2022.8: You can fix it!

Maybe but getting your mind blown isn’t always by definition a positive experience.

But what happens to those who don’t organize their HA like that?

I know it’s not a part of this release but it was mentioned so I’m starting this discussion. Feel free to move it if needed.

There are many questions related to the planned naming standardization.

will the system automatically change the existing names/entity_ids for existing devices/entities?

will we still be able to customize those changed assigned names entity_id’s?

Depending on the answer to the first question then the answer to the second question could result in A LOT of tedious reworking of our system configs.

What if someone doesn’t use areas at all (like me)? How will the auto assigned devices/entities be made if there is no area assigned to the device.

I’m assuming that the renaming (if it happens) will only be done to devices configured thru the UI and so they are contained in the device registry?

So then the user will be in a position where their system will be partially structured for them by the system and part will be structured by them? That sems to negate the benefit of the forced re-structuring of the naming standardization.

I REALLY don’t like the idea that HA may change the naming/entity_id convention I’ve created for MY HA instance through the last five years of use.

It seems that either way this goes there is going to be a lot of potential pain in either needing to update ALL of the existing config (automations/scripts/dashboards/etc) to use the new updated names or for the existing users to need to go thru all existing names and change them back to what they were before.

Maybe this will all be taken into account before anything is actually put into place but reading the dev documentation pointed to above doesn’t really mention backward compatibility except in the short term…

During the migration period, we use the has_entity_name property to create “backward compatible” friendly names. In the future, we can show deprecation warnings for entities that don’t set this property, and later, remove it entirely.

…and the dev history where there is a tendency to make decisions without any feedback from the community I figured I’d get started early pointing out potential pain points or to allow the dev team to alleviate concerns by us knowing what to expect when the time comes.


FYI, I got the same error trying to pair with my ipad and appletv both shut off. I’ll wait for the update and try again then.

Appreciate you work on this!

Hopefully they will work once HA is updated with bdraco’s fix!

I see your changes were merged with main.
does this mean we will get these updates in 2022.8.1?

No… it’s incredible how complex it is to try to make something as popular as Bluetooth work…

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Is bluetooth audio now supported? I would like to connect a small BT speaker to my HA for chimes/alerts when certain sensors are activated.

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It’s a project that still exists. For my purposes, I used it early on for broadcasts. If music was playing, a broadcast nicely lowers the volume and speaks the message, then the music continues. Normal TTS makes everything stop playing.

At some point Google added a “incoming message…it says…” to all broadcasts and it kind of ruined it for me. Still works, but stopped working for my use.

In terms of what it could control, I found that limited too.

They should be in 2022.8.1


great! I’ll retest my Eve Room once released and report back here and in my other thread.

I have problems with alexa media player. Notify does not work anymore. Anybody else experiences this too?

I don’t think the new bluetooth update works well with this adapter (LM1010), my readings stop coming in after a few hours until i restart HA. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07N1XJ5JH/
I’ve ordered one of the supported adapters and will try that out this weekend. If the problem goes away with the new adapter, can we add LM1010 to the naughty list on the documentation page?

rad, can’t wait!

Based on the specs of that adapter it doesn’t look like a good time. You can edit the page with the edit link at the bottom

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The eve room and eve weather seem to keep coming up as problems. Hopefully the changes that are coming in 2022.8.1 will improve compat with these devices.

I don’t actually have these devices so I had to made some guesses based on user provided logs, but I ordered both as there were one of the few HomeKit Ble devices I didn’t have for testing. If they don’t work with the 2022.8.1 changes, I’ll do another turn.

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If you want to test the new integration, feel free to send me a PM and I’ll send over the details

I’ve stopped using my old Eve Room because I pretty much moved everything to Home Assistant now (I can do much more and more reliable too). The Eve Room and Schlage Sense lock are the only two remaining devices still connected to HomeKit. If we can get theses little bugs ironed out, I will be grateful! :wink:

I also have this problem with IMOU camera’s

Just figured out that the entity_id of my echo dot changed. WTF.

Hi. Thanks for the great bluetooth addition
Any chance for integration fo of ’ * ATC (custom firmware for Xiaomi/Qingping sensors)’ anytime soon?

It adds functionality to the original firmware + extends battery life for Xiaomi sensor
(the path to Telink Flasher is listed on Xiaomi BLE integration page, but the flashed sensors are not discovered by it)

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Do you mean like the Xiaomi Mijia (LYWSD03MMC) temperature & humidity sensor?

If so mine are flashed to the latest PVVX firmware (3.7) and work fine, you just need to change the Advertising type to Mijia (mihome) with the flash tool and it works.

As per post #142 you’ll need passive ble active scan on and you will see results as shown in post #174.