2024.4: Organize all the things!

heck I tried this to replace that template filter for the zonnepaneel label

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
    - label: zonnepaneel

but notice ( the card remains empty) the individual entities do not inherit the label from their device…
not sure if that feels logical. yet

is auto-entities not yet working as it should:

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: entities
        title: Test label auto entities
          - label: intercom speler #tried various syntaxes here....

doesnt work either even though those entities are labelled accordingly

Was the answer for Jens.

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  template: >
    {{ floor_areas('zonnepaneel') 
     | map('area_devices') | sum(start=[]) 
     | map('device_entities') | sum(start=[]) 
     | unique | sort }}

I saw the same and assumed it wasn’t working yet, it works with template though

yes, there definitely is an issue with the new auto-entities release, it does not yet work with that include filter, as is documented here GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities: 🔹Automatically populate the entities-list of lovelace cards

and there already is an open issue Filtering lights by label · Issue #435 · thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities · GitHub

but, it’s correct that the device entities d Not inherit the label of their device, as I briefly checked in the table… so thats not an issue with auto-entities, it;'s per current HA design

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Super startup improvement! :clap: :clap: :clap:
My system went from 168 seconds to 35.5 seconds! Could have been 17 seconds (10x improvement) if the last integration (Synology) was a bit faster…

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Not that i know why i should use this like this, but it works:
Automations, scenes, devices(entities), in a big pile

PS: The Include(Wired) is entities (not devices)
And i had to add “label_entities” to also include the “automation” i labeled with AlarmSystem

Not sure “Devices” is very useful, i find it better to use “Entities”( or maybe both-selective), as one gets a lot of “irrelevant” entities, when picking some Devices !

Very good was the startup development! I run it on 3 different devices. Smoother running. Thank You!

  1. Hardkernel ODROID-N2,
  2. Synology VM,
  3. Oracle VM VirtualBox

categories etc are excellent - wanted that since the start.

Am I missing something or can you only use categories on the automations, scenes and scripts pages? If that’s correct is there a plan to extend it to the entities page?

I think the idea is to use labels for those - and you can then use these label groups in automations etc - much easier :slight_smile:

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Asked the same earlier, no answer))

Click on the user’s icon then select the default dashboard.



Where are you getting the integration startup times from?

Care to share? Someone else may have the same question and would appreciate if you expanded beyond “Found!”.

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Found it. I had no idea this was available!

Go to Settings > System > Repairs, click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) and select “Integration startup time”

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Since 2024.4 my system keeps chrashing on arming / unarming the alarm system (alarmo)

So, test and report back, please.

It’s just from watching the livestream I took away that categories were for visual organising and I am looking to see if I can recreate my package organisation. I could have visual labels but as I said I thought for purely visually organising things that categories were supposed to be the way to go?