hmm this is the script.
import argparse
from ConfigParser import (
SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from configparser import (
SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser
from getpass import getpass
from os import path
import sys
import appdirs
from pypjlink import Projector
from pypjlink import projector
from pypjlink.cliutils import make_command, print_error
def cmd_power(p, state=None):
if state is None:
def cmd_input(p, source, number):
if source is None:
source, number = p.get_input()
print(source, number)
p.set_input(source, number)
def cmd_inputs(p):
for source, number in p.get_inputs():
print(‘%s-%s’ % (source, number))
def cmd_mute_state(p):
video, audio = p.get_mute()
print(‘video:’, ‘muted’ if video else ‘unmuted’)
print(‘audio:’, ‘muted’ if audio else ‘unmuted’)
def cmd_mute(p, what):
if what is None:
return cmd_mute_state(p)
what = {
‘video’: projector.MUTE_VIDEO,
‘audio’: projector.MUTE_AUDIO,
‘all’: projector.MUTE_VIDEO | projector.MUTE_AUDIO,
p.set_mute(what, True)
def cmd_unmute(p, what):
if what is None:
return cmd_mute_state(p)
what = {
‘video’: projector.MUTE_VIDEO,
‘audio’: projector.MUTE_AUDIO,
‘all’: projector.MUTE_VIDEO | projector.MUTE_AUDIO,
p.set_mute(what, False)
def cmd_info(p):
info = [
(‘Name’, p.get_name()),
(‘Manufacturer’, p.get_manufacturer()),
(‘Product Name’, p.get_product_name()),
(‘Other Info’, p.get_other_info())
for key, value in info:
print(‘%s: %s’ % (key, value))
def cmd_lamps(p):
for i, (time, state) in enumerate(p.get_lamps(), 1):
print(‘Lamp %d: %s (%d hours)’ % (
‘on’ if state else ‘off’,
def cmd_status(p):
for i, (time, state) in enumerate(p.get_lamps(), 1):
print(‘%d’ % (
def cmd_errors(p):
for what, state in p.get_errors().items():
print(‘%s: %s’ % (what, state))
def make_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(‘-p’, ‘–projector’)
sub = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', title='command')
sub.required = True
power = make_command(sub, 'power', cmd_power)
power.add_argument('state', nargs='?', choices=('on', 'off'))
inpt = make_command(sub, 'input', cmd_input)
inpt.add_argument('source', nargs='?', choices=projector.SOURCE_TYPES)
inpt.add_argument('number', nargs='?', choices='123456789', default='1')
make_command(sub, 'inputs', cmd_inputs)
mute = make_command(sub, 'mute', cmd_mute)
mute.add_argument('what', nargs='?', choices=('video', 'audio', 'all'))
unmute = make_command(sub, 'unmute', cmd_unmute)
unmute.add_argument('what', nargs='?', choices=('video', 'audio', 'all'))
make_command(sub, 'info', cmd_info)
make_command(sub, 'lamps', cmd_lamps)
make_command(sub, 'status', cmd_status)
make_command(sub, 'errors', cmd_errors)
return parser
def resolve_projector(projector):
password = None
# host:port
if projector is not None and ':' in projector:
host, port = projector.rsplit(':', 1)
port = int(port)
# maybe defined in config
appdir = appdirs.user_data_dir('pjlink')
conf_file = path.join(appdir, 'pjlink.conf')
config = ConfigParser({'port': '4352', 'password': ''})
with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
section = projector
if projector is None:
section = 'default'
host = config.get(section, 'host')
port = config.getint(section, 'port')
password = config.get(section, 'password') or None
except (NoSectionError, IOError):
if projector is None:
raise KeyError('No default projector defined in %s' % conf_file)
# no config file, or no projector defined for this host
# thus, treat the projector as a hostname w/o port
host = projector
port = 4352
return host, port, password
def main():
parser = make_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
kwargs = dict(args._get_kwargs())
func = kwargs.pop('__func__')
kwargs.pop('command', None)
projector = kwargs.pop('projector')
host, port, password = resolve_projector(projector)
if not password:
password = getpass
proj = Projector.from_address(host, port)
rv = proj.authenticate(password)
if rv is False:
print_error('Incorrect password.')
func(proj, **kwargs)
if name == ‘main’: