2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

Does anyone have any idea when Python 3.11 will be released for the Home Assistant OS? Shouldn’t that happen with this release?

this was asked in the beta on discord, there are still issues being found / fixed

I’m not sure what was going on with the recorder after the database migration, but it was making my NAS running MariaDB go CRAZY for over 30 minutes until I restarted Home Assistant OS

It seems that swiping the sidebar open no longer works in Android companion app?


That’s the case for me too, it takes a bit because a lot of data is restructured. It also depends on the size of the database.

From what I understand, It will be back at a later date. It only works for closing the sidebar at the moment.

It’s not mentioned in this blog-post, but if you look at the full changelog, it says:

So crossing fingers. :slight_smile:

I have a workaround for the background colour not respected from the theme. I’m using Fully Kiosk browser android app and this workaround requires that.

In Fully Kiosk Browser / Settings / Other Settings / Dark Mode

Restart Fully Kiosk Browser. The background of the Dashboard is now black. This is NOT what was in the theme (I use a slate grey) but it is at least not the glaring white.

Once this is resolved I’ll change the setting back.

Even with this issue, loving the new release.

I cannot see the new custom_templates folder, where to store the macros. Is anyone else having this problem?

That folder needs to be created manually.

Ok thanks. It was not clear in the release notes.

Can these macros be used in the yaml files as well or is it only in the Template section of Developer Tools?

is anyone else seeing this? I rolled back to 2023.3 because my Broadcom, Universal Devices and TPLink integrations all fail with the same error:

... ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error importing platform config_flow from integration broadlink to set up broadlink configuration entry: 
cannot import name 'QueryMessage' from 'dns.message' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dns/message.py)
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After update, Simplisafe integration isn’t working

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 383, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/simplisafe/__init__.py", line 357, in async_setup_entry
    api = await API.async_from_refresh_token(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplipy/api.py", line 154, in async_from_refresh_token
    await api.async_refresh_access_token()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplipy/api.py", line 406, in async_refresh_access_token
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplipy/api.py", line 258, in _save_token_data_from_response
    self.refresh_token = token_data["refresh_token"]
KeyError: 'refresh_token'

And it isn’t prompting for a new auth code either.

Also wake on lan switches aren’t getting registered now and they have the following message:

This entity is no longer being provided by the wake_on_lan integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.
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I have a python script running as a command_line sensor, and import modules are now failing.

For example:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/scripts/rubbish_day.py", line 34, in <module>
    import requests
ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'requests'

I upgraded a couple of hours ago, the warning about the database upgrade has long since gone away, but my database is still churning like crazy.

These top process are all from my Home assistant container stack.

Is this normal? It’s not like I’m running on a raspberry Pi here either. I expected this to have calmed down by now.

It depends on the size of your database and hardware.

You can find the estimated size under Settings → System → Repairs → … (upper right hand corner) → System Information → Recorder

Stats from an ODROID N2+ with EMMC

~ 1GiB with sqlite ~ 6 minutes
~ 12 GiB with sqlite ~ 17 minutes
~ 1GiB with MariaDB ~21 minutes
~ 4 GiB with MariaDB ~48 minutes
~ 80 GiB with MariaDB ~8 hours

Check your https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/show-processlist.html


It looks like your dnspython version is out of date

pip install --upgrade dnspython==2.3.0

My vision of a more info dialog :woman_shrugging: to each their own I guess…

I still don’t have a clue where the information for setting custom more info dialogs went. Pretty sure once upon a time it was set in the customize yaml and all defined entities would use that custom more info dialog. If gone, I think it should be bought back.

Anyways, another update, another wrestling match. Challenge Accepted.

EDIT: On a positive note, I love the backend stuff when it comes to QOL changes, most notably jinja macros. I love anything that goes towards dynamic coding.


I used to have a number of entities generated using curl commands. After upgrading to 2023.4.0, I can see none of them seem to work. It does not give me any error either.

Is anyone else facing the same issue?

I don’t have any repairs available, but all the processes are during on all cylinders.

I couldn’t take the suspense anymore so I restarted my home assistant container. Now that I’ve restarted I have a “runc init” process taking up a constant 60-70% of one core. I’ve never seen that before