2023.7: Responding services

I’m so sad, you don"t repair Bluetooth tracker,… :wink:

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By updating Mushroom, you cleared your cache. Any other hacs frontend package update whould have had the same effect.

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maybe because you used 100% of your generated solar?

That would make the top graph 100% not 33%.

It was just coincidence that I used 33% of my generated solar energy and of all the energy I used 33% was self generated.

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It may be a good news but think about all the contributors who are going to lose their sleep because they’ll want to add responses to all their services call :sweat_smile:

Ask for your money back!


Every once in a while there’s an update that is just full of stuff I wanted and stuff I didn’t know I wanted but do now!

Ah haha - yeah I am simple…

Seems that something is wrong with automations.
I have two z-wave networks, one managed by Z-wave.js UI and the other managed by Z-Wave.JS.
When I create or modify automation, only devices from the primary network (the one managed by Z-Wave JS UI) are available.

Devices from the second instance are not available (I cannot search or select them).

I can see them on the dashboard and they are still available in the previously created automations (so for example copying them and pasting between automations works).


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It has been fixed in 2023.7.0

Go to your Devices & Services → Entity list. Delete the unavailable reboot sensors and restart.

You may be able to just get away with reloading the integration but I did not think to try that before I restarted.

Hi @BertrumUK I had been using the HACS version for quite a long time. I tried deleting my existing Fully integration and installing again but an error was thrown. This evening I will try again after turning on additional logging. I wonder if there was some cleanup that didn’t happen when the HACS version was uninstalled.

Hello, What are your cpu usage after updating to 2023.7 ?

Mine increase from -+ 9% to 35%. Nothing special in logs.
HA core python3 process is taking 100% cpu.
I shutdown / restart but still facing the same after some minutes. It’s like having a loop somewhere but
take time to find the root cause of this.

How do you update that image entity? I tried an image template with my doorbell snapshot image. But it is not updated automatically after a new snapshot image is created.

Your best bet would be a trigger template in that case?

otoh, I cant even figure out how to get the correct url there:

      - unique_id: last_snapshot_oprit_camera
        name: Last snapshot oprit camera
        url: 'http://<my_server>.local:<port>/media/local/snapshots/camera_oprit.jpg'
        verify_ssl: false

wont show anything

I’m seeing the same issue on iOS too. The app is freezing after 3-4 seconds after I made the update.

This url is working for me for images in www folder:

url: http://xxxxxxxxxxxx.local:port/local/platerecogniser/platerecognizer_drive_last_motion_latest.png

just got my self auto banned…

thing is I create those images using:

      - service: camera.snapshot
          filename: >
          entity_id: camera.oprit
      - service: notify.mobile_app_marijn
          message: '📸 Snapshot: Iemand bij de Oprit! 🔔'
            image: /media/local/snapshots/camera_oprit.jpg

so I have 2 folder with those images. neither of them works in that new template image yet…

That doesn’t seem right.

yes I know that seems odd. However, it is the correct path to have the IOS app serve that image to a notification, I just went outside to check it once again.

The image is written in /media/snapshots/camera_oprit.jpg

and the notification just sent it fine using that /media/local/snapshots/camera_oprit.jpg path containing the additional /local/

the other images are created using a date template, full disclosure:


    alias: Create snapshot Oprit
    mode: restart
      - service: camera.snapshot
          filename: >
          entity_id: camera.oprit
      - service: camera.snapshot
          filename: >
          entity_id: camera.oprit
      - service: notify.mobile_app_marijn
          message: '📸 Snapshot: Iemand bij de Oprit! 🔔'
            image: /media/local/snapshots/camera_oprit.jpg

what’s more, that image does not show in the Dashboard, using the type: picture-entity and gets the Computer banned because of: with invalid authentication

otoh services:

      - service: camera.play_stream
          entity_id: camera.oprit
          media_player: media_player.googlehome_hub
          format: hls

and even:

      - service: browser_mod.more_info
          entity: camera.oprit

work without issue, so its the authorization of that actual image in the media folder causing the problem, even though set ssl to false

Shelly has their own development cycle which isn’t tied to HA. If they add support for grouping advertisement data, we will be happy to update HA to consume that change.

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