2024.4: Organize all the things!

It will, there’s a bug currently with those panels. Fix is planned for 2024.4.1

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That sorting does not exist naturally. External libs are required. What you’re seeing is UTF8 sorting.

Maybe I don’t understand exactly what you mean but like Petro said, that’s what labels are for.
Automation, helpers, scripts, etc. are all entities by themselves and so are all listed on the entities table, so if you assign a label to them, you then can isolate a group of entities, automations, helpers related to each other, just by filtering on this label.

Like this dummy exemple I just made on my staging instance:

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Bart is asking for an overview page to view everything assigned to a label, which does not exist.

At this time, you can only view all entities or all devices or all areas with a label. Not all devices and entities and areas at the same time.


Yeah, just spitballing ‘what if.’

I can see it but that probably would require a complete rethink to how you display everything at the ‘settings level’ and below. I can see where’d this is basically a table and the construct type (Device entity service whatever) is just perceived as yet another field and thefore filter-able (on the left or on top like they currently are, just expanded)

But then I can see why they didn’t - that would require conditions on what fields are displayed… Ooff yeah that’s a rough change. So to avoid that, you’d add a second purpose built interface and create a second display for everything and sow more confusion in the UI

There’s really really good reasons they didn’t do it. :sunglasses:

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Seems to be fixed for next Release

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@JayTee75 I think you posted in the wrong topic. This is unrelated.

Thank you.

just looking for some inspiration what label to add to devices. Given the device view allows me to filter on anything I would like to group the devices on, I dont really need labels there (I think).

I do want to test the template though :wink:

so, what do y’all use for label on those devices, and how do you use it in the dashboard (I mean the real dashboard, not the ‘admin’ type of tables)


think Ive answered myself here, by adding ‘zonnepaneel’ to my individual solar-panels, and doing this

{{ label_devices('zonnepaneel') | map('device_entities')|list }}

Just watched the video of the stream and it seems to me the behaviour of the checkbox above the list is not intuitive.
If single entries are selected and then the checkbox above is clicked the expected behaviour is deselection, but all checkboxes are checked.

Great release once again!

I also have problems after this update, I have two TCP gateways connected and only one of them is working after update. The second works for a few minutes then stops responding…

  • modbus modbus_tcp communication closed
  • modbus modbus_500v_tcp communication closed


  • Pymodbus: modbus_500v_tcp: Error: device: 1 address: 61487 → Modbus Error: [Input/Output] ERROR: No response received after 3 retries
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yes, but that’s a list of lists, you want a single list

{{ label_devices('zonnepaneel') | map('device_entities') | sum(start=[]) }}

yes, for the Dashboard we need that indeed, was just making it here:

its still a bit raw, and not yet added any styling or separators

nice though for starters!

and this will give you all entities in an area with a label:

{{ label_areas('great_room') 
     | map('area_devices') | sum(start=[])
     | map('device_entities') | sum(start=[]) 
     | unique | sort }}

So that you don’t need to label individual entities with labels that are only for areas.

what about that floor_entities template? Can we somehow make that smarter too?

You can get entities on a floor through…

{{ floor_areas('Downstairs') 
   | map('area_devices') | sum(start=[]) 
   | map('device_entities') | sum(start=[]) 
   | unique | sort }}

ah nice yes! thx!

btw, we can not add labels to floors can we?

a bit like with the Zones ui. we can add labels to the zone entities, but not to the Zone directly.
in the case of Floors, there is no option at all as far as I can find it

Not sure, haven’t tried it yet. Based on your screenshot I’d say no

Has anyone seen it reported anywhere that you can’t apply labels to automations that are marked as read only? I mainly use YAML as i structure most thing in packages but thought I would try the labels and categories but I can’t!

That’s expected. You need a unique_id in order to adjust any yaml entity in the UI.


id: something_random

to all your automations.