2023.5: Let's talk!

There are five hundred post in this thread. Not easy to find anything if it’s not an answer to this post.


Its called reading. Estimated 63 minutes reading time for this thread, and much less to skim for what you want.

Then there are those who simply have to pollute discussions with their comments, preferably with something negative without contributing anything intelligible to the topic at hand (yep, like me now, I know).
And funny that one name pops up all the time…


Looks like the release Home Assistant Core 2023.5.4 does not (fully) work with Unify. At least I lose the stream of the video.
Any suggestions on how to solve?

Logs would be a start.

It says in the log:

The stream is dead and there is an error reported like below screenshot:

Translated : The entity is no longer available from the unifyprotect integration. When the entity is no longer in use, it can be deleted via the settings.

Looks like you are using a custom integration, so you should either ask the author directly or switch to the official integration

I install the integration from HomeAssistant self (Settings → Integrations). I expect that to be the official integration.
What do you think is the official integration, how do I find it?

You should look for this:

I go to Settings → Integrations.
Search for Ubiquiti. And select that.

Then I get four choices:

Selecting Network works fine!

But the Protect returns an error…

The red box tells you It is a custom integration. Delete it (delete the folder in custom_component)

Thanks Makai. That did the trick. I needed to delete the folder first. After a restart I was able to add the official integration.

And thanks to all the others for suggestions.

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Chevrons still there in 2023.5.4 - why?
And no mention of it being fixed in the beta release notes for 2023.6.0

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Did 2023.5.4 take away naming backups in favour of date naming(only) them?
Can you please reverse that devs…it’s stupid idea. Date doesn’t describe the version.
Now all we have is dated backups with no idea as to what version we are trying to restore.

It is there if you initiate the backup. but not if prompted from a update.

Is it just me or does Hass OS not support USB 3.1 on the latest (8, U1) ESXi?

I’d like to use 3.1 if possible. Any idea when this will be supported?

Not for me when starting backup from /settings/system/backups/

Update: weird issue, the field for naming is now back. Matrix glitch

Can anyone confirm (or deny…) whether or not the Aqara devices issues with the HUSBZB-1 in ZHA is now corrected in the latest version of 2023.5.x?

I’d just like to know what to expect before I finally upgrade before the next monthly update comes in.

Working fine here with Aqara door, motion and plugs using the latest(although still old) firmware available for the HUSBZB-1.

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This would be very useful.