2023.5: Let's talk!

QVR plugin breaks if there is an asterisk (*) in the password. It didn’t before.

Workaround is to make a new password with no asterisk.

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After updating I am now getting this error, anybody have any ideas what this is an how to fix it?

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.device_registry
Source: helpers/device_registry.py:269
First occurred: 9:06:29 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:06:29 PM

Unexpected exception from <function async_setup_cleanup..cleanup at 0x7f1be03fab90>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/debounce.py”, line 111, in _handle_timer_finish
await task
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/device_registry.py”, line 870, in cleanup
async_cleanup(hass, dev_reg, ent_reg)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/device_registry.py”, line 859, in async_cleanup
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/device_registry.py”, line 729, in async_purge_expired_orphaned_devices
del self.deleted_devices[deleted_device.id]
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/device_registry.py”, line 269, in delitem
del self._connections[connection]

I find that the tuya integration is hit and miss. I am having to restart the integration every now and then to get devices working.

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How did you restore the backup?
If I click on restore of my backup from the frontend, the Raspberry turns off but never turns back on, turning the power off and on, it turns on but without restoring any backups.
The latest update broke my scroll in all dashboards, it became unusable.

EDIT: i found what’s the issue.

        transform: initial;
        padding: 0 !important;
        position: fixed !important;
        margin: 0 !important;
        width: 100%;

This minimalist-theme piece of code under card-mod-root-yaml: breaks scrolling in dashboards.
By removing it, the scrolling works again.

This seems to have killed the custom skill. Could be some change with SSL? First everything stopped working, so I disabled skill and renabled.
When authorizing the skill the HA page comes up - but after inputting user/pass I get a message “Unable to link skill”. I’m using cloudfare tunnel (not duckdns), But this worked perfectly before. Unfortunately no Alexa now, very very bummed out.
Anyone having this issue as well? Alexa custom skill with cloudfare ?

Same errors in the log here after the update. Bluetooth seems to be working fine anyway (rpi3)

Logger: root
Source: runner.py:179
First occurred: 16 mei 2023 om 23:29:31 (22442 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:36:35

A message handler raised an exception: ‘org.bluez.Device1’. Traceback (most recent call last): File “src/dbus_fast/message_bus.py”, line 811, in dbus_fast.message_bus.BaseMessageBus._process_message File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bleak/backends/bluezdbus/manager.py”, line 854, in _parse_msg condition_callback() File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bleak/backends/bluezdbus/manager.py”, line 709, in callback self._properties[device_path][defs.DEVICE_INTERFACE][property_name] KeyError: ‘org.bluez.Device1’

new experience (might not be 2023.5 related, yet never seen before)

had a template sensor:

      - unique_id: calculated_bruto_minus_switches #renders=43138
        name: Ongemeten verbruik
        <<: *power
        icon: mdi:ghost
# filter out negatives
        state: >
          {{[0,(states('sensor.calculated_bruto_verbruik')|float(0) -
#         availability: >
#           {{states('sensor.calculated_bruto_verbruik')|is_number and
#             states('sensor.sensors_huidig_verbruik_summed')|is_number and
#             this.state|float(0) < 4000}}

that freaked out my system today. reason: the availability template apparently broke it because my power consumption was way above the 4000 after I turned on the sauna (it takes 6kW alone).

It was so bad, I could not get to my HA frontend anymore and saw the ‘Lost connection’ notification constantly. I managed to get to the yaml and commented, after which I was able to reload templates, and the system came back to me.

  1. Should that be happening, or do we have a bug here?

what’s more:

Initial spike is ESPHome updating 3 (…) bt proxies, but the second is even more worrying, because it doesnt come down again, even after the template has returned.

Sauna has long been turned off, so this template should not cause a ny trouble any more. and ye memory is still taken.

  1. do we have a bug here?

Or, are we seeing a ESPHome memory issue:

is still showing, and I cant remember it being this high? maybe the update to todays 2023.5.0 (add-on) is simply having memory trouble…

That would just make sensor unavailable. What makes you think it is the cause?

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I get the same error with the SmartThings app for every 2023.5.* version.
Tried reinstalling the app, but still the same error.
Had to revert to version 2023.4.6 to get it working again.

Openmediavault is not part of HA, so ask on the author’s GitHub. Ditto localtuya.

Not to mention that this is the 2023.5 thread, not the 2023.4 thread.

Don’t confuse LocalTuya with the official Tuya intergration.
LocalTuya works fine with 2023.5.x
I have always found the official Tuya integration to be VERY hit and miss which is surprising since it is “official” :slightly_smiling_face:

I saw it toggle between unavailable and states awfully fast, as Ive never experienced on any other entity before.
Also, it happened during that exact time frame.

Other than that, no clue.
As I said, it could als have happened during (or, maybe was made worse by) the Esphome update process.

Although my system never became unresponsive during that before. It is rather resource heavy, but cant say it blocked interacting.

Whats more, even after the add-on had calmed down, system memory didnt, and I had to restart HA, to get back to the normal situation

(getting higher upon each HA update btw …)

I am not confused. The person I was replying to had a problem with localtuya. This is not the localtuya custom component forum, nor the omv custom component forum.

I just updated and I was informed that Workday was removed from my config file, which was OK, but I encounter a problem with GivTCP entity’s via my Mosquitto broker, that it replicated all my sensors and added a _2 at the end, casing all my automatics and other stuff that I used, going south, I think I might skip this update and want for the next version

Is givtcp a home assistant integration? No I don’t think so.

So ask the person who wrote the code you are using.

For fixing the issues with ZHA i had to:
1: Make a backup within ZHA
2: Deleted the addin
3: Reinstalled the addin and restored backup

All worked again… A lot of work to rename all devices and fix all automations…

I have one lovelace view that I display with no header.

After updating to 2023.4 I needed to fix the code by using this in my theme:

  card-mod-theme: no-header
  card-mod-root: |
    .header {
      display: none;

    #view {
      margin: 0 !important;
      height: 100% !important;

Now after updating to 2023.5, it’s displaying a white header gap. Does anyone have a solution for fixing? thanks

ok now it is all broken again (1 day later) … ZHA crashes the whole home assistant atm…

I know it’s probably not particularly helpful but I updated to 2023.5.2 and had no problems with ZHA.

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Since when is zha an addon?