2023.7: Responding services

Seems it’ll be fixed in 2023.7.1

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Yeah I saw that. Just waiting for '7.1 now.

I have got the same issue, my miscale does not work with esphome since my upgrade to 2023.7 docker.
My mi temp/hum sensors still work as are my miflora sensors. Until it’s fixed i go back to OpenMQTT Gateway wich simply works.

miscale issue is solved by esphome 2023.6.5

@disforw … Thanks for the hard work you guys did for the QNAP … Awesome finally via UI

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Upgrading 2023.6.4 → 2023.7.0 went rather smooth.
So far only one issue was observed - “Demo” platform causes errors & creates plenty of entities:

Check out this issue:

Seems that for now you can’t have both bluetooth_proxy and esp32_ble_tracker on the same device. At least removing the proxy setting from my device solved it for the Miscale.

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Thanks, will check if it also solves my issue. I didn’t read anyting in the breaking changes though.

It is rather a bug, not a breaking change

Great update!

Still unable to mount my SMB v.1.0 network share. Anyone else made it work?

Smb 1 ??? I think it’s time you update your storage :+)


How much time is it until it will be the latest/stable? As I see it is already released (about 2 hours ago), but the latest/stable still points to 7.0.


I have problems with Hyperion integration. I cant control my instances. The status in HA changes but not really.

Yes it seems to be the case. Not sure whether it is a change in ha or esphome.

so other than creating that image in the /www folder, id love to be able to create the image template sensor in media, and not ip ban the instance when browsing locally.

can this really only be done using all kinds of reverse proxies etc to create a https connection when using the local ip address?

in which case writing that snapshot to the www folder might be the simple solution indeed…

although even that image does indeed not update upon rewrite of a new capture. The image file is overwritten to capture the latest shot, but the template image does Not update at all. As a matter of fact, I can only get it to update reloading the complete template config… not even a page reload/cache clear/refresh makes the last image appear

Same problem here. Seems that the HA switch is switching on/off the effect not the light itself. Unfortunately i temporarily dont have access to my yubikeys and cannot login to GitHub to log an issue :frowning:

This is weird as there’s no mention of any hyperion changes in the changelog, not to mention a breaking one.

Could you post the link to that issue? Would love to follow that

Updated to 2023.7 bumps resources usage:

Memory use (%)

Processor use (%)

Where’s the changelog for 2023.7.1?

It’s on the blog post page. https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/07/05/release-20237/#release-202371---july-6