2023.12: Welcome home!

Do you have history graphs? I had some dashboards that we lagging before and stop after delete those cards using the IOS app.

The day this happens I’ll eat my hat.


My comment was to point out that other projects have a much slower release cycle, but it is still a pain point for users. Very much so by all accounts.

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The analogy with Windoze device driver updates is better with integrations, you usually can update an integration without having to update HA core. However, at some point you do. And this is not a discussion about semantics. Personally, I would rather wait 6 months for core updates while accepting security/essential (non functionality affecting) changes would be more frequent.

Yes, same for me. I created an issue already during beta testing, core dev did already improvements (thank you!), but not yet perfect. Biggest problem, after unintentional change, you do not know your previous setting any more. Maybe this round slider is not the best choice.

Had also big zha issues. I did several reconfigurations, migrations, etc. And after two days it was working again. No clue why.

It’s not. See this and this other forum topics discussing the security problem this new feature poses.

Also, this GitHub issue that was shut down.

There have also been filed at least two private vulnerability reports.

All has been dismissed by the devs for the reason that Home Assistant now considers all private IP address trusted.


I just looked on Github and there are a few different ZHA related issues that have been logged as a result of HA 2023.12 but it would be a case of seeing if any of these are the same as what we are seeing or if this is something different. The fact that my Z-Wave also failed to start makes me think my issue is more related to the USB initialisation rather than specifically Zigbee / ZHA.

Can anyone explain to me how the statistics integration works with DSMR? I’ve been exporting it to InfluxDB (w/ Grafana). But now it stops frequently sending the updates every few seconds.

This is now by design, but I am unable to find how to use the statistics integration to be like the old DSMR integration (updating every few seconds). Now the lines are unreal or outdated.

It already exists for lots of integrations (HACS, official add-ons), but for integrations that are part of core, you still would be blocked with old version, until you update core…
So this would require significan change in approach to development cycles, to keep separated functional development from maintenance releases.
Frankly speaking, with so dynamic marked for smart home devices/systems, this would be shame to keep new products from integrations into HA, by slowing up major releases cycle to 6 months. BUt this is just my view…

The idea of making all integrations as downloadable independently a la hacs has been floated many times.

Personally i foresee many dependency problems.

#meetoo, the previous version was finished and didn’t need fiddling with.

Demoting the mode control a level down has reduced the usability, and the word ‘Target’ is misleading when the heating system is turrned off in summer or in frost protection mode in winter.

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I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere…

where is the documentation for this:

Looking here simply documents the deprecated list_events.

Having got the repair warning


I changed my automations to use the new service but couldn’t get it to work. I’m pretty sure that is my fault but without any docs how do I know?

Are we stepping back 5 years to the bad old days with HA when the docs were pretty awful? I hope not :slight_smile:

The thing with ignoring and postponing is that you will be caught up in time anyway. If something is causing a problem for you and it will not be addressed by “Nabu Casa” at some day you either have to swallow it or code your way out.

To see how it works I joined the Beta version discussion. In case of the thermostat card there was barely a discussion. Only on the sensitivity of the circle slider. I don’t know how serious that group is or how independent the discussion goes. Anyway I see it as the moment to give input and I how we get a better response then after the formal update.

Or consider this: we all liked the new thermostat.


It’s covered pretty well in the documentation. Has everything you need to know in the templates.

The service call…

Using the data in a separate service call

There’s even a new search function on homeassistant.io that directs you to the exact place in the documentation.


Not sure how much better it can get… all you have to do is look for it.

Clearly I did

This documents the deprecated list_events

Well, then suggest an edit to include get_events. Seems like it was accidentally missed.

service: calendar.get_events
  entity_id: calendar.school
    hours: 24
response_variable: agenda
service: notify.gmail_com
  target: [email protected]
  title: Daily agenda for {{ now().date() }}
  message: >-
    Your agenda for today:
    {% for event in agenda['calendar.school'].events %}
    {{ event.start}}: {{ event.summary }}<br>
    {% endfor %}

I would have considered it but as I said I couldn’t get it to work so wouldn’t have been able to document it!

You have however, I think, pointed me to my mistake (square brackets and quotes.
(you’d think I could have guessed that by now even if I didn’t know…)

I sure did. In fact that’s what I wanted to know. However there is a slight nuance in we all liked it and we have no issue with it. And as it seems some do have an issue with it. Hence the discussion.

Anyway I joined the Beta group discussion and claim my right to “vote”.

Unfortunately they were not on the beta team or present in the frontend test group before that.

You don’t get to vote if you don’t run the beta too :wink:

(there is no “voting”, only feedback).

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