2023.5: Let's talk!

Webhooks are for sending data to home assistant, you probably want to use something like the shell_command integration to send a ‘netcat’ command (Linux version of Putty raw tcp).

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Same issue, and no, did not run any beta

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Happened to me as well. I didn’t run any of the betas.

I also saw all of my exposed entities disappear from Alexa. I like the new interface, but I use input_booleans with Alexa, and not having them available to expose by default felt a bit clunky. Rather than do the tedious work of re-exposing entities and rebuilding routines, I’ve rolled back to 2023.4.

This update looks great…I love all the changes. I did experience a couple of failed integrations (Xbox and a few of my ZHA devices), but I worked through those and got them up and running. When I discovered the Alexa/exposed entities issue I decided to roll back.

Also, I did not run the beta.


Keen to try to voice integration. Looks uber cool!

On the live stream I see essentially the desktop interface being used. I have a few Google Nests around the house and the HA app on the various mobiles in addition to the browser interface on my laptop. How can I use a Google Nest of the HA app as a voice capture device?

I am having this problem as well. It’s a P1 incident for me !!!

Didn’t read the thread before posting did you? It has already been posted about AND the solution.

Hmm… Looks like the update broke a bunch of zigbee devices for me. All the temperature sensors and some of the buttons have gone unavailable and history just seems to stop from when I did the update. Repairing temporarily fixes it too. I updated mariadb this morning as there was a new update there as well, and then there’s the mention of history/recorder here. Something related? In any case, is there a way to go back to a previous version?

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Started to receive this error from custom integrations since the install of 2023.5

hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) AttributeError: ‘ConfigEntries’ object has no attribute ‘async_setup_platforms’

Did not change anything previously to the update


ha core update --version 2023.4.06


Will the Piper voices improve with time or are they out of reach for HA?
I just listened to the German voices and they are all absolutely terrible :smiley:

English voices seem to be better, so I will test with those :slight_smile:

HACS “Toggle Control Button Row” frontend does not work with new update. The frontend loads, but the cards all error out.

so, not sure if this has already be mentioned here… but if not, everyone already using the NABU CASA Cloud for Voice Control with Alexa / Google(?)

After installing the 2023.05 - you need to make your entities available to the Service AGAIN.
The redesign removes all existing links between which entities are already exposed to Alexa / Google :frowning:

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Same for me Ecowit stopped working

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whx can’t I use my microphone in companion app?
My HA is purely local anyway. Why force SSL?

Microphone is not supported. You need to access Home Assistant from a secure URL (HTTPS) to use it.

Did you make a issue ticket on github?

Ecowit has stopped working since update

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:214
First occurred: 06:06:12 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:06:12

Setup failed for custom integration ecowitt: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘async_get_registry’ from ‘homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_registry.py)

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not yet… just noticed this right now after the update.
Unfortunately, I didn’t notice this on my beta setup, since this was not exposed to nabucasa and alexa

Ticket created:


You will need to raise that with the custom card author on their Github repo.