2024.4: Organize all the things!

I go to settings/Dashboards/add dashboard/from scratch
That open UI dialog, I paste URL and it says it is wrong, it may contain only normal characters and dash/underscore.

That didn’t happen for me. Something is going on with your install.

Hello to you,

I have updated to the latest version and am wondering why I do not have this lock function with the release? I have several doors and none of them have this “open door” function. Does this have to be activated or enabled somewhere? I use it in Germany.

I run docker image and the only difference is that I pulled latest and reloaded it.

My bad. Re-read your original post & just realised you were talking about 2 separate issues - one with this light automation & another with mqtt.

I think you added a normal dashboard, not a webpage dashboard.

I had only two options - from scratch or default, nothing else.Took first one.

Refresh your browser, or press ctrl-F5


Try refreshing your page

I’m preparing the popcorn right now…

Any News on that homematic climate stuff?

anyone else see this:

Logger: homeassistant
Bron: components/buienradar/sensor.py:823
Eerst voorgekomen: 10:05:09 (1 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 10:05:09

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/buienradar/util.py", line 177, in async_update
    await self.update_devices()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/buienradar/util.py", line 78, in update_devices
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/buienradar/sensor.py", line 761, in data_updated
    if self._load_data(data.data) and self.hass:
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/buienradar/sensor.py", line 823, in _load_data
    self._attr_native_value = round(self.state * 3.6, 1)
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

I presume this is happening on the change to Beaufort on a windspeed entity?

I LOVE the latest update that allows lots of filtering and labels, etc.

It would be nice if the “Logbook” had all the same filtering options as the “History” area.

Example: “History” tab has all these options available:

But the “Logbook” tab doesn’t have most of those:

Please consider adding all the same filter options to the Logbook. :+1:


Today I received a message in HA saying that a new front-end was available. That seems to have solved the issue for me.

… that would be by far more complicate:

Regards from Germany

Careful for anyone using GitHub - mkaiser/Sungrow-SHx-Inverter-Modbus-Home-Assistant: Sungrow SH Integration for Home Assistant for SH3K6, SH4K6, SH5K-20, SH5K-V13, SH3K6-30, SH4K6-30, SH5K-30, SH3.RS, SH3.6RS, SH4.0RS, SH5.0RS, SH6.0RS, SH5.0RT, SH6.0RT, SH8.0RT, SH10RT, SH5.0RT-20, SH6.0RT-20, SH8.0RT-20, SH10RT-20, SH5.0RT-V112, SH6.0RT-V112, SH8.0RT-V112, SH10RT-V112, SH5.0RT-V122, SH6.0RT-V122, SH8.0RT-V122, SH10RT-V122, SH4.6R - the update breaks the functionality due to the changes in the modbus handling.

It will take a moment as I rolled it back to 24.3, take as much as you can so that it will last.

Why would that be complicated?
That sorting order has existed since pretty much dawn of UTF8.


way too verbose, use filters

{{ label_devices(label_id_or_name) | map('device_entities') | sum(start=[]) }}

it’s in config/.storage/core.label_registry.