2023.7: Responding services

Hello, thanks for this release! Thank you for the awesome work! I would just like to report that after the update, the Hyperion Integration partially works. The brightness works but the switch doesn’t. For example, if i want to trigger hyperion via an automation, i won’t turn on.

Anyone else faced the same problem?

Yeah seems to be a known issue:

+1 'nd that.

wondering if this would cause the DeviceConnectionError() too

too bad this wasnt mentioned during the beta, even though both issues were reported

Time to make a registry backup and do some adjustment.

Issue reported here:

Lightning fast Bluetooth proxies


I see this has been one of the update in this release. Nice work, thank you :+1: I have also noticed that you must have ESPHome 2023.6.0 or later.

One question I have is; Has Shelly been considered / consulted in this upgrade if we are using Shelly as a Bluetooth proxies.


The new " Energy dashboard: Self-sufficiency" does not appear in the energy dashboard of my Home Assistant :frowning:
I already did a complete restart. Do I need to change something?

It was needed to update Mushroom to v3.0.0. now I see the new gauge.
Update: (You only need to clear you cache!)

Do you have solar?

I want to know what the difference is?

Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 17-32-02 Energy – Home Assistant

Seems rather redundant.

Mine are quite different

I do have solar. This is how my dashboard looks like.

It was needed to update Mushroom to v3.0.0. now I see the new gauge.
Update: (You only need to clear you cache!)

Is it already possible that you put a microphone in your room that HA recognized your voice? To send text messages.

Yeah it was just a coincidence mine were the same today. It is different for yesterday.

The top gauge shows what percentage of solar energy you produced was used in your home.

The Self sufficiency is grid import / export percent.

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When will the docs be updated. I have been seeing allot of pages refering to sensor: Which is deprecated.

A simple example is the Riemann sum integral page and many others. Also system monitor still shows sensor: When adding this i get a repair warning. I have tried some things but i guess system monitor cant be setup with something other then sensor: So i wonder how this is going to be fixed

Same issue as op, do appear to function though

Docs are updated immediately after a release. sensor is not deprecated. You’re mixing up deprecations of some sort.

If you integrate it via yaml and a repair pops up, that means it’s in a transition period. I.e. Yaml is allowed but will be removed at a future time. The repair is an attempt to get you to use the UI version.

System monitor is not deprecated at all. So you have to use the sensor version.

thanks - was too cryptic, I already used the integration but looked like I had the yaml enabled still :man_facepalming:t5:

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I don’t see this gauge at all. Is there anything I need to change for it to show up?

yes, but how do we make a new thread under this blog post?

I found after updating it did not install the new type “energy-self-sufficiency-gauge”
Do I need to install it manually?! I don’t think so.


It was needed to update Mushroom to v3.0.0. now I see the new gauge.
Update: (You only need to clear you cache!)