use of the lifx.set_state service which I would have to workaround somehow.

Same here, custom switches don’t work after the upgrade.

Ok, thanks for sharing the info. I’ll think I’ll revert also. Damn!

Edit: it seems to be already reported

The new Bluetooth integration has rekindled a discussion in my head…

I have a few Xiaomi BLE devices; e.g. temp and humidity sensors I’m currently using via “BLE to MQTT gateways” running on ESP32 devices throughout the house. It works like this:

Xiaomi sensor ------> BLE ------> ESP32 ------> MQTT ------> HA

With the new integration and a long range BT adapter would I be able to directly discover/setup tthese sensors directly in HA; i.e.?

Xiaomi sensor ------> BLE ------> HA

Regarding range, most of the long range BT adapters advertise 100m in open space. With the size of the house I get to any device within 50m between HA and the sensor. However I’d assume most BT devices still work within the 10m range. Could this work or am I restricted to the 10m range of the device? I’m only considering this if I can remove the various ESP32s around the house which don’t do anything else

Thanks for the help. Now I’ve gotten an eve motion, 2 eve energy outlets, and an eve room sensor to pair, but there are 2 eve weather sensors and 1 eve energy that still wont pair and keep giving me the same two errors in my logs. I noticed that the devices I’m still having trouble with have a black house on their homekit code stickers, whereas all the eve devices I’ve paired so far have a white house. Could there be a problem with the older generation devices (I think the black house is the older one anyway)?

I have 3 of the eve energy devices. One is older and two are newer that both pair. These devices take the longest to pair out of all of them so it might just be taking too longer. I’m working on a PR to speed it up here: https://github.com/Jc2k/aiohomekit/pull/130

I don’t have an eve weather, but I ordered one and will see if I can get it to pair.

The new map colours are far better than before but as I use dark mode for the UI and always used the dark_mode: false tag to display the map card in light mode, this is no longer working. Had a look around but found no answer, am I missing something?

type: map
  - entity: person.xx
  - entity: person.xxx
title: Where are We
hours_to_show: 12
default_zoom: 16
dark_mode: false