2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

Yes. I see this as well


Renault integration does not work anymore: Renault - Home Assistant
The problem is known but it needs an update.

Can you update Home Assistant so that the manifest.json changes renault-api from .01.12 to 0.1.13?
It is impossible to modify it ourselves. We are all blocked:

Please, Bump Release 2023.4.6 :slight_smile:

You can do it on your own system really easily.

with File Editor i find /usr/src but no folder inside.
i search this /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/renault/manifest.json
can you explain me how please ?

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What install method did you use?

Normal. No docker.

Hello, I upgraded to 2023.4.5 and OS10. This night at 4h30 in the morning, HA state was in trouble, seems not responding (no data collected till power off/on).
There are some scheduled task during the night ?
Iā€™m trying to found the root cause but nothing in logs and again this morning, same things happened.
Strange :wink:

The database is purged at 4:12am.

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OS release 10 does seem to have serious troubles: Home Assistant OS 10: Better memory management and new board support - #75 by 11125

Personally I held back updating, also because of raised issues in the repo.

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I updated to 2023.4.5 (and HAOS 10.0) and after that I have noticed that my smart lights seem to go on randomly. But thatā€™s only on frontend, the actual light does not go on (and I can control them via HA interface without problems). Itā€™s just odd to see 4-5 lights that according to frontend are on without any reasonā€¦

my renault integration broke too, but so did the renault app, so Iā€™m contacting renault to see whether its an issue on their end.

The whole Home Assistant is in german, but the enitiy states are in english.

Yesā€¦same issue here after upgrading from 2023.3.6 to 2023.4.5. I have like 10 devices that got affected. Not sure if you or anyone found a solution other than redoing it?

After updating from 2023.4.4. to 2023.4.5 I m unable to restart Home Assistant due to this warning: Platform error sensor.solaredge_local - Exception importing homeassistant.components.solaredge_local.sensor.
Do not know what to do with this, the only thing is a backup back to 2023.4.4. Anyone else the same problem and how to fix it?

Hello, after ESPhome update to 2023.4.0 unusually high CPU LOAD started on HA host and stays above 1.2 all the time(even after host restart). Before the update load was 0.2 on average.

In ESPhome Iā€™m using 1 ESP32 BLE tracker device(upgraded to 2023.4.0) and 2 BLE iBeacon devices.
Home Assistant 2023.4.5 Supervisor 2023.04.0 Operating System 10.0

I can see connection errors in the log:

 Logger: aioesphomeapi.connection
Source: runner.py:179
m5stack-atom-lite @ Connection error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
Logger: aioesphomeapi.reconnect_logic
Source: runner.py:179
Can't connect to ESPHome API for m5stack-atom-lite @ Error connecting to ('', 6053): [Errno 113] Connect call failed ('', 6053)

Also ping to the ESPhome device is unusually high:

Tried to change framework type from arduino to esp-idf in ESPhome but no change :frowning:

There are four methods; core, OS, supervised, and container. Pick one.

Please open a GitHub issue and post a callgrind file from the profiler.start service as well as a py-spy

https://community.home-assistant.io/t/instructions-to-install-py-spy-on-haos/480473 but use 0.3.14

Ive updated that community guide some time ago with the 0.3.14 version, so that people can simply c&p.

also re-ordered the pid to the end of the line, allowing easier c&p there :wink:

finally, I added a command to output the files with a templated name, so they are always visible.

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Probably need to open an issue on this

I received a 2023.4.6 update notification, but thereā€™s no release notes for it on the main blog entry after 2023.4.5. Someone miss part of some process?