2022.9: Home Assistant Birthday Release!

Done: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/pull/24038


Yes, it seems that it does not work at the moment.

Super excited for this release; especially the new LaMetric integration and Bluetooth proxy!

I did notice that adding new SwitchBot devices doesn’t seem to work anymore after I updated to 2022.9. Has anyone else run into this issue?

Wasn’t this in the release notes? LightEntity no longer supports white_value | Home Assistant Developer Docs

Also what integration is that? Not the built in one I think. If it is a custom one, ask the authors.

Didn’t see that, but the issue is in Shelly for Hass integration, the crude fix described works.

For me it’s the Shelly 4 HASS integration causing this issue. I guess they will push an update soon.

Apart from bringing it to peoples attention (which is good), there is no point asking here for fixes.

Very cool release. My Switchbot Light Strip was discovered right away after the update!

But one question:
Is it possible to use an already in ESPresense installed ESP32 as Bluetooth proxy too?
Means can i install the Bluetooth Proxy in addition?

Nice update, but I am absolutely not a fan of the update to the automation. I am constantly clicking to open things. Really bad user experience. Please allow us to have everything opened at once.


I found this confusing too.

Am I right I saying that there is no longer a way to do “next_tariff”?

You have to separate your automations into two to specifically select a tariff?


Great work all! I am particularly happy with the streamlined automations. One unfortunate thing I noticed however is the description.

I am pretty extensive in what I put in there, synce steps within the automation cannot be documented. That means that I have a multi-lined description that describes the staps the automation does. In the current relesae this is displayed as one long line of text.

Perhaps that could be returned to what it was but then perhaps with the option to collapse. For me this is less needed when there is a description option in Choose and If/Then en perhaps conditions, but I can imagine that it doesn’t suit all.

So great release!
Is it just me who is a bit clueless how to use the ZHA backup function and also switch to a new stick. What happens when I click the migrate radio button for example? Could not find anything more in the documentation of ZHA?
Did a backup also but that JSON does not contain that much as I was expecting like all the devices is that correct?

In case you didn’t notice, every single row, can be renamed to show the text your prefer/like (instead of the generated text). Hit the three dots for the overflow menu of the row you like to change the title of, and click “Rename”.


yes, and what’s more, those will immediately show all historic data, where the new graphs in hardware are realtime only, sliding in from above after some time (5sec?) and then fill.

Besides that, I wonder if the new hardware: integration is responsible for the additional experienced processor usage.

Well there is no “next_option” service for the select helper, just a set_option service, https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/select/

However you can combine the logic for selecting the tariff into the one automation, e.g.

  - service: select.select_option
      - select.energy_from_grid_daily
      option: "{{ 'peak' if is_state('binary_sensor.peak_rate', 'on') else 'offpeak' }}"

bluetooth: is also part of that.

however, even though not explicitly listed in configuration.yaml, it is still loaded. Probably as a dependency for another integration?

It shouldn’t do anything other than ‘discover’ the new Bluetooth integration, as I understand the explanation in #beta recently. Still, its remarkable we can not not-load it.

Referring to beta ESPhome, not Home Assistant.

I’ve read it in the release notes, but did not correlate it yet

Thanks for pointing it out!

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I’m very glad to see the weekly schedule component ! I’ll be able to manage more efficiently my heaters. Today I have about 100 input entities used just for simulate an entity like that (didn’t want to use a calendar for more reliability).
Thank you !

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Great release as usually!
Its not a big trouble but in the hardware page the image link for Hardkernel Odroid C2 is broken.