2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

English is not my mother language, but isn’t “just fine” an equivalent for “okay”?

sure. :wink:

the crucial bit in that sentence for me would be ‘most’…

Are there any advantages in using SQLite over MariaDB (except easier setup)?

I’m not the person to ask, I don’t know the pros or cons between one or the other.

Yes, that is possible. I might create something like that for the next release.


that would be really appreciated, thanks Bram!

Same here.
I first tried to install the latest version of Alarmo (1.9.8) which is specifically designed to be compatible with HA 2023.4 but it initially didn’t help.
Then I read on GitHub issues that you have to clear the cache and this indeed fixes it.

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With the brand new is_hidden_entity function available, I wonder if there is a full list of all functions and variables available in Home Assistant’s templates?

In the Home Assistant 2023.4 Release Party. It starts around this timestamp: Home Assistant 2023.4 Release Party - YouTube

Same for mine, Simplisafe broke with same error

There is, in the templating documentation.

The documentation page is large and there’s multiple sections. All filters, tests, and functions are shown on that page.

And incase you are unfamiliar with Jinja terminology…
x | this_is_a_filter
x is this_is_a_test

The switches that came with my IKEA Fyrtur blinds (to control up/down) stopped working. They are there in ZHA but HA does not trigger automations when either of the buttons are pressed or held. It was working absolutely fine before 23.4
edit: these are zigbee and connected to HA via ZHA.

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I cannot find a full list of filters there. For example, the reject filter is not listed. It is just used (by coincidence) in a few examples, but not explained. I’ve been looking for something like reject for months and worked around it using include and regex negative lookaheads…until I learnt about reject. I wish I had known the reject filter earlier.

I am still looking for a full list of all filters, tests, functions and variables (such as states) available in HA’s templates.

Since these update all my themes does not working anymore.
All is grey or white…
Yesterday everythings works fine but now not anymore

reject is a jinja built-in, it’s referenced in the jinja documentation, it’s not going to be in HA’s documentation because HA isn’t extending it. The Jinja documentation is listed at the top of the templating documentation.

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Here also no colors in my themes they ar gone

Here is my issue for the same problem I am seeing.

GitHub Issue

Which time is correct?

Kamera Kert → 2023-04-06 05:41:53+00:00


HA → 2023-04-06 04:41:53.617908+00:00

They are off by an hour and both are in the same timezone (+00:00), so one of them is incorrect. Whichever time is wrong is the device you need to fix.

This is most likely a daylight savings flag fix. I’d wager it’s on your camera as HA typically handles DST correctly if your TZ is set correctly.

I really don’t like that the new group feature doesn’t shows the entities in that group. There is plenty of unused space.

I can’t even use the old group style, while it does show the entities, but i can’t change color and light temperature anymore (the color button shows an empty page/popup).

And now we have to navigate multiple times back & forth to change color and brightness, it’s really a step back.

I REALLY hope :pray: that you add an option to show entities in the group with on/off switch, like before. Or at least fix the old group to work just like before. It was really intuitive.

Agreed. I went immediately and checked the app for my camera and I do not see a setting for daylight savings so I am at a loss.

This issue has shown up before. Here is the old link to the old issue in GitHub:

Old Version of issue