2023.12: Welcome home!

Not correct, I have KNX thermostats providing only heating mode (on). Therefore it would be nice if the one mode will be suppressed as the button is not useful.

Wait, you mean there’s a way to exclude data from being stored in LTS? Can someone point me to where this is documented?

This would be fantastic, for me. I have no use for the vast majority of the LTS data and always wondered why something like this was kept forever, with no exclude and no keep_days options, like we have with the states and events data.

That would also be great, and would be the most logical database design choice. But, alas, it’s actually stored in the same database, albeit in different tables.

Will the auto-logon feature built into all modern browsers still work with this new logon page?

Right now, I rarely see the logon page. At my house, we all use the same account. If we’ve clicked the “keep my logged on” box once on a device, from then on it goes directly to the dashboard, which is what I want.

I’m hoping I don’t have to select from a list of users (there would only be one) every time.

Yes, separate tables, however the comment still stands:

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Yes, still working for me.

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Just in case, like me, someone might have spent the last few weeks adding a new command_line sensor.

This release depreciates

  - platform: command_line 

you now need to use the newer format.

  - sensor:

Assume an integration creates an entity - and whether this entity is stored in LTS or not, it depends on its “state_class” (defined by this integration).
Now consider a template sensor - created by YOU.
You are not obliged to define a particular “state_class” for this sensor - so it will not have LTS.

A simple use case:

  1. Some integration creates a sensor with attributes - “co2”, “pm25”, “temperature”, “humidity”.
  2. You create 4 template sensors for these attrs: with “state_class: measurement” for “temperature” & "humidity - and with no “state_class” for “co2” & “pm25”.
  3. You exclude the source sensor from Recorder.
  4. Now you can see a real History for all these parameters for 10 (by default) days, LTS data (forever) for “temperature” & “humidity”; and you will NOT have LTS for “co2” & “pm25” - these values are very volatile and are not valuable on a long-term perspective.

Note: in Statistics graph for values with LTS you will still see only last 10 days in case you selected “5minute” period in a card’s settings; these data a not a “pure LTS” and not stored forever.

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I agree. I totally hate this “going away from yaml”-thingy that is going on. In most cases, it make things worse as not all features previously possible is possible through the GUI. This would not have had to be a breaking change.

The whole point with homeassistant (was) that it was developer friendly. Now it is taking steps towards other less technical people at the expense of those developers.

There is a workaround, as mentioned, but it is a great hassle. WTH don’t just make all the settings available in the GUI (perhaps under some kind of “advanced settings” part if it is for aesthetic reasons.

But it really should. As long-term-statistics is a forever growing thing, it will eventually eat all your db storage. You should have a (longer) keep_days setting for it. Preferably a “per entity” setting, as has been rightfully requested multiple times in WTH.


I agree. It was just referring to the (several times ongoing) discussion in those other places.
Here is just one example: Disable long term statistics?!

It usually ends up with an admin simply telling the person that their database is not soooo large and they could always buy a bigger hard drive and that it is not really a problem.

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2 things,

  1. The"IMO" stands for "in my opinion ". You have a different opinion, that’s fine. There is no reason to get upset about us having different views on this.
  1. No functionality has been removed. It’s all still there. You just need to enable some features. There is a fix coming for the auto-gen dashboard where it is not possible to edit the features.
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stupid question here: is there a way to use the “thermostat card” as default GUI for HVAC devices?
i mean, i do not have specific cards in lovelace, i commonly click on entity name and the default GUI opens up, that is not as nice as lovelace cards… can i use the same interface? (basically, i hate dropdowns for modes and presets…)

It’s not the first time this has happened. Sometimes it returns, sometimes it doesn’t. Time will tell.

Mamy thanks for implementing some options to modify the Default dashboard. Ability to reorder Areas is quite useful for me. I hope this trend of adding flexibility to the Default dashboard continues. For example, I’d like to reorder entities within an area as well. Or make some configuration/diagnostic entities visible as well.

I’m just bad at designing dashboards from scratch so I’m still mostly using the Default one…

I am missing something ?
Cannot see i picture of myself here:


Maybe a tiny bug in the updated Thermostat card (to be confirmed by others):
It seems the current temperature is not being updated as long as the card is open as a pop-up (e.g. if you click on the entity in an entities card). The updated value is shown once the pop-up is closed.

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I wish I was smart enough to understand…but I do not understand what these changes are about. I use the Harmony Hub integration. Does this “select” change anything for me ?

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After the upgrade to 2023.12.0 I can’t remove the MyQ garage doors at my dads house Home Assistant… I removed them from my instance at my house first before upgrade, no problem…
screenshots of what i get at my dads after the upgrade…


Isn’t that a custom integration. If so this is not the place to ask?

Surely if there is an On there must be an Off.

Believe me, there are thermostats which are always on, I have plenty of them.

In such a case removing the buttons in default dashboard would be appreciated

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