2023.12: Welcome home!

Done, hope it was the right way to do it:

Itā€™s great that history graph is now showing long time statistics (I have to admit that I didnā€™t even know that HA is storing data to LTS by itself), I donā€™t think I need grafana anymore. But does that mean I donā€™t need influxdb either anymore, and MariaDB is enough? And I could just remove the current setting of purge_keep_days: 30 from Recorder?

Currently I have quite a list of entities that I include to influxdb so that it keeps my database better under control, so should I just check which entities LTS have already and only keep those that it doesnā€™t have? And if there are few sensors that are not included to LTS, then I guess I could add them somehow and then get rid of influxdb?

I noticed that although someone said LTS has been around since 2021, my temperature data etc is showing from 2nd of October 2022 forward only, although I know I have had those sensors a lot longer than that. I donā€™t remember anymore, but maybe I have had to reinstall Home Assistant completely at that point and thatā€™s why I donā€™t have even older sensor data available anymore?

My goodness, I just want to say such a BIG thank you to karwosts Ā· GitHub and the History stats feature. I know a lot of people will be ditching Grafana just because of this and for a quick look at the history - without creating statistics graphs cards is just amazing. Very good idea, very well executed, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3


Well while checking my test system thatā€™s running for 6 months, i do see i have not even put recorder: in the configā€¦ i just noticed, but my DB is already hugeā€¦

But still my DB is compared to my original system 250MB, so this is from around 6 months, what means it will be 1GB in 2 years.
How is that possible?

Do i need to add purge_keep_days: 10 and recorder: or leave it default as the db is big now.

On my main i use MariaDB and its really fast, there i record unlimited data and i can compare my data from last year with today in an entity card in 2 seconds, so for my main i do not see a reason to start purging anytime soon, as i need the changes within 15 minutes instead of hour.

But i must say LTS doesnā€™t use any data at all, i did do the same thing with google sheets for all my temperature sensors recording every change, its on 12mb for a year, and import it into grafana in no time


You have default_config: which includes the recorder integration. It has the default purge keep days of 10 days.

1GB is not huge.


this! a big step backwards in usability :-/


Okay, rolling back. Losing my history sux bigtime :-(.

You have a typo on the word items not sure if that will get it working.
Can you let me know if you do as i want to do this later as well.

Sorry, I tried that, the result:

Your agenda for today: <br>
    <br>  g
    <br>  e
    <br>  n
    <br>  d
    <br>  a
    <br>  .
    <br>  t
    <br>  o
    <br>  d
    <br>  o
    <br>  .
    <br>  m
    <br>  y
    <br>  _
    <br>  t
    <br>  a
    <br>  s
    <br>  k
    <br>  s

it has been fixed:

- service: todo.get_items
    entity_id: todo.hass_ideas
  response_variable: mylist

- service: system_log.write
    message: >
      {%- for item in mylist['todo.hass_ideas']['items'] %}
        {{ item.summary }}
      {%- endfor %}
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I am not extremely excited about the thermostat card either. Although it looks good the main number showing is the target where itā€™s more important to see the actual temperature what most if not all thermostats do. Itā€™s quite annoying to look at the target where the actual temp is small below.

EDIT: I played around a bit but there are no options to change it. I rolled back because looking at target settings on my mobile doesnā€™t suit me. I know I will caught up some day and I have to upgrade. Until that time I hope this will be changed or selectable in the settings of the card.

Before (great and clear):

After (messy):

And in case of a full screen before:

Actual temperature large in the middle. Target small below.


agree with Ih8rain2, having the target in large font and the current temp very small is very inconvenient, at least offer the option to switch both on the card


What happened to HACS, getting an error telling me that 2023.12.0 is not supported:

While I greatly appreciate all the work that is put in to HA, how can you really defend the change with ā€œThe old card has been removed. The new design is much nicer IMO.ā€: it is far less functional and has now removed the ability to do what the old card did. Loss of the critical functionality of easily doing one of the primary tasks that has to be done with an air conditioner, being able to turn it on or off. Due to a regular update now people are going to go and have to work out how to build custom functionality to get back what they already had before what is usually a routine update with no breaking interface changes?

If I have missed some shortcut for how to use the interface to turn it on or off, Iā€™ll be happy to learn the new way (without going into the properties of the card), but if itā€™s there itā€™s not obvious.


ok thanks Tom for the clarification

The Release Notes include a screenshot of a Climate card being modified to include two additional features. Thatā€™s the usual way of customizing a cardā€™s basic functionality.


For more information, refer to this post:

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Known bug

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the one big issue we saw return (after being fixed initially in the last update) is the device_trackers going unavailable when offline on startup for the Unifi network integration. it might help fixing this is others joined in the GitHub repo issue
Nothing should have changed in the code, and yet here we are

Skoda connect also works, the problems are caused by new terms. Accept those in the Skoda app and all is well again. Just an unfortunate timing coincidence.

Big problem with HomeWizard. The upgrade disabled the t1 import entities and generated a new entity without history. So I was missing complete history. Swapping statistics idā€™s in de database resolved this. But utility meters based on the T1 entities also broken. Cost me already 3 hours to correct things in the database and statistics. Had to correct 17 devicesā€¦

What I noticed is that it generated dutch names i.s.o. english ones. And based on the device name. So maybe language setting related? For some devices which have been renamed in the passed I have half the entities with the previous name, half the new name, half in english and half in dutch. A mess!