2024.3: Drag 'n Drop it like it's hot! šŸŽ‰

Have you or anyone written this up as an issue? The forums is not the place to report bugs.

Local tuya is a custom integration, please report this to the owner of that integration.

Please report a bug with the logs in the repo, canā€™t see any report there so far

I donā€™t know how many Devices you have connected to Protect, but reinstalling fixed it for me. Completely removed Protect from UDM-P trough SSH, then switched back to Official and reinstalled.

Seems like the .1 release hasnā€™t fixed the todo list issues I commented about here:

I still have the same problems and errors. Although there were one or two fixes included in the release that were supposed to address these time zone issues that myself and others are having.

I havenā€™t updated to .1 yet but I did fix the todo list manually.

its a custom one using the Power Flow Card Plus as @fabiankrauss mentioned. I just recreated the standard one and added the pieces i needed on top

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I have chosen that card and get that error, i have just updated to 2024.3.1 last night so will try and implement again now.

All my zwave lights and switches died with this update with no way of bringing them back but downgrading (hopefully). Sensors seem to work though.

Is anyone having problems with their To-Do lists? I have 3 off them and only the shopping list is showing?

Looks like HA deleted them in the update.


Hope not as I had a lot of information there.

Yes others have seen this: To-do lists unavailable

Thanks Tom. I have logged a bug report. Should I remove it?

Looks to be a timezone error

Since I upgraded to 2024.3.0 My harmony things donā€™t work neither integration nor within node-red.

Upgrade to 2024.3.1 , and report back ( After you checked your logs ! )

@bdraco Just wanted to say thanks for this!

Had my DB nuked 2 or 3 times after renaming some device, so I was very happy to spot this in the changelog :slight_smile:


Looks like Allan is on to the problem. Should be fixed in 2024.3.2


Covers/dampers no longer showing their (binary) state of open/closed regardless of percentage open? Previously had my covers for AC able to toggle open/closed via a button as I could see their state on the button (i.e. colour = open), however any cover state seems to have disappeared in this update.

	  - type: buttons
		  - entity: cover.lounge
			name: Lounge
			show_state: true
			icon: mdi:air-filter
			  action: toggle
		  - entity: cover.bedroom
			name: Bedroom
			show_state: true
			icon: mdi:air-filter
			  action: toggle
		  - entity: cover.nursery
			name: Nursery
			show_state: true
			icon: mdi:air-filter
			  action: toggle
		  - entity: cover.wineroom
			name: Wineroom
			show_state: true
			icon: mdi:air-filter
			  action: toggle

e.g. state shown before 2024.3, ā€œBedroomā€ is open:

Try to use ā€œstate_color: trueā€
I think you can even ā€œmove it outā€ inline with/under type: , as you use it for all entities

  - type: buttons
    state_color: true

Edit:however it should be default

On the other hand, iā€™ve never seen/used the type: buttons , now that my eyes are opened :slight_smile:

I upgraded, it worked the first time to not since then, no matching logs.

Not sure what you mean by " it worked the first time "

Nor this

And with above description, beside the " no matching logs " , you have not persuaded anyone to even try to understand what you mean, and which ā€œlog-filesā€ you looked in etc