2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

Your camera may not have it. Is the error a warning or an error? If it’s a warning, you might be able to just ignore it.


It prevents the integration from loading at all.

I am seeing this as well. In my case I have a button card for sensor.processor_use_percent. The card just disappeared from my frontend after updating. When I switch off the Show State option it magically reappears. Thanks for figuring out it’s related to the unit_of_measurement being percent. I hadn’t tracked it down that far. I guess we need to file a bug?


Probably, assuming there isn’t already one

thanks.all works

these threads are always a great example of why people that don’t have a firm grasp on HA and at least javascript/css/basic programming shouldn’t be installing tons of custom components. they aren’t needed 99% of the time and they will cause you issues. this isn’t just HA… it’s any system that has many dependencies. the thing controlling your home shouldn’t be so brittle that any update breaks it. i’ve never had an issue. it’s really not a HA problem.

keep your setups simple. if you really want to get crazy, learn the skills needed to DIY the custom bits.


Button-Card fails to render when unit of measurement is ‘%’ · Issue #16099 · home-assistant/frontend (github.com)

let’s hope for the best

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Hey my animated backgrounds stop working. Anyone else have this issue?

Hey @petro, do you have any more info about its return? I saw that Balloob explicitly called out the feature as being intentionally removed, but it was a bit hard to follow the rest.

Nope, I just know that it was removed, then the decision was backtracked sometime later. Mariushvd was having the convo, he might know more.

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Loving the new dialog for alarms (and covers and fans), but have a question about the configurability of the options shown in the popup.

My issue is “caused” by the fact that the HomeKit Controller integration generically exposes a mode (Night) which my alarm (Abode) does not support.

In the Tile card as well as other alarm cards, I can simply uncheck “Night” mode, and it is no longer shown in the card. However, in the new dialog, all 4 modes are always shown.

I realize the dialog is pulling directly from the entity to populate the modes and isn’t aware of the settings of the card it is popping up from, but wondering if there is any way to control which modes are shown in the popup?

Thanks again to the team for the excellent work.

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My google calendar wouldn’t retrieve after update, and the option to refresh credentials didn’t work. I completely re-set it up and it seems to be working fine with a strange exception. I have “next events” set up and these seem to be retrieved fine but the calendar itself displays the message: “could not retrieve events for calendars: {list of calendars included}”

I poked through the logs and there are calendar related errors complaining about “expected positive event duration” with a date given. I looked at the date and sure enough, I have notifications with 0 duration for reminders. It seems like calendar entries were being retrieved fine up until this entry, so I changed the stop time on all these and time will tell if this is the fix.

For those monitoring this thread prior to upgrade, it may pay to scrub calendar entries for compliance with what’s listed in breaking changes before actually upgrading.

Thanks for your hard work. I’ve read the breaking changes and saw no dealbreakers, so I’ve applied the update.
I have a RPI3, with a SD card, and even if update has been applied 12 hours ago, I’m getting a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error (internal URL) or bad gateway error (nginx/external URL). My database wasn’t so huge (a backup typically weighs 70 MB).
Do I have to wait longer, or has something gone wrong? I haven’t seen any report here or issue on github. Thank you!

That’s funny, I was just about to ask the same regarding this with Ring Alarm via MQTT. It only supports Home, Away and Disarmed, which is fine for the tile as I can deselect Night, Vacation and Custom, none of which do anything, but in the dialog there doesn’t appear to be a way to filter the unused ones out.

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Thanks for the feedback.

For now we just display the supported modes. But I agree, the alarm can support all this modes you only use few of them. Same for light, You can have lights that support rgb color and you don’t want to display the color but only color temperature.

This issue was already present in the previous more info. As a fix for now, I created a template alarm that control the other one :sweat_smile:


And indeed it does :slight_smile: thanks a lot

I am seeing similar DNS errors. My TP LINK devices are all broken with this core update.

23-04-05 19:35:23.960 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for dhcp: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'QueryMessage' from 'dns.message' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dns/message.py)
2023-04-05 19:36:19.868 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of default_config. Setup failed for dependencies: dhcp

What is polymer and why should I care?

out of curiosity, what do you get if you go into your custom_components directory and run:

grep --include manifest.json -r dns

I rolled my own, with several other key features that provides a poor mans role-based access control mech