2023.6: Network storage, favorite light colors, new integrations dashboard

now this is a novelty, out of the blue popping up:

havent touched any add-on, and am on the beta channel, so any supervisor update would have been notified?

It’s because of the core update that has changed the default configuration used by the add-ons. Therefore to load all add-ons with the up-to-date configuration you need to restart the full HA environment. As add-ons don’t restart with a HA-core restart. Nothing to do with the supervisor updates.

but that has been 3 weeks (well almost 5 counting the betas) now… and I have restarted multiple times daily since then. so it must be something else

And where is that code and/or where is it documented?

Same here. I lost ALL automations on the UI when updating from 2023.6.1 to 2023.6.2. Also they did not trigger, although they all were present in the automations.yaml. After another reboot the automations were back on the UI and triggering. :man_shrugging:

well, not exactly documentation but we have this: What does 'The default configuration for add-ons and Home Assistant has changed.' mean? - #3 by petro

somehow thats not an explanation either

A new version of Supervisor went out 7 hours ago: Releases · home-assistant/supervisor (github.com)

After I installed it I had the same message as you about restarting addons.

The message tells you everything you need to know. I’m not sure why people find it confusing. Addons have a configuration. Something changed in that configuration. In order for the addon to use that new configuration, it needs to restart.


well, somethings iffy…

I’ve restarted twice now, and yet:


and, as said. I am on the beta channel, where Supervisor updates are announced normally, and need to be updated manually…

besides, I dont get a SU update warning and my system reports:

Home Assistant 2023.6.2
Supervisor 2023.06.3
Operating System 10.3
Frontend-versie: 20230608.0 - latest

because it is. and the restarts dont solve the issue/repair

and no it didnt…

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Whatever addon that’s not “updating” has a bug. I.e. you most likely have a custom addon that’s not updating because soemthing on it is out of date.

you can see what it is reporting, next to HA itself, all core add-ons, or the community add-ons, nothing exotic. And they weren’t updated at all

Your on Supervisor 2023.06.3 so that’s one change that’s happened recently

They don’t get updated… their config does for supervisor.

I just had the same thing happen. I pressed submit… after the restart only HA was in the list and that cleared up after HAs restart was finished

well, if the ‘streamlining the experience’ deal we had, is still on, this doesnt help…

SU should have been announced, and manually updated (I havent) so that is odd in itself

secondly, if that would have required restarting any of the add-ons, it would haven been nicer for the end-user to auto do so? why have all of this backend requirements bother the user…

Ill manually restart these add-ons and see if it fixes the repair… It sure didnt do so for Home Assistant, it’s still reported to need the restart.


that didnt help…

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Marius, hit the submit button on the repair!!! It auto does it for you. Wow.

Click submit:

and once more:
Click submit:

final restart once more, and yes, now its gone…
we have some new errors at startup to investigate in an untouched automation, but maybe that has to do with some of the now fixed add-ons… :wink: Mqtt is a suspicious contender there.

yes, it was an mqtt sensor being called in the startup automation notification, not yet being initialized after the 3d repair startup. it now is (4th restart)

You don’t need to click submit to the second one, you just needed to wait for HA to fully start, like I said 2 messages ago.

yeah, well you know, not clicking unsolicited buttons is the first thing we learn nowadays… it’s on our yearly security and anti-phishing training schedule …

that aside, I must confess experiencing this as an awful UX.
1 Supervisor was updated while it shouldn’t have (cant find the setting anymore in the configuration options, but it must be somewhere)
2 next it reports a repair it could have fixed silently in the background for me
3 we are left completely in the dark as to the why of this required repair btw

so yes, I do find this confusing, to say the least. Not a smooth experience at all.

  1. It’s an ssh setting only.

  2. No, some people don’t want addons restarting automatically. It’s an opt in.

  3. You aren’t left in the dark. The default options for the addon changed and the system wants to update them, via a restart. All in the message.

For what it’s worth, I never saw this message before during last beta. I read it, understood that it wanted to restart the addons and clicked the button. It was done in 2 minutes. All of your issues with this are 100% self inflicted and you’re upset at others. If the message translation in your language doesn’t make sense to you, submit a PR to change the translation.

Listen, I could respond to all of the single points above. I wont, as it’s futile. You blame me for being stubborn/upset, I feel you’re in denial.

let’s call it quits. It’s not my product. I’m trying to help make it better, but it’s not appreciated.
move on.