2024.4: Organize all the things!

This is exactly what it does right now. You change the name, the id does not change.

If you use the UI, you would be 100% unaware.

You don’t have to. Use the UI, and it does everything for you.

Yes you could, you made your template incorrectly by not taking the dutch name and using area_id on it.

No, this solves your odd way of wanting to just use the area_id (that you made up) as a string instead of using the Area Name and using area_id on it.

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So, even my undated version of code for this automation still fails with the exact same error.

Can someone please tell me why? This worked prior to the 2024.4.0 update.

cool, Im fine.

just dont think I am odd… when I see my Area called ‘Woonkamer’ have the id ‘livingroom’…

Of course I am aware there are template ways to deal with that, just wished we shouldnt have to.

if you ask me if I want the same as with eg template entities? yes, why not, that works perfectly.

we have:

unique_id: (ties everything to this entity, and allows editing in the UI, no need for human referencing anywhere

name: As you like it (in yaml or UI)

entity_id: as above, just edit as you desire or reference this anywhere and all is fine

personally Id love to keep the name and label_id identical (thats why I compared it to the entity_id where I do the same).

my confusion stems from the way current label_id (and floor_id/area_id) is/are used as unique_id.

need to bend my brains to that
Please dont see this as an argument for the sake of argumenting, I need some time to change to this

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Then the only option for that is to have a tertiary id on areas, labels, and devices. Like entity_id with entry_id.

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yes, I guess it would require an additional unique_id in the backend architecture.
it would make it very consistent with other HA architecture :wink:


Not exactly sure what/how you mean, but if you create/have an integration, then in Settings/Label , you create a new label, or choose and existing
Then click the 3 dots to the right, choose entities, then Group by “Integrations” , Type the name of the integration in the search-box, by that you exclude everything else.
Then click select all(to the left) , then click add Label ( to the right ) …All entities will be marked with that label/labels you choose

But i “REALLY” miss a “Select All” REMOVE Label, Now :laughing: (wth)

Edit: Fixed removing all, in the same way , mark all choose Label in the top-right corner(add label), “un-tick” the Label you want to remove from all marked entities

No, it would be consistent with just entity_id, nothing else.

There is bulk remove for labels? Click the label you want to remove if it has a checked checkbox

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I took a punt and upgraded but now I get frequent restarts of Core - all other services and addons are working fine - unfortunately I don’t see anything in the logs yet that may indicate the problem

More detailed description here Maybe

I’ve had 4-5 attempts at upgrading to 2024.4.0, and despite there being no errors logged, my HASS instance restarts and tells me that I’m still on 2024.3.3, with an upgrade available.

Running Supervised, with a fully patched Debian system, no additional docker containers running whilst upgrading. Quite the mystery, so really have no idea where to look first, as I can’t find any errors logged

It made the cut but didn’t make the release notes.

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seems the entity_id is a bit too close to the label (or vice versa)

Really love this release! Haven’t read all the comments, but after using it for about an hour I immediately miss categories for the Labels view (I have only started labelling my automations and I’m already up to ~10 labels) as it quickly becomes limiting to only be able to sort them by name.

Also the sorting by floors in the Areas view is counter intuitive I think. I have a one floor apartment but thought I could make a floor for the basement in our multi family house, since I have an area for the garage (to keep entities for my bikes and car, and related automations). I had my apartment floor as level 0, and the basement as level -1. But then the basement is put on top. Makes sense in regular lists, since you usually start with 0 and go up in numbers but down in the list. But with floors it makes more sense to have the sorting the other way around, since the first floor is below the second floor in the visualization of the home, if that makes sense. So that the listing mimics the order the floors come in real life. I fixed this for now by making the basement Level 1 instead, but that really is not a good way to go.

Also when I’m on a big screen it makes no sense to only show my first two labels on the automations view, and then a +1-label. If there is space I would like to see all labels.


How do you see/change the download directory in UI? I don’t see any option for that. I see the integration created automatically because I had it in configuration.yaml, but no option/button/menu to change the directory.

with all changes to the Areas view, a lot of ‘edit’ tools clutter has crept into the regular view. It is a bit overwhelming to be confronted with all of that, when only checking some areas, not necessarily wanting to edit at all

Somehow, I wished an ‘Edit’ button would be added and only when that where clicked, all pencils and 3-dots, and the 2 buttons were shown.

Compare the UI editor for views. Click the top right menu for edit mode, otherwise just enjoy the view

I labelled all my battery-meters with the appropriate label. Now I’d like to have a history-graph with all those values, and the graph updated whenever I add a device and label the battery. But I can only select Entities.

Is is planned to also have label-selectors in such places, or is my hope futile?


edit: same goes for Glance card, for example

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Is anyone missing the device_tracker.see service after this update?

The error didn’t go away with a refresh nor a reboot. This is the yaml of that page

  type: map

Awesome! I really like all the improved organizational stuff!

There’s one thing left to wish for: I’d like to have a view where I can group different things. Let me explain: when I create an automation, it also involves one or more entities. Sometimes a helper is needed too. It would be great to be able to view all related things together. Maybe this could be done automatically, like we already have the “used in” panel on the entity page. But I would already be happy if I needed to add labels or categories to group things manually.