2023.5: Let's talk!

Hi. Just upgraded to 2023.5.3 and noticed I have lost my color border for these images. I see no errors in log.
Added: I think I know the cause and need to figure out why it is showing unknown from the image below.

Partial code of what controls the color of the border.

        - value: 'away'
              - opacity: 0.6
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-1)
        - value: "home"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-5)
        - value: "jcb"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-4)

        - value: "costco hq"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-3)
        - value: "school"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-3)

        - value: "lunch takeout"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-2)

        - value: "mall"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-8)

        - value: "grocery store"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-6)
        - value: "relatives"
              - border: 2px solid var(--severity-7)

Hi all!
I use Tasmota smart meter interface to read temperature sensors from solar controller.
After update from 2023.4.6 → 2023.5.3 those sensor values are recognized as “state changes” rather than sensor values.
Meaning that I get no sensor graphs but rather just logbook entry for every changed value.

When looked from database it seems “value” has changed to “units value” .

How to fix this?

Does your sensor have a unit_of_measurement defined?

Seems that there is no unit_of_measurement defined. But where that should be defined since values are coming from Tasmota integration via MQTT?
This worked fine before update.

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I got it working by my own. It seems that Tasmota doesn’t provide unit of measurement even defined in smart meter interface script.
I added customization to HA YAML to write unit of measurement for these sensors.

Thank you @tom_l for pointing out what to look for! :slight_smile:

You seem to be using a custom:button-card, so it is better to ask in a corresponding thread.

Some update from my case: I’ve just upgraded to the esphome release 2023.5.2 and the speaker started to work. It cuts split second of the message but the speaker works.

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Thanks a lot! I had no idea, that there was an official integration now. This solved my problem :slight_smile:

I saw some bugfix come through for the audio port. Will test tomorrow:)

on my Yellow
when I modify the new hareware settings and I reboot as required, the settings are reset when the system comes up again. I think this is a bug?

Also there is no setting for the ethernet leds.

What a great release! Being able to expose/unexpose selected entities is the best add update ever. Lightened Alexa’s load of exposed entities from 302 items down to 75. What a wonderful add. Thanks for all your hard work! Just went from 2023.4.6 to 2023.5.3 on my Pi4 with no issues at all.

You were able to expose/unexpose to Alexa already before this release. :wink:

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That’s true but it’s so much easier now.


I use electricity utility meter since 2 years, with a riemann integration to calculate the total energy Kwh, and use this sensor into energy panel to have single energy consumed.
Starting from this HA version the sensor reset probably when the energy is not used, and cause negative value into energy panel.

Do you have the same issue ?

After the update to 2023.5.3 My first 2023.5 update this month.

Didn’t get this. The expose/unexpose to Alexa was there for years, not only for some releases.

What is new is the expose/unexpose to HA speech/text engine. And now it is combines to one UI.

I am getting the same error, which is repeating millions of times in my logs and causing the system to overflow and crash daily. I have tried using both an external BT stick as well as the internal BT on the RPi. Opened up a bug report for this last week [org.bluez.Device1 Errors & Random System Crashes After OS 10 Upgrade · Issue #93222 · home-assistant/core · GitHub]

bdraco is the expert, but I see you moved to OS 10? suggest downgrading that, as it has been reason for severe issues (check the OS repo for details). Personally, I feel those OS updates are to be handled carefully, as they have serious impact. I learned the hard way never to update my production system on those OS betas…

Hello! Got a bunch of unavailable aqara zigbee sensors 7h after the update 2023.5.4, I had to force them with the connect button and some pair them again.

There was some info in this update about aqara zigbee.

Any idea why caldav is not working?