2022.9: Home Assistant Birthday Release!

There are a few differences, I tried to outline them all in this issue on the repository for the custom component. Since they use different domains, it should technically be possible to run both integrations at the same time while you migrate.


Perfect, that answer is a) really helpful, sounds b) quite comfortable (I’m gonna compare and potentially go the registry hack and restart way) and came c) very quickly. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Does it? I’ve just added bluetooth proxy to a couple of spare esp32’s, nothing bluetoothy is available via the esphome integration and trying to add the Bluetooth integration fails with “no unconfigured bluetooth devices connected” or similar

I think you also need ‘hardware:’ in your config if you want that functionality and don’t use default_config.


This was demonstrated in the stream. You do not need to add the Bluetooth integration if you do not have a dongle. The supported bluetooth devices that the bluetooth_proxy picks up will appear as if by magic in Home Assistant, ready to be configured, in the same way they would if you were using a dongle - without having to add the Bluetooth integration.


Scheduler! Yes! Love it! But why is the UI limit to such strict times? Also, the UI doesn’t seem to work ok the iOS companion app or mobile Safari very well… can’t select a time on the table :man_shrugging:

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The esphome device doesn’t need its own bluetooth config entry. Everything it needs to connect the esphome device to the bluetooth manager is stored in the esphome config entry.

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Amazing update, thanks guys!

The Bluetooth remotes using ESP32s is quite interesting and I’m wondering: are devices associated to an specific bluetooth adapter/remote? Like, I added a bluetooth LED using a USB adapter that has been iffy because its quite far, if I put an ESP32 bluetooth remote close to it, do I need to remove / re-add the LED device?

If not, will it automatically use that one communicate with it? How does HA know which one to use? Does it have some sense of the signal level to each device from each adapter/remote?

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This was explained in the stream, that HA keeps a track of what adaptor has a stronger signal - so it knows which adaptor to use to communicate to the device with.

However the ESP32s right now are passive only, you cannot control a device with a bluetooth_proxy - yet. But that is being worked on.


Great! This implementation seems really amazing, very flexible and poweful… Kudos guys!

Looking forward to being able to use ESP32 remotes for active connections…

Great update!
Frustrating timing for me - just this week I swapped coordinator and did a full repair 🤦

Thanks but the need for the hardware key is documented in both the Hardware integration and the default_config integration.

In contrast, the schedule key is not documented in the default_config integration. That omission may trip up users who don’t use default_config and prefer to cherry-pick its integrations individually.

For those users it’s common practice to review default_config's documentation whenever there’s a monthly release to see if any new integrations were added (in August it was bluetooth). However, for September’s release, schedule isn’t mentioned in default_config's documentation but it’s definitely part of the default_config integration.

Nice work all, especially excited to try out the weekly schedule!

Happy birthday Home Assistant! :tada:

Great release yet again.

The weekly schedule helper has enabled me to delete hundreds of lines of code and countless input_booleans, input_datetimes and template sensors.

Some things that would be nice to have (feature request here):

  • A Scheduler card for displaying and setting schedules.
  • Finer grained control. 30 minutes is too coarse to be of any use for my irrigation control.

Maybe help them get the documentation up to date? Anyone can submit a PR on any of the documentation pages, its not that difficult, there are some links at the bottom of every page for that…

ESP32-C3 support didn’t make it for today’s release. It is in the works.


I know how but I don’t have the time for it. However you seem to know how as well so perhaps you can spare the time to do it.

Wonder if using the bluetooth proxy is related to how matter can provision new devices using Bluetooth connections between the individual devices

Once again, all good stuff! Excellent update!

I do wish History would include that elusive “All” option, though.

Also, I’m a little confused by the Processor and memory usage addition to the Hardware page. It seems like a simplified duplication of effort/functionality, especially when we can already do the following quite easily:

Anybody has an issue with shelly.light? I have a dimmer that after the upgrade show the following error:

Unable to prepare setup for platform shelly.light: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘ATTR_WHITE_VALUE’ from ‘homeassistant.components.light’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/light/init.py)).

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