2022.8: You can fix it!

Pfff nice update, why do they even mention breaking changes if it’s not even complete.

Now I understand why they called it “you can fix it”…

mine has been installing for 20 mins and the cpu is stuck at 200% utilised… is this normal? how long did the install take for you folk?

For people using both BLE monitor and the new Bluetooth integration(s) at the same time, it might be needed to enable active scan in the BLE monitor settings to be able to use both integrations. Without this change, you wont see data updates in the new integration.


I just installed the update and it took less than a minute.

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Depends on your system hardware I guess, in my RPi probably 10 mins

Just for the sake of sharing my experience. After upgrading to 2022.8, HA kept crashing with the message:
MySQLdb.OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

But Mariadb was up and running. When I checked that log, I noticed:
2022-08-04 9:51:39 607 [Warning] Aborted connection 607 to db: 'homeassistant' user: 'homeassistant' host: '' (Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes)

Turns out I had an older charset param in my recorder url (utf8) which should be:

I probably overlooked an earlier release note in ha or the addon. Anyways, great release again!


Indeed your hardware will play a part of the installation time, I’m running it on my ESXi host so not a RPi on my side.

Same her after update, Couldn’t connect to camera ‘Amcrest’

To my surprise, I read that the TP-Link BT500 USB Bluetooth adapter (and the BT400 for that matter) are not supported by the Bluetooth integration. I just got on of these, and so far I had no issues with the new integration, but maybe too soon to tell.
I can probably still return this and get a supported BT USB dongle. Should I? What is the experience with others using the TP-Link?

(BTW, I am using the USB BT dongle in a Synology DS220+ running virtual machine with HA OS)

Ah, I think I know why that happens. I took a closer look at it. As you can see I have one that is a Lidl color lamp that works with the mushroom cards

But… then I took a look at another and found it’s not there; just as it’s with you:

So that got me thinking, what’s the difference. And then I remembered. The first one, labeled “Eettafel” is actually a group of Lidl ligts. And one of them is not a color light, but one that only has temperature control. But since they’re in a group, temperature control is accepted for both types of lights.

So, as this was really anoying, I just went back to 2022.7.7. Now everything works again like a charm. Guess I’ll be skipping 2022.8 until this is fixed.

Did you add a new Path in the Home-Assistant-Core container through Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device in Unraid?

Container Path: /var/run/dbus
Host Path: /var/run/dbus

Or is it Container Path: /run/dbus ?

Mine is working again now, thanks! By any chance you use zigbee2mqtt also in Node-Red?
My dimmer switches dont seem to connect since the update and reinstall. MQTT explorer shows them as available, so that shouldnt be the problem.

It seems once I add Bluetooth, it then can’t be removed or all manner of integrations then stop working. Why does HomeKit now have a Bluetooth dependency?

I can’t actually get Bluetooth to work

bleak.exc.BleakDBusError: [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied] An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient; type="method_call", sender="(null)" (inactive) interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="AddMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)

And now seem to not be able to remove this integration?

Both Yamaha integrations are working good over here. You’re getting an encoding error, that is usually comes from Yamaha. Did you name anything oddly or map odd characters to source names?

It’s simple enough to identify them. Just place them in a dark cupboard one at a time and use the illuminance sensor to work out which is which. Then rename each integration and the device and entities. :slight_smile:

No, I only use NodeRed for 1 flow for a UDP device sorry

As long as it does not end up like these “Fachmanny” :rofl:

Czecho - Slovakian friends here will remember…


I didn’t map anything. Actually I didn’t change anything - just base integration. It just stopped working after the update.
But funny thing - I was checking integration page after reading your message and noticed there is an optional host setting that I didn’t used before. I thought it’s worth a try and after restart everything is back. I have no idea why it was working before and now it doesn’t without setting explicitly the AVR address.
So thanks for the inspiration. :slight_smile:

well this is completely new to me, after having tested the beta cycle, not having seen this, and not changed anything in the bluetooth settings at all:

Logger: root
Source: runner.py:119 
First occurred: 13:44:28 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 13:44:28

A message handler raised an exception: '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_2C_D1_CF_91_DB_DC'. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dbus_next/message_bus.py", line 668, in _process_message result = handler(msg) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bleak/backends/bluezdbus/manager.py", line 703, in _parse_msg del self._properties[obj_path][interface] KeyError: '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_2C_D1_CF_91_DB_DC'```

also, not having had the auto-ban for some time it suddenly does this:

  banned_at: '2022-08-04T11:46:35.226050+00:00'

full error:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from fe80::1c2b:8dfb:ed62:3576 (fe80::1c2b:8dfb:ed62:3576). Requested URL: '/auth/token'. (Home Assistant/2022.2 (io.robbie.HomeAssistant; build:2022.345; macOS(Catalyst) 12.5.0) Alamofire/5.4.4)

its really odd, because that user agent is not my browser and seems to indicate the Mac App? I did start that up today, after having not touched it since forever. However, the ban blocks my regular Safari browser, and Not the App… huh?